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View Full Version : Ever have one of "those days"

07-20-2015, 05:34 PM
Wife and I are leaving for Key West tomorrow. In the mad dash to get things wrapped up for just the two of us to leave, nothing can seem to go our way.

I was late getting out of work which put me in the heart of Atlanta rush hour traffic adding over an hour to my commute, my wife has lost both our debit cards and can't find them. I get home to see my 22 month old running out into the cul de sac naked. I'm not sure if he learned how to defeat the child lock or if the door was left cracked open and pushed in by one of our dogs. After wrangling him inside I noticed a glint of brass in the grass. It seems he got into my bucket of 223 brass which was in the garage and was using his dump truck to move it around the front yard into piles. I run to the bank and get some cash (remember our debit cards are MIA). It'll be 2 weeks before I get a new one. No big deal, I can manage. I get home and helped mamma bear get the kids ready and she's off on a 4 hour round trip to drop the kids off at her mothers house. I picked up the brass. Probably 2-300 pieces. Noticing how my neighbors yards are freshly cut I hop on my mower and buzz the grass. By that time the mail lady shows up and I go to grab the mail and notice that my neighbors drivers side car window is shattered. Dang. Must of flung a rock or something even though I don't recall hitting anything. I csll
my neighbor who is in Orlando on vacation. Let them know and go grab a contractor bag to cover it up. Of course I can't find any painters tape or equivalent. I now have a brief window to clean the house and get things packed for our trip and grab a few hours shut eye. Did I mention I've only had 4 hours sleep in 2 days. Ugh.

On the bright side, it's mostly minor stuff. I have an understanding and awesome neighbor. I am waiting on the UPS man to deliver a few goodies and my wife has informed me she bought me a Smith M&P Pro series 9mm to replace one I had to let go a few years ago......and she loved the Kimber Solo, but wants to go gun shopping with me later. My kids are healthy, my wife is awesome
and the weather is supposed to be nice in Key West.

As the David Worley song goes "sounds like life to me".

07-20-2015, 05:41 PM
Leave!!!! Get your *** to the beach before something else happens!
This right here is exactly why humans need a vacation once in a while. Take care of yourself!

07-20-2015, 05:55 PM
Yeah, had one of those days on Friday

country gent
07-20-2015, 06:16 PM
Not as bad as yours but today started out rough. Saturday I started a batch of beef jerky. sliced up a 5Lb shoulder roast 1/8-3/16 thick against the grain. and put in fridge to marinate saturday and sunday. Also put a bag on hickory wood chips to soaking saturday. Got up today to start smoker to smoke dry cure it. Found out the charcoal was rianed on saturday and wet still. Took forever to get it going. Finaly got a good small bed of coals started and put meat on and a handfull of wood chips. Added a few briqettes and chips every 45 mins temps hovered right around 200* worked it all day like this from 11:00 to 5:00 I snucke a sample piece of and is it ever good. About another hour to go though. Was a rough start but in the end temps held good and heavy smoke all day. One nieghbor called wanting to know what was smelling so good so Ill have to dropp a few pieces off to them now.

country gent
07-20-2015, 06:20 PM
And the roast was on sale cost me $11.00 the bottle of woschteshire sauce was a couple bucks salt pepper and a little onion for the marinade. I now have about 4 lbs of beef jerky for matches and snacks. My only problem is my shooting partner sneaking what I bring for a match. LOL

07-20-2015, 06:33 PM
Wave on your way through. If you are driving you will pass within 5 miles of my house. :D I am heading down there myself in 3 weeks for a couple days vacation, then back to work. :D What seems major today could seem minor in comparison tomorrow.

07-20-2015, 09:41 PM
Been there done that. I spent 35 years in a very demanding and dangerous job with lots of days like you are describing. Days like this make you appreciate your down time more. When you are laying on the beach with that adult beverage and watching the sun set it will all seem funny. Enjoy your vacation.

07-20-2015, 10:39 PM
Sounds like my typical day at work when I was at the casino... every failure was an emergency and it was nothing to have 5 major problems going at once with only 1 senior tech to repair them(me). The junior techs could swap a bad monitor or a bad bill acceptor on a slot machine but beyond that they hit the off switch and called me. Add in having a lousy communications system for the slot accounting that failed every time the power flickered and I had a lot of bad days.

07-21-2015, 12:51 AM
you mean like the day in December that my cloths dryer caught fire , while I was putting it out my eggs burned to the pan , I got the fire out after finding the first fire extingusher was bad , when I had that out I went strait out side and started into the dry heaves , I guess I really wasn't hungry for eggs after all , I got to go to the hospital for smoke inhalation really bad when you can't remember the number to call work , it's the same number I give out at least 5 times a day for the last 17 year and woke up to the furnace short cycling the next morning and the house is 54 and falling.

07-21-2015, 01:14 AM
My kids are healthy, my wife is awesome...

This is the important part, all else is mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.

Have fun on vacation.


Southern Son
07-21-2015, 04:41 AM
Well, it is better to come home and find you 22 month old running buck naked into the street that to come home and find you 22 YEAR old running buck naked into the street. My dad never looked at me the same after that day......................

07-21-2015, 09:40 AM
must be something about that age , it was about that age that my son liked to run in to the street , one day I was running him a bath and I heard the screen door slam shut , I went to see what it was and he was already in the street , this 16 year old girl had stopped the car in the street and they just kind of stared at each other till I ran out there and grabbed him.

I put up a fence a few weeks later it let my wife sleep better to know the house was completely surrounded by 4 feet of chain link and I actually had to keep locks on all the gates that fist year

he was a Houdini he could get out of any car seat and could open any fire code approved door handle or dead bolt , my mother bought little alarms for the doors that are liek littel smoke detector squealers with a magnet that mounts to the door you turn them on and keep them at the top edge of the door so that the kids can't reach them after he spent a nigh there and they found him in the morning on he porch having opened 2 dead bolts went out for a stroll and came back and was sleeping on the couch in the 4 season porch with the door wide open.

all scissors and tools needed to be kept put away , he got a hold of my gerber multi tool opened it up and cut the cord off the vcr while it was still plugged in and my multi tool has the arc burn to show it , but he is stupid lucky he got the common first and never got shocked as hot arced to common he got another cord with a scissors but they had plastic handles.

07-21-2015, 09:48 AM
WE ALL HAVE EM...................MOVING ON and quicker the better. Have a great vacation!!!

07-21-2015, 09:32 PM
Had a few sorta like that myself. At one point was responsible for Boeing's F/A-18 mission computers. Got a 50 million dollar plane out of the hanger ready to go flying and both computers quit. And I am the only guy in town from my computer company. Happened that someone messed up the inventory and I can't find replacements to get this thing in the air and sold to the Navy. Pressure, Na. These little things could ruin my day, my blood pressure, and my stomach acid level.
Ole Jack

07-21-2015, 09:37 PM
I've been having one of those days for the last 6 months.

07-21-2015, 10:35 PM
we about droped a semi with a half million dollar pump rig off the side of a mountain today. steep grade, dirt road, sharp curves, middle of nowhere, rain, mud, all tires chained up, axles locked and still could not pull the hill, slid backwards towards the edge and got it stopped right at the point of drop off, had to get out the passenger side. and to top it off NO CELL SERVICE. escort pickup made it to the top of the mountain and got cell service, took 4 hours for the dozer to reach us, he just went ahead and drug us all the way to the top.
yah it was one of those days but at least we are still here to talk about it, oh yah this is my 2nd day on the job, started on Monday.

07-21-2015, 11:41 PM
I've had one of those days. I apparently went sleepwalking this morning around 3 am. Walked into the stairwell, and bounced all the way to the bottom, bounced off a wall, and ended in the kitchen. no idea how long I lay there before I could move. I had no idea where I was. I was finally able to get up, and felt my way along the wall, until I recognized the living room, and realized I was home. I got a light turned on, mopped off some of the blood, and made my way back to bed in some serious pain. Scraped one leg from knee to toes, can't put on a shoe. Foot and ankle swollen considerably. Toes sprained, fingers sprained, hand hurts, knee and elbow hurting, blood blisters on some fingers. Couldn't do anything all day.
Oh yeah, took a big patch of skin off my butt, too!

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

07-22-2015, 07:56 AM
Hey waksupi, it could have been worse. My cousin, yes the one with the PHD after her name went through the wrong door in the middle of the night, fell down the stairs and wound up in the hospital. Cracked her head and broke both wrists rather badly.

On the other hand I trip walking across the carpet.

Everyone b careful out there.

07-22-2015, 10:31 AM
Kinda sounds like the last 60 odd years of my life! We had a saying, 'Putting the cart before the horse." which could mean about anything or about any problem you`re going thru. Have a nice time when you do get away.Robert

07-22-2015, 07:46 PM
Hmmm. It seems my wife is on one of her episodes. My apologies. I can assure you I tell nothing but the truth. I will leave it at that.

mold maker
07-23-2015, 01:30 PM
I'll let ya know if I ever find out what a normal day is. I thought what the OP described sounded about normal.
What was it Roy on Hee Hay used to say ? "If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all"