View Full Version : Ozark National Forest - Any critters there

07-31-2015, 06:19 PM
Any of you booliteers know of the Ozark NF. Is there plenty of critters to chase after whether near Norfork on the east end or Jasper on the mid west end of the NF. Is there pumpkin patches? Or, is there a peaceful place to sit once in a while even if it is later in the season. Ya got any pics of the critters you harvested from there and is there any of them hogs in the area?

08-04-2015, 07:07 AM
I have never deer hunted that area, but wife is from Harrison and have squirrel hunted some around the NF. There are lots of all kinds of game there, but the land is more up and down than sideways, if you get my meaning. Hills are beautiful to look at, but hard to hunt, and no ATV's are allowed on national forest lands, so it is hoofing it all the way. Also, a lot of the easy to access areas are "claimed" by people who have been hunting there for years and those hill people can get "tetchy" bout outsiders coming into "their" areas. Play nice.

08-04-2015, 08:07 PM
I'm from the NW area of Arkansas and not too far from ONF. I'd imagine there's lots of white tails and tree rats. Even some elk there but it's a permit only critter. Gorgeous area.

08-04-2015, 09:32 PM
@ milkman Yea, I am a Flatlander here in SE MI, but when I moved to the Northern Lower MI I went through the "if you don't drink our sage brush belly brew, boy" routine scenario. I have been going to the NL of MI for over 50 years and lived there for about 15 years or so and still get the same run down even though it has subsided a bit. Same BS as where I live now, when I was a teen I use to going hunting within walking distance from my home. Now, you can't even discharge a firearm in the whole county except at Point Mouille a man made marsh delta for duck hunting near me. MI has a few hills, but I don't think they're MOUNTAINS. I can't hunt hard anymore because of disk problems, but I might be able to walk up a hill a 1/4 mi sit down shoot a deer roll it down hill on a cart though. Or, use a boat possibly to get to something a little more secluded. No more two mile drags for this kid. The Ozarks was one of my teen dream locations to hunt for squirrels with buckskins and .30 or .32 cal percussion cap front stuffer. I got the hides tanned for buckskins, but never had them made along with never getting to the Ozarks. Just starting to check on the state. It's starting to get cold here in MI in the winters at my age and Florida is to hot. The hunt and fish licenses seem reasonable. In MI they just changed the fees to almost non resident cost for the residents. Its almost cheaper to go out west on a non resident hunt.