View Full Version : Need small piece of buckskin, please

07-25-2015, 10:22 PM
In short,

my 88 yr old neighbor has passed, her husband long before. She gave me an old set of deer horns her husband shot back home in Utah. I would like to set the horns in buckskin and mount them. None of the grandsons or great grandsons hunt, but one grandson has his old rifle. I think this would make a fitting gift to go along with the rifle. Hoping someone can help, and if you know how to freshen up the old horn's I would appreciate that too.

As a side note for you veteran's,

Doreen Barney volunteered more hours than anyone else at the local USO here in Martinez, Ca.. Which saw a lot of trains filled with soldiers coming through to be shipped out of San Francisco and the surrounding area's.

Thank for any help.

07-25-2015, 11:58 PM
How big of a piece? Hair on ? If not too big I might have a piece.

07-26-2015, 12:17 AM
I have one or two full skins from my dads hunting days. Never thought of a use for them, neither did he. There might be a small piece in there, if not, we could trim some off. And, I'm in Martinez too!