View Full Version : New theater shooting, will a new panic start?

07-24-2015, 04:28 AM

Hopefully not, the shooter used a handgun this time, if I understood correctly, instead of one of those "evil assault weapons". Also I think the guy had a record and couldn't legally own a gun but still it was a theater which seem to have a special significance to the antis.

07-24-2015, 04:45 AM
The leftists will always choose to capitalize on any incident to further their leftist agenda.

07-24-2015, 05:38 AM
Raging Cajun?Prayers sent for the victims and their families.

07-24-2015, 09:40 AM
The CRAZIES and COPYCATS are being STIMULATED by the 24/7 cable news cycle along with spending too much time on the internet. We need to return to NEWS AT NOON/6/AND 11.

Years ago we used to watch WESTERNS and SHOOT EM' UP CARTOONS, we didn't go around looking to commit mass murder.

TOO MUCH GAME PLAYING, folks have lost sight of reality, and that's HOLLYWOOD'S fault. (the shooting/destruction hand held or computer games continue to become more violent).

The ANTI'S search for any reason to advance their AGENDA of disarming citizens.

07-24-2015, 10:07 AM
^^^ plus very little accountability or consequence!

Bad Water Bill
07-24-2015, 10:38 AM
Was this theater a "GUN FREE ZONE"?

white eagle
07-24-2015, 11:05 AM
these type of people are for the most part cowards
making targets out of innocent people
makes my belief to defend myself and family even more a reality
no way to know if a cc holder would have helped out or not but it brings piece of mind

07-24-2015, 11:18 AM
I read this as a copy cat shooter that wants his name known and be famous (?) as the other sicko puppy that did the other theater shooting, to be noticed. Can`t wait to hear about how or where he got the gun he used. Or better yet did he just buy the gun? The anti`s are still going to try and have a field day over this. Wonder if he had a confederate with him?Robert

07-24-2015, 11:23 AM
Was this theater a "GUN FREE ZONE"?

Apart from government facilities and schools (where carrying a gun can get you arrested) do any CHL holders pay much attention to no weapons signs?

DR Owl Creek
07-24-2015, 11:34 AM
The "progressives" on Twitter are already calling for all white males to be banned from having firearms because of the Lafayette shooting, despite the fact that only 2.5% of all gun related crimes in larger cities like Chicago, NYC, LA, DC, etc. are committed by white males.


07-24-2015, 11:37 AM
Perp had previous mental issues, convictions for bad behavior, was TURNED DOWN FOR A CCW because of his past. Police said he had WIGS AND GLASSES for disguises in his motel room. He had been in motel 6 room all month, were the disguises used for ROBBERIES TO SUPPORT HIMSELF?

Bad Water Bill
07-24-2015, 11:37 AM
Here in Illinois you better pay attention to the GFZ signs and yes we do have lists of GFZ locations on several sites.

07-24-2015, 11:39 AM
Was this theater a "GUN FREE ZONE"?

There is no such thing as a "gun free" zone there are only "unarmed law-abiding citizens" zones! Of all the STUPID ideas the antis come up with I don't see how "gun free zones" make sense even to them, do they really think a person bent on committing an act of violence will not do so because he can't legally carry a gun into the "zone"? As we all KNOW FULL WELL "gun free zones" accomplish just the opposite of their intended purpose and have the effect of being chosen precisely because of their undefended situation!

gray wolf
07-24-2015, 11:44 AM
Gun free zone, no open carry no CCW carry.

He had an arrest for Arson some years ago,
Last time I looked Arson was a felony.

Why on Earth do people still think a gun free zone is a safe place ??

Oh excuse me Sir, Here's your movie ticket and
don't forget your complimentary target to stick on your back,
or would you prefer the smaller size for the back of your head.

DR Owl Creek
07-24-2015, 11:48 AM
Apart from government facilities and schools (where carrying a gun can get you arrested) do any CHL holders pay much attention to no weapons signs?

I do, but I will go into any of these establishments and explain to the owners/managers that they will not get any business from me or any of the people I come into contact with. I also explain to them that if they go out of business, the world will be a much better place!


Bad Water Bill
07-24-2015, 12:04 PM
I do, but I will go into any of these establishments and explain to the owners/managers that they will not get any business from me or any of the people I come into contact with. I also explain to them that if they go out of business, the world will be a much better place!


On IllinoisCarry they have a business card AVAILABLE stating just that.


07-24-2015, 12:19 PM
I heard on the radio just now that his ex-wife "had all of his guns taken away" when she filed a protection order against him.

I'm crossing my fingers and hoping he stole the gun, although the lefty media will still find a way to make hay from it.

Dammit, I was thinking I might eventually be able to find pistol powder again.

07-24-2015, 12:51 PM
Dammit, I was thinking I might eventually be able to find pistol powder again.

First thing that went through my mind upon seeing this was that I probably should get out early today to the LGS for a few more pounds of the powder and primers I saw when I was in there a few days ago, I resisted the urge and will probably continue to do so but I may drop by there tomorrow out of curiosity to see if the stock on the shelves has shrunk any. If so and there's anything left I might change my mind but hopefully it won't come to that.

07-24-2015, 01:48 PM
Why Mass shootings happen in Gun Free Zones,odds of an immediate stop is diminished by law

07-24-2015, 05:51 PM
Here in Illinois you better pay attention to the GFZ signs and yes we do have lists of GFZ locations on several sites.

So would carrying a gun in an IL movie theater that has a sign saying no weapons get you in serious trouble, or just asked to leave? The states I have lived in carrying a gun in a privately owned location with a sign will at the most get you removed for trespassing if you don't leave when asked.

07-24-2015, 06:26 PM
So would carrying a gun in an IL movie theater that has a sign saying no weapons get you in serious trouble, or just asked to leave? The states I have lived in carrying a gun in a privately owned location with a sign will at the most get you removed for trespassing if you don't leave when asked.

Violation of the Act is a Class B misdemeanor
(first offense). Class A for second or
subsequent offense. License suspended for six
months for a second offense and permanently
revoked for three or more violations;
All violations require a $150 fee to the Mental
Health Reporting Fund, plus any other court
costs or fees;
License must be surrendered within 48 hours

Bad Water Bill
07-24-2015, 09:07 PM
DCP not sure if you heard about what happened to another member here.

He suddenly had major problems breathing so showed up at his local hospital.

They immediately did a trake on him and he thought everything was good to go.

How wrong he was.

The hospital immediately declared that since he had the surgery he was mandated to undergo 2 days of psychiatric observation which was reported to the state and the ATFE.

No other hospital has such a rule but because of the hospitals mandatory rule he lost his new certificate to teach our required course in CCW in order to get our own CCW.

But it did not stop there as the ATFE cancelled all of his FFL licenses and gave him 3o days to liquidate ALL of his firearms including the full auto ones he HAD BEEN LICENSED TO DEAL IN.

Because of these ATFE actions he lost all of his NRA certificates to instruct others.

Also when he received his Il CCW instructors license he had purchased a 3,000 sq foot building and equipped it as a place to hold his CCW classes.

The last I heard he had set aside at least 30K to fight to get his 2A rights back and from what I have read it will be at least another year before he has his day in court.

07-24-2015, 10:11 PM
DCP not sure if you heard about what happened to another member here.

He suddenly had major problems breathing so showed up at his local hospital.

They immediately did a trake on him and he thought everything was good to go.

How wrong he was.

The hospital immediately declared that since he had the surgery he was mandated to undergo 2 days of psychiatric observation which was reported to the state and the ATFE.

No other hospital has such a rule but because of the hospitals mandatory rule he lost his new certificate to teach our required course in CCW in order to get our own CCW.

But it did not stop there as the ATFE cancelled all of his FFL licenses and gave him 3o days to liquidate ALL of his firearms including the full auto ones he HAD BEEN LICENSED TO DEAL IN.

Because of these ATFE actions he lost all of his NRA certificates to instruct others.

Also when he received his Il CCW instructors license he had purchased a 3,000 sq foot building and equipped it as a place to hold his CCW classes.

The last I heard he had set aside at least 30K to fight to get his 2A rights back and from what I have read it will be at least another year before he has his day in court.

The government and hospital goons who did this should be strung up from the highest tree. When a doctor's office asks me for my SSN, I decline. The SSN was not supposed to be some sort of personal identification number than they can use to track you.

Bad Water Bill
07-24-2015, 10:33 PM
The SSN was not supposed to be some sort of personal identification number .

The SS card I was issued in 1952-3 clearly states on the bottom line


Now everyone wants to get nosy.

When anyone asks for my SS# I give them the military answer.:bigsmyl2:

07-24-2015, 11:31 PM
The shooter had been involuntarily committed by family, he should have been on the NICS no buy list but wasn't. He bought a HiPoint C40 not to long ago and was approved.

07-25-2015, 03:35 AM
The shooter had been involuntarily committed by family, he should have been on the NICS no buy list but wasn't. He bought a HiPoint C40 not to long ago and was approved.

Of course, if you want to get picky (and constitutional), there should be no such thing as a NICS no buy list.

07-25-2015, 05:01 AM
They're already saying he was a "right-wing extremist" in one of the news articles that I read.

Personally, I think his problem was he just didn't get laid enough.

07-25-2015, 07:42 AM
DCP not sure if you heard about what happened to another member here.

He suddenly had major problems breathing so showed up at his local hospital.

They immediately did a trake on him and he thought everything was good to go.

How wrong he was.

The hospital immediately declared that since he had the surgery he was mandated to undergo 2 days of psychiatric observation which was reported to the state and the ATFE.

No other hospital has such a rule but because of the hospitals mandatory rule he lost his new certificate to teach our required course in CCW in order to get our own CCW.

But it did not stop there as the ATFE cancelled all of his FFL licenses and gave him 3o days to liquidate ALL of his firearms including the full auto ones he HAD BEEN LICENSED TO DEAL IN.

Because of these ATFE actions he lost all of his NRA certificates to instruct others.

Also when he received his Il CCW instructors license he had purchased a 3,000 sq foot building and equipped it as a place to hold his CCW classes.

The last I heard he had set aside at least 30K to fight to get his 2A rights back and from what I have read it will be at least another year before he has his day in court.


What hospital has this rule This is quite unbelievable and unacceptable

Thanks in advance

07-25-2015, 07:46 AM
Of course, if you want to get picky (and constitutional), there should be no such thing as a NICS no buy list.

Do you believe crazy people should have guns because of the Constitution?

762 shooter
07-25-2015, 08:05 AM
Do you believe crazy people should have guns because of the Constitution?

I would be concerned with who decides which one's are crazy.


07-25-2015, 08:31 AM
[QUOTE=762 shooter;3323036]I would be concerned with who decides which one's are crazy. EXACTLY*****************************

07-25-2015, 10:01 AM
There is no such thing as a "gun free" zone there are only "unarmed law-abiding citizens" zones! Of all the STUPID ideas the antis come up with I don't see how "gun free zones" make sense even to them, do they really think a person bent on committing an act of violence will not do so because he can't legally carry a gun into the "zone"? As we all KNOW FULL WELL "gun free zones" accomplish just the opposite of their intended purpose and have the effect of being chosen precisely because of their undefended situation! Yep, This is just like the lock on the building , that only keeps the honest man out. The honest man would not be in your building any way. But the thief isn't going to be deterred by the lock... Same thing with a GFZ. The Left at work.

07-25-2015, 10:52 AM
When I heard a snippet of the boy kings interview about how he hasn't gotten common sense gun control through dispite mass shootings I thought to my self wonder how long till another"random" mass shooting, low and behold bout 24 hours

07-25-2015, 02:08 PM
Do you believe crazy people should have guns because of the Constitution?

Can you point out the clause in the 2nd Amendment where the Founding Fathers provided an exception to "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" for those who are "bat-excrement crazy"?

Were you aware that there is a push in the medical profession to classify anyone who even *wants* to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights as mentally ill? If they do that, then merely wanting to have a firearm is justification for them to prevent you from having a firearm.

07-25-2015, 02:39 PM
Can you point out the clause in the 2nd Amendment where the Founding Fathers provided an exception to "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" for those who are "bat-excrement crazy"?

Were you aware that there is a push in the medical profession to classify anyone who even *wants* to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights as mentally ill? If they do that, then merely wanting to have a firearm is justification for them to prevent you from having a firearm.

Well lets just ignore those "bat-excrement crazy"? people so lots of people can die.
Then we can just cry when they come take ours

Its called common sense, "bat-excrement crazy" people shouldn't have guns, knifes, drugs and maybe a car

07-25-2015, 03:21 PM
Well lets just ignore those "bat-excrement crazy"? people so lots of people can die.
Then we can just cry when they come take ours

Its called common sense, "bat-excrement crazy" people shouldn't have guns, knifes, drugs and maybe a car

So, you're saying that the Founding Fathers did not have any common sense?

Maybe they didn't have the concept of "mental illness" during the times of the Founding Fathers, but I'm pretty sure that they knew people who they would classify as "bat-excrement crazy" and they did not see fit to provide any sort of exception to the 2nd Amendment for them.

Are you going to suggest that it is perfectly acceptable to take away the freedom of religion from those who might be "bat-excrement crazy"?

07-25-2015, 03:31 PM
So, you're saying that the Founding Fathers did not have any common sense?

Maybe they didn't have the concept of "mental illness" during the times of the Founding Fathers, but I'm pretty sure that they knew people who they would classify as "bat-excrement crazy" and they did not see fit to provide any sort of exception to the 2nd Amendment for them.

Are you going to suggest that it is perfectly acceptable to take away the freedom of religion from those who might be "bat-excrement crazy"?

Bad-excrement crazy people belong locked up. Civil Commitment, wards of the state. Not worried about the locking up too many, no way they could afford to lock up every LDS or Gun Lover.


07-25-2015, 03:35 PM
Were you aware that there is a push in the medical profession to classify anyone who even *wants* to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights as mentally ill? .

I was not aware of this. Please post something from the AMA (or similar organization) proving your comment.

07-25-2015, 05:20 PM
So, you're saying that the Founding Fathers did not have any common sense?

Maybe they didn't have the concept of "mental illness" during the times of the Founding Fathers, but I'm pretty sure that they knew people who they would classify as "bat-excrement crazy" and they did not see fit to provide any sort of exception to the 2nd Amendment for them.

Are you going to suggest that it is perfectly acceptable to take away the freedom of religion from those who might be "bat-excrement crazy"?

No I am not saying the founding father didn't have common sense.
Would you like to try again who I might be talking about?

07-25-2015, 05:32 PM
So, you're saying that the Founding Fathers did not have any common sense?

Maybe they didn't have the concept of "mental illness" during the times of the Founding Fathers, but I'm pretty sure that they knew people who they would classify as "bat-excrement crazy" and they did not see fit to provide any sort of exception to the 2nd Amendment for them.

Are you going to suggest that it is perfectly acceptable to take away the freedom of religion from those who might be "bat-excrement crazy"?

Yes they did have a concept of the that. They were, of course, very familiar with European law and it's history. In law it goes back in European history at least 2500 years. In English law at least back to th 1200's.

By reading the old state militia laws and some current state militia laws, one will find more information about how limited the government is in this area. Figure that those people that a jury would say are "bat-excrement crazy" could be limited in there rights. That said, it doesn't look like this guy would fall into this category.

A jury didn't find Holmes in the Colorado case having mental illness. "A mental disease or defect "includes only those severely abnormal mental conditions that grossly and demonstrably impair a person's perception or understanding of reality" (C.R.S. § 16-8-101.5(2)(b))". If a jury found him not mentally ill,

Very few people can be barred from having arms because of being mentally ill and to do so there really needs to be jury trial.

07-25-2015, 05:48 PM
I was not aware of this. Please post something from the AMA (or similar organization) proving your comment.

I don't remember exactly where I saw it, but I'm thinking it might have been a FoxNews article. Doing a quick Google search, I came up with it mentioned here:


Lefty Red
07-25-2015, 11:57 PM

What hospital has this rule This is quite unbelievable and unacceptable

Thanks in advance

I have to agree. I have never had a mandatory pych test due to a surgery.

07-26-2015, 01:03 AM
8 surgeries, no psych tests...

07-26-2015, 02:02 PM
Just another internet BS rumor. I asked three docs that I know, all hunters and shooters and they said they never seen anything in writing even resembling this.

07-26-2015, 05:35 PM
just another internet bs rumor.

WHAT?????? :shock:

But if it's on the internet it's got to be true!

I have a cousin that pesters me to no end with all the bul,,,,,,,, er, news he finds on the 'net and he like so many others believes every word of it! It's gotten so bad I just ignore his calls anymore, mostly it's about political nonsense and I can't make him understand that the internet is like a supermarket tabloid on steroids! When I read this I had serious doubts since I have heard a similar story before and I think something like that would have gotten the NRA's attention.

07-26-2015, 06:31 PM
Another reason why I like you Tennessee folk:)

07-26-2015, 07:53 PM
Just another internet BS rumor. I asked three docs that I know, all hunters and shooters and they said they never seen anything in writing even resembling this.

Got a link? :)

I've seen it mentioned in multiple places. I would not put it past the leftists to try something like this though.

07-26-2015, 08:31 PM
Well I searched just about every combo of "surgery", "test", "psysc" (in different spelling combos), "mental", etc I could think of and about the only things I found that even remotely resembled psych testing after surgery pertained to brain surgery and brain injuries. Not one single link could I find that related to any kind of after surgery mental testing, mandatory or otherwise, except in cases where brain disease/injury were dealt with. Of course that certainly does not mean there are none and I very well may have just not hit the right search terms but if there is such a rule/regulation/law it seems to be fairly well unknown which would seem kind of odd especially on gun related forums.

07-26-2015, 11:34 PM
The government and hospital goons who did this should be strung up from the highest tree. When a doctor's office asks me for my SSN, I decline. The SSN was not supposed to be some sort of personal identification number than they can use to track you.

I also declined when I had to get treated for a workman's comp injury. On my next visit they not only had my SSN but a fair bit of my medical history including current prescriptions.

07-27-2015, 12:15 AM
I think the mental defect argument against gun ownership is a slippery slope that we need to be very aware of. I don't have any personal or verified knowledge of a gun owner whose 2A rights were unreasonably infringed but I have little doubt it will happen if it hasn't. The Bill of Rights was written in a time when crazy folks were either confined or closely monitored. Today's mental patients are (for the most part) successfully medicated and hard to distinguish from the general population...until they go off their meds or have some other episode.
The question we need to consider is whether or not we want the medical profession determining who is fit to buy or own a gun. Remember that even though "medical misadventures" kill by far more folks than guns the medical profession as a whole is very much anti-gun. Most of the docs and medical health professionals I know are either pro-gun or on the fence but like the LE community the upper level folks carry a bit more weight in this argument and they get the most press.
I've seen the ER GS wound "victims" and can almost understand why the medical profession is a bit tired of treating GS "victims". Truth is, many on these "victims" were mutual combatants or attackers. The medical professionals treating them often have no way of knowing this, they're committed to health care, not judgement.
Sorry about the thread drift, just an issue that is very complex and worthy of serious thought.
In TX, private property and most government facilities must be properly posted. On most private property the premises are improperly posted and I generally ignore the signs. If it's a private premises and properly posted I generally go elsewhere to take care of business. By posting that sign they have notified me that they don't want my business and I will comply, in most cases. In many cases the property owner must determine that I'm armed and ask me to leave, if I comply I haven't broken any laws.
Back to the OP, I wish I knew. I don't know what was going thru this guy's mind and if it weren't for today's political climate this would just be an isolated, tragic incident. I'm looking to upgrade my carry gun and quite honestly I'm afraid to wait too long. The next rush is only a news conference away, IMHO.

Gator 45/70
07-27-2015, 04:57 PM
The two ladies are being buried today.
Jillian Johnson is playing the ukulele on the left
and a picture of my Welcome To Lafayette YOU will not protest our funerals Flag
Lafayette Strong consists of 15K strong pledged to respond to ANY outside protesters and I'm a member standing by

That is all.

07-27-2015, 05:18 PM
Gun free zones (and many laws are not preventative tools they are little more than a litigation aides. All they do is help get convictions AFTER THE FACT............which rarely helps the victims...............

07-27-2015, 06:29 PM
Gun free zones (and many laws are not preventative tools they are little more than a litigation aides. All they do is help get convictions AFTER THE FACT............which rarely helps the victims...............

Convictions? They don't even charge the ones that kill themselves. Law enforcement long ago lost a lot of its effectiveness as a deterrent. I seems that criminals don't worry about what is legal or not, surprise.


07-27-2015, 10:25 PM
I can actually think of 2-3 surgeries that require you to have at least the 20 questions visit . Gastric bypass is 1 . 1 must be involuntarily committed which does require a court order but not necessarily a trial.

I think there is either more to the story or 100 s of suits coming .

Bad Water Bill
07-27-2015, 10:37 PM
When chain gangs were used and prisoners had to actually work while they were there Jail was a deterrent.

Then some "goodie 2 shoes judges ruled that such things were cruel punishment and now jail time is a vacation.:evil:

07-28-2015, 01:26 AM
When chain gangs were used and prisoners had to actually work while they were there Jail was a deterrent.

Then some "goodie 2 shoes judges ruled that such things were cruel punishment and now jail time is a vacation.:evil:

just wait... They will claim that not having internet access is cruel and unusual punishment...

07-28-2015, 03:30 AM
Some prisons do have internet access! Heavily monitored and a lot of things are blocked but it is there!

Bad Water Bill
07-28-2015, 03:43 AM
Are they issued OBUMMER PHONES as the iron bars slam closed?

07-28-2015, 04:13 AM
I can actually think of 2-3 surgeries that require you to have at least the 20 questions visit . Gastric bypass is 1 . 1 must be involuntarily committed which does require a court order but not necessarily a trial.

I think there is either more to the story or 100 s of suits coming .

I can confirm this one, as a friend of mine just got a bypass done about a year ago and they required that he get a psych eval as a condition of doing the surgery.

07-28-2015, 08:28 AM
I am all set for powder. bullets, lead, brass and primers. I will order another 4 stripped AR15 lowers and parts kits....might even get a few 308 lowers also. I think 12 AR's are enough.

07-28-2015, 01:14 PM
Harter66 is correct, http://www.obesityaction.org/educational-resources/resource-articles-2/weight-loss-surgery/why-is-it-required-to-have-a-psychological-evaluation-prior-to-weight-loss-surgery
There are other conditions that should require a psych eval - pertaining ONLY to the success of the surgery. Thought policing is NOT a proper condition. Obummer has already installed prohibitions for PTSD, and wants to install prohibitions for SS elderly that are unable to handle their finances - 'but-wait' that means he gets to ask questions!! There is the rub. I guess if I can pay my bills, he shouldn't be able to ask. Now, should a severe dimentia patient HAVE a gun? Has more to do with kids/family taking care of ill than gov. intervention. So far, all you have to do is lie about mental condition to buy a gun. Seems like they want a no-buy/no-fly list. We know how well that works. I guess most of the surgeons I've seen figure if I can tell good jokes before surgery I'm sane. I do think I startled my GP when I said 'if I don't wake up in the morning - I just don't wake up" - just a fact.

07-28-2015, 01:17 PM
You all know that Obama's latest gun control target is Social Security recipients who display mental challenges.
You would probably be right if you surmised that Obama's minions didn't come up with the idea last Tuesday. It has surely been in the works for weeks, probably several months, and maybe a year.
If this gun control push was going to resemble others in the past, you might expect to see a shooting incident occur at about the same time as the new push is announced, and ...

Hello Lafayette!

Look at John Houser's picture. Does he resemble everybody's Social Security Dad?

Yeah, the media has 'moulded' him into the unsociable, paranoid, violence prone, talk radio, right-wing nut that they want to associate all of us with. And, the public will get that connection if they listen to the media, or read their reports.

But, for people who only look at pictures, John Houser's mug personifies the kind of person Obama is after right now.
That will get them to nodding in total agreement with BHO's plan to 'get control of' those pesky old guys with too many guns.

I would say Houser was custom tailored during an extended 'association' with the network of 'mental health professionals' who manage the stable of 'shooter kooks' from which they pick out the one most suitable for the next incident.

They gave him a final tune-up and his suicidal post-hypnotic suggestion before turning him loose in a state (not his own) where he could (also) cause major discomfort for a conservative Governor.

Gator 45/70
07-28-2015, 04:16 PM
2 of the baddest men in the US stopped by and placed flowers and said prayers for the dead and wounded,

You won't see these pictures on main stream media.

07-28-2015, 04:41 PM
My doc just gives me THE LOOK after he goes over all the blood work and I say "so I'm good to keep on with the bacon sandwichs and cast iron pans !"

As far as my work physical goes,I've given up everything but bow hunting for the purposes of noise abatement.

I have to wonder what the payout is for 5 felonies and suicide. Do you get a contract for never paying taxes again or an open ended lifetime "over payment" on your tax return? Witness protection maybe you just get to be a new person your heirs I mean of course ,because you're dead obviously.

07-28-2015, 10:35 PM
It impacted my wife. Last week she told me "don't you ever take me to to a theatre without you having a concealed carry"

cajun shooter
07-30-2015, 09:18 AM
You all know that Obama's latest gun control target is Social Security recipients who display mental challenges.
You would probably be right if you surmised that Obama's minions didn't come up with the idea last Tuesday. It has surely been in the works for weeks, probably several months, and maybe a year.
If this gun control push was going to resemble others in the past, you might expect to see a shooting incident occur at about the same time as the new push is announced, and ...

Hello Lafayette!

Look at John Houser's picture. Does he resemble everybody's Social Security Dad?

Yeah, the media has 'moulded' him into the unsociable, paranoid, violence prone, talk radio, right-wing nut that they want to associate all of us with. And, the public will get that connection if they listen to the media, or read their reports.

But, for people who only look at pictures, John Houser's mug personifies the kind of person Obama is after right now.
That will get them to nodding in total agreement with BHO's plan to 'get control of' those pesky old guys with too many guns.

I would say Houser was custom tailored during an extended 'association' with the network of 'mental health professionals' who manage the stable of 'shooter kooks' from which they pick out the one most suitable for the next incident.

They gave him a final tune-up and his suicidal post-hypnotic suggestion before turning him loose in a state (not his own) where he could (also) cause major discomfort for a conservative Governor.

MC, Houser was from Alabama and he purchased the gun in Alabama, "NOT LOUISIANA" He drifted into Louisiana and while staying at a Motel Six, he went to several different movie theaters before choosing the one where he was able to park his vehicle by an exit door. He was crazy, that is without a doubt but he planned in escaping out that exit. The very fast response by the Lafayette PD caused him to go back into the theater and shoot himself. His room contained many wigs, eye glasses and other items to change his appearance. He had enough brains to figure out he didn't want to be caught. Later David

mold maker
07-30-2015, 09:32 AM
Any person that takes random lives is crazy, but that's no excuse.
Why we have long drawn out trials beyond guilt and sentencing is beyond me.
If guilty, the next morning isn't soon enough. The less time and publicity, the better.

Bad Water Bill
07-30-2015, 10:19 AM
Any person that takes random lives is crazy, but that's no excuse.
Why we have long drawn out trials beyond guilt and sentencing is beyond me.
If guilty, the next morning isn't soon enough. The less time and publicity, the better.

We had a cereal killer here in Illinois where they found countless bodies buried in his basement,back yard and several other locations yet he sat on death row costing taxpayers countless dollars each year for more years than I can remember.

Yes he FINALLY died in prison but not by execution which should have happened after it was proved that he had killed most if not all of the bodies in the basement and back yard.

Your victims did not have an option to ask for an extension of their lives so why should he or any other killer?

30 days then ZZZAAAPPP.

mold maker
07-31-2015, 08:42 AM
The latest figure I've seen on cost to taxpayers, was $80 K a year for each in jail, not max prison. Just how many working stiffs does it take to support this waste?
How many illegals are sucking up needed air, at our expense.
At the rate the health care for seniors is headed, I might need to commit a crime to get care.