View Full Version : Cardiac Health

Clay M
07-30-2015, 11:42 AM
Been having some chest pains so my Cardiologist scheduled a treadmill stress test.
I went Tuesday for the test. No calls back so I must be fine.
I had to have a cardiac ablation in 2012 for SVT. They fixed the problem ,but my heart rate is still higher than I want.

I would encourage anyone who may be at risk to get the proper test done,to prevent a heart attack.

My son's father in law was 48 and dropped dead of a heart attack about a month ago.

As men get older I believe it is wise to keep a check on things like colon cancer, prostate cancer, and heart disease.

Kent Fowler
07-30-2015, 12:23 PM
Don't wait for them to call you back. Call them and make sure you didn't slip through the cracks, which happens sometimes, in my experience. Actually, the cardiologist who was monitoring the test should have been able to ascertain, at the time, any problems you might be having.

07-30-2015, 12:35 PM
Been having some chest pains so my Cardiologist scheduled a treadmill stress test.
I went Tuesday for the test. No calls back so I must be fine.
I had to have a cardiac ablation in 2012 for SVT. They fixed the problem ,but my heart rate is still higher than I want.

I would encourage anyone who may be at risk to get the proper test done,to prevent a heart attack.

My son's father in law was 48 and dropped dead of a heart attack about a month ago.

As men get older I believe it is wise to keep a check on things like colon cancer, prostate cancer, and heart disease.

Thought I'd give a 'thumbs up" here but also point something else out.

I'm 77 and have always been taught my health is my responsibilty...I've gone to the same doc for 30 years and gotten my annual check up, and preventative screening tests. Last visit I was informed that now...under Obama care I was being placed into the "annual wellness review" program...it's a strictly monitored program that any GP can "force" his medicare patients into if he chooses..the reason? It's easier for him to get paid...less paperwork and the government takes care of the record keeping...Under the rules of the Annual wellness review program if you want a PSA screening and are over 75...too bad old feller we don't pay for that any more...same with a colonoscopy...over 75 and your bottom is your problem....I asked if I could just pay for the testing and the doc said no because he's forbidden ... under medicare rules... from doing any service for payment outside of medicare.

I shook hands with the old doc and said bye bye...I'll get it covered some other place where the doctor has not yet seen it necessary to slam dunk his senious into the Annual review...may have to go to Tijuana but I'll darn well get a psa test...may not have the colonoscopy as I've been fine for years and it's a pricy proposition..but the PSA is blood test and a simple manual procedure so probably not so bad....death panels? If you are blocked from preventative screening for cancer because of age I'd guess it's a death panel's decision.

Clay M
07-30-2015, 01:51 PM
Don't wait for them to call you back. Call them and make sure you didn't slip through the cracks, which happens sometimes, in my experience. Actually, the cardiologist who was monitoring the test should have been able to ascertain, at the time, any problems you might be having.

I took your advice and called and left a message.
I was told when I had the test that the Doctor reviews the results that day and would call me back if anything is life threatening.

Clay M
07-30-2015, 05:51 PM
Thought I'd give a 'thumbs up" here but also point something else out.

I'm 77 and have always been taught my health is my responsibilty...I've gone to the same doc for 30 years and gotten my annual check up, and preventative screening tests. Last visit I was informed that now...under Obama care I was being placed into the "annual wellness review" program...it's a strictly monitored program that any GP can "force" his medicare patients into if he chooses..the reason? It's easier for him to get paid...less paperwork and the government takes care of the record keeping...Under the rules of the Annual wellness review program if you want a PSA screening and are over 75...too bad old feller we don't pay for that any more...same with a colonoscopy...over 75 and your bottom is your problem....I asked if I could just pay for the testing and the doc said no because he's forbidden ... under medicare rules... from doing any service for payment outside of medicare.

I shook hands with the old doc and said bye bye...I'll get it covered some other place where the doctor has not yet seen it necessary to slam dunk his senious into the Annual review...may have to go to Tijuana but I'll darn well get a psa test...may not have the colonoscopy as I've been fine for years and it's a pricy proposition..but the PSA is blood test and a simple manual procedure so probably not so bad....death panels? If you are blocked from preventative screening for cancer because of age I'd guess it's a death panel's decision.

I am sorry to hear about you insurance problems.
My wife has good coverage for now so I try to get the test I feel like are important.
I would definitely suggest the PSA. So far I have not had to have a biopsy, but both my dad and granddad had prostate cancer so I feel like that is the big one for me.

Good news me, heart Dr. called back and said everything looks good so far.
I am blessed..

07-30-2015, 06:21 PM
Glad to hear you're OK Clay.

I also have a serious heart condition BUT, I've decided that I will not allow the medical profession to monitor me to death. The current health care system reminds me of "Chicken Little" and I simply refuse to be driven into a cave (or hospital) for fear the sky will fall and hit me on the head. I'm not an overly religious man but I trust that when I'm wanted, no power on earth can save me, or is it prevent me from being saved?

.02 and worth every penny.

Clay M
07-30-2015, 06:35 PM
Glad to hear you're OK Clay.

I also have a serious heart condition BUT, I've decided that I will not allow the medical profession to monitor me to death. The current health care system reminds me of "Chicken Little" and I simply refuse to be driven into a cave (or hospital) for fear the sky will fall and hit me on the head. I'm not an overly religious man but I trust that when I'm wanted, no power on earth can save me, or is it prevent me from being saved?

.02 and worth every penny.

I agree , live and enjoy your life. Get what medical help you can and then let it go.
Living in the shadow of fear is not living at all.
I knew I had a heart rhythm problem since I was young. My daughter inherited it from both me and my wife. She had to have three different ablations. She is much better now ,but almost died on the table.
My heart would go to 240 beats a minute and I felt as though I would die.
The one ablation seems to have fixed the problem.
My wife had two ablations, and she seem to be fine now.

I don't really worry too much about a heart attack because I gave up smoking about twenty five years ago.
I eat pretty good. Not great , but not bad either

My son is health as a great horse. Thankfully he has not inherited the heart problems..yet..

I do trust in God. When it is my time to go, I am fine with that.
I also try to do my best to stay health for as long as I can.

I am blessed. I have the best family.I also have great guitars and nice firearms to keep me entertained while I last.:-)

I had a drummer friend that had the exact same heart problem I had.
He did not have insurance so they let him die..
There is something terribly wrong with that.

If I can play a Jazz song that someone enjoys then I am successful as a musician. My wife and I play old Jazz standards from the 40's.50's,and 60's
I worked for years to play Misty and My Foolish Heart in hopes that someone would enjoy the music.
It is a gift that I enjoy sharing with others.

07-30-2015, 07:39 PM
Don't count on those cardiac treadmill tests to be 100% accurate. In May of 2013 I had a nuclear stress test and was told by the cardiologist, "you're in remarkable shape for someone your age". Three months later I was in a major cardiac hospital getting three stents put in. I had two cardiac arteries that were 97% and 98% plugged, and the third was 83%. Amazingly, I had no damage. I was at my camp working and started getting severe pains in my back. I thought it was a back strain. Then I noticed it only hurt when I was up doing something and stopped when I sat down. I drove myself to the hospital and was in an ambulance going to the cardiac hospital within an hour. Even if you're told you're OK, watch for symptoms. Don't ignore them and get to a hospital if you're having the symptoms of a heart attack no matter what your latest test results said.

Clay M
07-30-2015, 07:46 PM
I am supposed to go back next week and get an Echo Cardiogram and a holter monitor.
The Cardiologist that called today said all the chambers of my heart were receiving blood.
I believe I am fine,and I also believe I have a very good Cardiologist.
Nothing else I can do other than get a heart cath ,and I want to avoid that if I can.
Too many unnecessary risk at this point.
I remember when they did my ablation,they had to use the electricity to get my heart back into proper rhythm.
I didn't enjoy that very much.
About 250 volts of electricity. I was asleep, but it still felt like someone stuck a knife in me and ripped me open.

Kent Fowler
07-30-2015, 09:47 PM
I am supposed to go back next week and get an Echo Cardiogram and a holter monitor.
The Cardiologist that called today said all the chambers of my heart were receiving blood.
I believe I am fine,and I also believe I have a very good Cardiologist.
Nothing else I can do other than get a heart cath ,and I want to avoid that if I can.
Too many unnecessary risk at this point.
I remember when they did my ablation,they had to use the electricity to get my heart back into proper rhythm.
I didn't enjoy that very much.
About 250 volts of electricity. I was asleep, but it still felt like someone stuck a knife in me and ripped me open.

I guess I've had about 9 heart caths since I had a massive heart attack in 1998. I wouldn't get too worked up about them as you pretty much lay there for about 30 minutes and stare at the machinery. Every now and then you might get a little twinge of pain, but tell the doc and he can correct that. The problem with cath labs is they keep the room temperature so low you could hang a couple sides of beef. They used to pile warmed blankets on you, but now they have a nifty little heated air blower that they put down by your feet. Keeps you pretty toasty.

Clay M
07-31-2015, 07:35 AM
I am not allergic to the dye, but there are always risk of blood clots. A cath is just more invasive ,and in my case I hope I don't need one.
I believe all my chest pain is coming from my back.
I will hopefully know more next week when they do the other test.

07-31-2015, 11:39 AM
Man i thought the stress test I had several years ago was going to kill me but he stopped before it did. And don't just go by the PSA, mine was OK but I was talked into a biopsy. Getting the phone call telling me I had cancer was rough, lost the prostate 7 years ago. Hated to say good but to my little friend but I was too young to out live the cancer.

Clay M
07-31-2015, 02:41 PM
Man i thought the stress test I had several years ago was going to kill me but he stopped before it did. And don't just go by the PSA, mine was OK but I was talked into a biopsy. Getting the phone call telling me I had cancer was rough, lost the prostate 7 years ago. Hated to say good but to my little friend but I was too young to out live the cancer.

I am sorry you had to go through that. One Doctor told me I would get it someday since my dad and granddad both had it.
Needless to say I don't go to that doctor any more.
I may get it, but I don't want to be told I am going to.
I refuse to pay someone to tell me I am going to die. I already know that.[smilie=s:
I should have bought the poor dude a copy of Dale Carnegie's book.
I will not allow them to shoot holes in my prostate like a piece of swiss cheese either. I get the percent free PSA test. It has saved me a lot of bloodshed and misery.
My dad got radiation implants in his prostate when he was diagnosed with cancer. It work fine for him since he died of Alzheimer's within six years.
I believe I will most likely get prostate cancer, but I will not go down without a fight, and I will not give up my prostate easily.

07-31-2015, 10:38 PM
I was on the verge of a heart attack two years ago. Thank God a cardiologist saw me in the ER. Three days later I had two stents installed. I had a 95% and 80% in one artery.

If you ever go to the ER with a suspected heart attack & they tell you you haven't had one and send you home FOLLOW UP WITH A CARDIOLOGIST!!!

What the ER will do is check your triponin levels to see if you've had a heart attack. It doesn't tell if you're on the verge of one.

I already have hypertension and madey 3rd ER visit in two weeks with very high BP. Even then when my triponin was normal, they asked if I wanted to stay or go home. Thank God my wife convinced me to stay..

What's more, had he not ordered a nuclear scan along with the stress test & EKG, they wouldn't have caught it. The EKG was normal.

When I related the story to a doctor friend, he told me the husband of one of his patients died of a heart attack a couple days after an ER visit. They'd checked his triponin and sent him home.

Get the nuclear scan. If your cardiologist doesn't agree, find another one.

Even if you survive an attack, your heart will be irreversibly damaged.

07-31-2015, 11:39 PM
Don't count on those cardiac treadmill tests to be 100% accurate. In May of 2013 I had a nuclear stress test and was told by the cardiologist, "you're in remarkable shape for someone your age". Three months later I was in a major cardiac hospital getting three stents put in. I had two cardiac arteries that were 97% and 98% plugged, and the third was 83%. Amazingly, I had no damage. I was at my camp working and started getting severe pains in my back. I thought it was a back strain. Then I noticed it only hurt when I was up doing something and stopped when I sat down. I drove myself to the hospital and was in an ambulance going to the cardiac hospital within an hour. Even if you're told you're OK, watch for symptoms. Don't ignore them and get to a hospital if you're having the symptoms of a heart attack no matter what your latest test results said.

After complaining of angina when exercising, my NP ,(Nurse Practitioner), ordered a nuclear stress test. The angina was the same as I experienced in 2002 before having a stent put in the LAD. The stress test came back as "normal". An appointment with my old cardiologist, (who now works for the VA), he said "I don't care what this says, I suspect a blockage". He ordered a catheter test, I saw the blockages,(3) myself, they were that obvious/evident. The cath doctor said, you're headed for CABG surgery, no two ways about it. The LAD, better known as the widowmaker, has 3 blockages in it, but the stent is still open. 2 other arteries were also blocked, all about 98%.

So even though the stress test was okay, that does not mean you're in the clear. 12-17-14 to now, I consider myself completely recovered. If I had not had the surgery, I most likely would be dead. It took less and less stress to get the angina fired up, and the last 2 weeks before surgery I developed chest pains after the smallest exertion.