View Full Version : And the PC front keeps pushing forward

07-14-2015, 09:37 PM

NAACP demands removal of Confederate monumentShreveport's National Association for the Advancement of Colored People branch and the National Action Network is asking for the removal of a local Confederate monument.

This call to action echoes across the nation as state governments and corporations alike begin removing symbols of the Confederate States of America.

"The Last Confederate Flag," which depicts the four generals of the Confederacy and a Confederate soldier, stands tall in front of the Caddo Parish Courthouse on Texas Streets.

"It's a glaring monument," said Lloyd Thompson, president of Shreveport's NAACP branch.

Thompson said now is the time to relocate the statue.

"We shouldn't have a statue like that in a place where people have to walk by it on their way to plead a case or face a judge," Thompson said.

Artis Cash, NAN branch president, said the first step in the monument's removal will be to talk to the 12 Caddo Parish commissioners in the hopes of rallying their support.

He said if they get the support they need, removing the statue should be easy.

"The situation is such that we should be able to get it down quickly," Cash said. "From what we've been told it should not be a major feat and is going to cost between $200,000-$300,000."

However, Cash said some believe the removal of the statue is not up for debate.

Claims that the land the statue sits on is owned by the Daughters of the Confederacy, which would make it private property, but Cash rebuts these claims stating the parish courthouse is public property and can't be owned by a private entity.

Still, despite any opposition, Thompson said he will do what is necessary to makeCaddo residents stand up and unite to push Caddo into the future.

"Now is the time for the community to come together and say 'Let's appreciate the past, but let's move forward,'" Thompson said.

http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/e66a11fc922a117b1b53d866f6423337e75b5d1a/c=240-0-4016-2832&r=x383&c=540x380/local/-/media/2015/06/24/Shreveport/B9317847856Z.1_20150624142857_000_GRIB5UQFN.1-0.jpgThe Last Confederate Flag inscription (Photo: Zach Beaird/The Times)


NAACP protests Confederate memorial ceremony in Baltimore

As recently as 2000, the NAACP was pledging that they would never attack Confederate symbols located in a Cemetery or a Museum. They claimed that even though they protested Confederate symbols everywhere else, they would draw the line at museums and cemeteries. A few years later the NAACP started aggressively protesting Confederate symbols at both cemeteries and museums.

On January 17th, the Baltimore NAACP not only protested at a museum, they protested a memorial ceremony at a museum. It was a scene that strongly resembled the funeral protests of the Westboro Baptist Church.

About fifty members of the Baltimore NAACP and a Baltimore Quaker group protested an annual Confederate memorial ceremony at the Lee-Jackson monument near the Baltimore Museum of Art.

The event was organized by Maryland Division United Daughters of the Confederacy and the Harry W. Gilmor Camp #1388 Sons of Confederate Veterans. About one hundred people attended. The event has been held every year for over 60 years.

Quakers are a tiny, dwindling church that has always been at the forefront of radical left-wing causes for the past two hundred years of American history. The church is also known as “Religious Society of Friends.”


NAACP: Banish Confederate symbols from Stone Mountain

Rock outcropping features carving of Confederate heroes Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson

Following the removal of the Confederate flag from the South Carolina's State House grounds, the next battleground in the debate over racially charged Civil War symbols may be Stone Mountain, a historic site and tourist attraction northeast of Atlanta, Georgia's largest city.

The mountain is actually a massive rock outcropping, 825 feet high, whose north face contains a bas-relief carving of Confederate heroes Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson.

The Atlanta branch of the NAACP is calling for the immediate removal of all Confederate symbols from Stone Mountain Park, state-owned property that also houses a Civil War museum, hiking trails and other attractions.

Richard Rose, president of the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP, said the carving and surrounding depictions of the Civil War offer a false narrative and have no place on public property.

"That carving is a great piece of art, but it was commissioned out of hate and white supremacy," Rose said. "The state should not be supporting or condoning white supremacy with my tax dollars."

The request is part of the chapter's call to take down all signs of the Confederacy at Georgia-owned properties.

But John Bankhead, spokesman for the Stone Mountain Memorial Association, which maintains the park, said the property is self-sufficient. Park maintenance and operations are covered by revenues, not tax dollars, he said.

The Georgia legislature formed the SMMA after the state purchased the park and its surrounding land in 1958.

In addition, changes to the park must be approved by the state government, Bankhead said.

"This park is protected by the law," he told CNN. "The decision has to be made by the legislature for any changes to be made here."

A Confederate battle flag -- the same type removed by South Carolina -- flies at the park. Someone stole it last week, although the flag was quickly replaced.

Bankhead said there is no reason to remove the flag since the park is designed as a memorial.

"This is set up by Georgia law as a museum for the Confederacy," he said.

But Rose takes issue with characterizing the park as a museum. He said the carving -- which is 200 feet tall and larger than Mount Rushmore -- was done to support what the Confederacy stood for. The accompanying museum offers a false history by diminishing slavery's role while claiming the Civil War was mainly about states' rights, he said.

"The assumption that there is a historical context is fallacious," he said. "What should happen is to tell the whole story and not this revisionist history about what the war was about."

The museum and mountain are only part of the draw for the more than 4 million visitors to Stone Mountain each year. One of Georgia's biggest tourist attractions, it also offers an adventure course, a laser light show and a tram ride to the summit. These are run privately by a contractor, Herschend Family Entertainment.

Success as a tourist attraction has not overshadowed the mountain's dark history, though.

A century ago, Stone Mountain was the site of the 20th century revival of the Ku Klux Klan. A small group of Klan members climbed to the top of the mountain in 1915 and burned a cross.

Martin Luther King Jr. later referenced the mountain in his famous 1963 "I Have a Dream" speech, in which he said, "Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia."

Rose, the NAACP chapter president, said that Georgia's ownership of this property is part of government-sponsored hate, not history. These depictions only further divide the nation and are why such symbols should be removed, he said.

"The part of continuing the notion of white supremacy must change," he said. "At some point, we must be one country."

07-14-2015, 09:51 PM
I am going to buy a Stars and Bars flag if I can find one that is US made and possibly supports one of the groups being attacked by the PC crowd.


07-14-2015, 09:52 PM
Oh..... if they don't want the state spending their tax dollars on something they are against...... let me get in line!!!! I got a few suggestions about that myself!!!!!

smoked turkey
07-14-2015, 10:03 PM
They are working their way toward the American Flag. That is the real prize.

MT Gianni
07-14-2015, 10:07 PM
In these days of equality, when does the advancement of one color over another become offensive to the rest?

07-14-2015, 10:12 PM
I live in the Last Confederate Capital.

07-14-2015, 10:14 PM
In these days of equality, when does the advancement of one color over another become offensive to the rest?

I hear ya dude I HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH GREAT NEIGHBOR friends and family.

07-14-2015, 11:40 PM
Kind of reminds me of Isis and it's attempts to destroy history and art. Why don't we have a book burning while we are at it?

07-14-2015, 11:55 PM
Kind of reminds me of Isis and it's attempts to destroy history and art. Why don't we have a book burning while we are at it?

Coming soon to a school/library/church near you!

07-15-2015, 12:50 AM
Coming soon to a school/library/church near you!

07-15-2015, 01:16 AM
I say PI$$ on all of 'em!

07-15-2015, 01:29 AM
Reminds me of when those tolerant and peace loving muslims did this.


07-15-2015, 01:50 AM
Utterly disgusting what is happening. I, also, just heard that PC people are targeting homes and places that fly the Stars and Bars. They either commit acts of vandalism or take down the flag and destroy it or both.

07-15-2015, 07:50 AM
naacp has taken the role of the Taliban and isis in this country. trying to remove or destroy any reminders of the past. I say sink them and the slave ship they claim to have come over on.

Bad Water Bill
07-15-2015, 02:28 PM
Any bets on how long till they demand that ANY figures now on Mt Rushmore that owned or their ancestors owned slaves must be removed?

And then there is the work still in progress on Chief Crazy Horse?

All of this is the history of Brave folks that sailed across the Atlantic to make a better life for themselves in the wilderness and the HISTORY of what happened since then to make the country we now live in and enjoy.

mold maker
07-15-2015, 02:49 PM
I'm mustache deep in disgust for what's happening.
All my life I heard , "Save your confederate money boys, the South is gonna rise again."
I'm not advocating revolution,,,,,, but will be first in line.

07-15-2015, 07:05 PM
Amazing to me that so many people can't take history for what it is....history. It happened and must be taken in the context of the times. It helped make us what we are today. I don't see what it should offend anyone.

07-16-2015, 12:27 AM
If the remove all the Confederate States items that pertained to the Civil War. What will they do when the realize that they must of never been any slaves in America?

07-16-2015, 05:05 AM
Or all the monuments scattered across my part of MN that are from the Sioux Uprising...

Any bets on how long till they demand that ANY figures now on Mt Rushmore that owned or their ancestors owned slaves must be removed?

And then there is the work still in progress on Chief Crazy Horse?

All of this is the history of Brave folks that sailed across the Atlantic to make a better life for themselves in the wilderness and the HISTORY of what happened since then to make the country we now live in and enjoy.

07-16-2015, 08:30 AM
The Memphis City council has already voted unanimously to dig up Nathan B. Forrest and his wife and move them outside the city, in addition to knocking down his statue. The NAACP in ATL is advocating the monument at Stone Mountain be sandblasted or chiseled off. School systems throughout the southeast are being approached and implored to change their names if it commemorates a Confederate, as are Military bases. Surprisingly the American flag AND Mount Rushmore have been mentioned as well. When will it stop? This is like Nazi Germany.

07-16-2015, 08:55 AM
Pure ignorance emblazoned by mob mentality.

mold maker
07-16-2015, 09:38 AM
Pure ignorance emblazoned by mob mentality.

Ya got that right.

07-16-2015, 11:25 AM
The Memphis City council has already voted unanimously to dig up Nathan B. Forrest and his wife and move them outside the city, in addition to knocking down his statue. The NAACP in ATL is advocating the monument at Stone Mountain be sandblasted or chiseled off. School systems throughout the southeast are being approached and implored to change their names if it commemorates a Confederate, as are Military bases. Surprisingly the American flag AND Mount Rushmore have been mentioned as well. When will it stop? This is like Nazi Germany.

Hmm, looks like we should follow the money in Memphis!


On July 7 the Memphis City Council voted unanimously to exhume the body of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest from its 110 year resting place and move it to another location.The body of Forrest’s wife will be exhumed as well.
According to Local Memphis (http://www.localmemphis.com/story/d/story/council-votes-to-move-nathan-bedford-forrests-rema/12440/x-aa6bzx80iy91LMR_yQ-g), the council voted to exhume Forrest’s remains from Health Sciences Park on Union Avenue. They plan to sell a statue of Forrest as well–they are thinking of “selling the statue to anyone who wants it.”
Forrest was a businessman who become wealthy in the cotton trade prior to the Civil War. He abandoned that to fight federal forces once the war commenced, eventually becoming a lieutenant general in the Confederate Army. He was known for waging brutal warfare against federal forces in Mississippi and Tennessee.
The Forrest family has made clear that they are “solidly opposed to digging up the graves and moving them any place.” They are opposed to moving the statue as well.
Some believe the Memphis City Council vote is another example of the anti-Confederacy hysteria that swept parts of the country after a photo surfaced of alleged Charleston gunman Dylann Roof posing with a Confederate flag. But city council member Janis Fullilove asked if the move has something to do with a rumored “$500 million [University of Tennessee] expansion” that would use the land where Forrest is currently buried

Bad Water Bill
07-16-2015, 03:01 PM
Perhaps we should find out just what "money tree" produced that $500 MILLION DOLLARS for the expansion?

Can they raise tuition that much and really expect anyone to go there?

07-17-2015, 02:34 AM
That money tree is name "Soros" a nazi sympathizer who should be jailed for war crimes.

Bad Water Bill
07-17-2015, 06:23 AM
That money tree is name "Soros" a nazi sympathizer who should be jailed for war crimes.

From what I have read he was stuffing the bodies into the incinerator.

Might be a little more than a sympathizer.

dagger dog
07-17-2015, 08:41 AM
Seems George Orwell's (Eric Blair) "1984" vision of future was a little off as far as the dating, but dead on as far re-writing history.

When flags and monuments are hidden from the public what else will be untaught and "doublespeak" will bend the past to suit those in charge.

07-18-2015, 03:58 AM
We must stand to together . I don't know but must face it together! It's going to be a hard fight. Hard fight.

07-18-2015, 05:28 PM
The Memphis City council has already voted unanimously to dig up Nathan B. Forrest and his wife and move them outside the city, in addition to knocking down his statue. The NAACP in ATL is advocating the monument at Stone Mountain be sandblasted or chiseled off. School systems throughout the southeast are being approached and implored to change their names if it commemorates a Confederate, as are Military bases. Surprisingly the American flag AND Mount Rushmore have been mentioned as well. When will it stop? This is like Nazi Germany.

Random fact about Forrest I read awhile back. He LEFT the KKK because they were too radical, and he was the FIRST White person to speak at a NCAAP rally.

Liberals tend to ignore these little bits of history because it doesn't fit their agenda.

07-18-2015, 07:12 PM
Up until now I had never given a thought to having a Confederate flag. But now I will get one