View Full Version : soft lube

07-19-2015, 10:11 PM
Hello friends,

I have some questions regarding lube. I currently cast and load for several calibers in both pistol and rifle. My loads are limited in velocity intentionally. I just plink and so 1400-1500 fps max is fine. I use 45-45-10 and now BLL and I am very happy.

I want to step up my rifle rounds in my 1903 to about 1800-2000 fps for 300 yard time-wasting, I mean target practice. In that spirit I have purchased gas checks. Now I want to try a stick lube. I bought an assortment of sticks from White Label, they are kind enough to sell one stick at a time for low volume guys like me.

I have pan-lubed a bunch of bullets with very good results, the BAC seems terrific. But being a tinkerer I want to find a lube that is soft enough to spread in the lube grooves by hand. I saw a video on Youtube of a fellow doing this and it fascinated me.

I have read that LBT Soft is easy to apply with a finger. I don't want to buy a lubrisizer(spelling?) as I won't use it that much.

My questions are: Has anyone done this before? If so, what lube did you use? Would someone here part with a small sample of LBT Soft? I will of course pay for it and the shipping.

On the LBT website it looks like the minimum order is 10 sticks. While the price doesn't seem unreasonable I don't want to have that much on hand in case it doesn't work for me. I didn't want to contact LBT and ask for a sample. I am sure they would be happy to help as everyone in this business is but I am equally sure that they are very busy.

Has anyone "softened" BAC to make it work this way?

I have to admit I have been spoiled by tumble-lubing. Any help and or suggestions are welcome. If this is out of line please let me know.

Thank you in advance for your time,

Steve in N CA

.30/30 Guy
07-21-2015, 08:45 AM
The 6661 that I have made is softer than most and is very easy to finger lube with.

07-21-2015, 08:50 AM
I use the LBT soft lube. It indeed can be applied with fingers to the lube grooves. I also tumble lube some calibers and pan lube with some Felix lube that I made from instructions on this forum. PM me your address and I can send you a sample of the LBT soft lube.

07-21-2015, 12:51 PM
just add some Vaseline to the bac.
I always added lanolin to mine it adds flexibility and a little tackiness.
the Vaseline will 'thin out" the bac and make it more susceptible to the heat from your hands.

07-21-2015, 07:32 PM
To everyone that responded a big thank you. A member has generously offered me a sample of lube. I will also try to modify some of the lube I have on hand.

Thanks again,

Steve in N CA