View Full Version : Oh My, George was HERE!!!

07-24-2015, 06:18 AM
Somehow, our friend, George One Dollar Bill must be on vacation. Here, in sunny FLORIDA!
Had I known he was in town, I would have taken him over by the beach, and bought him some real oysters (not those Rockey Mountain kind), and a beer at some seaside place.

But, he managed to sneak in, and leave me a humongous pile of Winchester 38 special brass, long on my wish list.
I'm amazed and dumbfounded that he would do a "drive by" like that and not at least allow me to shake his hand.

So, George, where ever you are, thank you!

And, IF you go into the water, just remember that the Daytona Beach area is the shark bite capital of the world. The bikinis are great to watch, but the shark teeth will rip you up. So, be careful, and have a great trip to your next location.

And, thanks again for the unexpected 38 special Winchesters.

07-24-2015, 01:55 PM
If you had some sour mash out he might have stayed a bit longer. :bigsmyl2:

07-24-2015, 02:17 PM
I thought it was cookies and milk, and a carrot for the reind.......... oh, mebbe I was thinking of somebody else. :oops:

07-24-2015, 05:00 PM
I thought it was cookies and milk, and a carrot for the reind.......... oh, mebbe I was thinking of somebody else. :oops:

That's Kris, not George. For George, it's Jack and Cohibas.

07-28-2015, 04:21 PM
george has a mild fondness for red wine as well, beer gives him bad heartburn

07-28-2015, 04:35 PM
Whatever you do, don't leave a bottle of tequila out! George turns into mean so and so!!!! Your reloading stuff will end up on the floor and your tequila will be gone!