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View Full Version : Big FBI Oops! on Dylann Roof

07-10-2015, 01:29 PM


MT Gianni
07-10-2015, 01:59 PM
There is no amount of money or legislation that can prevent paperwork errors.

07-10-2015, 02:03 PM
Any organization is but a reflection of it's leader.

Having had seven years to affect the 'quality' of our federal government, the lazy, dishonest, inexperienced, incompetent and disloyal 'leader' in the Oval Office has infected all levels with such a low standard of excellence almost none of them are worth a tinker's dam.

Mistakes, oversights, and outright illegal activities are rampant.

07-10-2015, 03:37 PM
it is very sad that the system the politicians put in place and insured us would keep people safe failed , but only a fool would have believed such non-sense in the first place.

bad people will get weapons they always have through history , but good people armed in a common cause have stopped them surer than any bill, law or background check

more need to educate themselves and carry responsibly , we are the final check and balance

07-10-2015, 10:53 PM
This will be spun into something like "well, we tried to accommodate the gun owners, but no matter how hard we try, some inappropriate gun sales will get through. The only thing that is left is to now allow any sales of firearms."

07-11-2015, 06:58 AM
In all fairness, does anyone believe had the FBI prevented the sale the shooting would have been thwarted? Somehow I can't help but think a homicidal psychopath would have gotten his hands on a firearm by the usual means.

07-11-2015, 08:24 AM
Same reaction as was in Canada !!! Knee jerk all the way. Do not focus on the event / individual responsible? Direct all focus on the tool / means? If there was no gun available this could not have happened. IMHO this couldn't be more wrong. If a person intends on doing harm to somebody or a group of people they likely will. Fix the problem, don't take away the tool, that in most instances is nothing more than an inanimate object that left alone will do no harm!

07-11-2015, 09:20 AM
This will be spun into something like "well, we tried to accommodate the gun owners, but no matter how hard we try, some inappropriate gun sales will get through. The only thing that is left is to now allow any sales of firearms."

And that's what the FBI spokesman said.

07-11-2015, 09:20 AM
think about this with out training and internet and records that the f.b.i. has. I can find out about someone in a few hours spend a little money even get their wants, warrants and arrest. the f.b.I. had three days? so we know where that will end up. we need more people more money

07-11-2015, 12:51 PM
Fix the problem, don't take away the tool, that in most instances is nothing more than an inanimate object that left alone will do no harm!
Talk about a knee jerk.
In this instance, 'the tool' that had to be removed was the Rebel flag ...

07-11-2015, 03:35 PM
The Obama regime has got to have something big in gun control coming our way. Can he do it with his pen? We'll see. I don't expect much opposition from this congress.

07-11-2015, 06:15 PM
These Federal screw ups require the passage of new and stricter gun laws. We got to keep guns out of the hands of the loonies. While we are at it, take the guns away from all Federal Agents, one left his gun in the care and it was stolen and used to killed that girl in San Francisco.

You see how simple all this is, the right laws can override and cure the vagaries of human nature.

Geezer in NH
07-11-2015, 09:42 PM
This was a sound bite at best or the FBI admission that THEY dropped the ball.

07-11-2015, 11:21 PM
FBI screwed up PLUS Roof lied on the 4473 about being a drug user. So a combination of things.

07-13-2015, 12:31 PM
I thought it was pretty common knowledge that information in the federal database may be weeks, months or even a year behind. I've heard of this happening before but it didn't get the publicity because it didn't result a big event. We may live in the computer age but that doesn't mean that all data is up to date and immediately available.

I don't see this as an FBI screw up. You can't make a decision based on info you don't have. The only reason this came to light was likely because the information showed up during the local investigation and when it was compared to the federal data the oversight was found. This is a reporting issue at the local level. Not a screw up....... just a gap in the data......

07-14-2015, 09:12 AM
Then you have places like PA where the democrats just won their court case and got the law that required PSP to send all the data about mentally unfit buyers to NICS (so they couldn't buy out of state) thrown out as unconstitutional on a technicality because the bill was "dual purpose". So they're actively working to make the background check system broken.

I agree though, this guy wasn't going to give up just because he didn't own a previously bought gun. He'd have made other plans, a bomb or knife even. Other than having friends or family intervene there's no way to stop these people. The more populated the world gets the more frequently this is going to happen, just by the math. Too few people realize it's inevitable though, so we're in a bad spot there.