View Full Version : FIREClean – Review

Hawks Feather
07-08-2015, 09:47 AM
FIREclean has been mentioned by several here, but I thought I would add my review.

I found out about FIREClean on Vickers Tactical (Larry Vickers) site in his Larry’s Links section when looking for additional information on ARs. I found the quote “The first firearms lubricant I have officially endorsed – unlike most gun lubricants it meets or exceeds its claims. Truly a 21st Century lubricant in every way.” interesting and checked with another person I knew who said that it was great.

So, since I am somewhat of a cleaning/lubricating junkie I decided to give it a try. From what I had read it works best when used as the base coat rather than going on over other products, but I really didn’t want to spend a lot of time stripping several firearms down to the bare metal only to find out that FIREClean didn’t work. I just wiped off the firearms with a dry rag and applied a thin coat of FIREClean on the top. I then took the guns to the range where they were going to be used by my sister’s grandsons. While all three handguns cleaned up MUCH easier, the one where FIREClean really shined was on a .44 magnum that was mag-na-ported. That area of the barrel is always a pain to clean due to the gas, fouling, and sometimes lead that accumulates. It didn’t ‘fall off’, but it only needed some fairly light rubbing to get the area back to its original condition. Cleaning this area is something that normally takes me about 15 minutes with different products and a stainless steel brush. Needless to say, I am very pleased with FIREClean.

I should say that it is not inexpensive. It can be found on their website (http://www.cleanergun.com) and also on Brownell’s website (http://www.brownells.com/gun-cleaning-chemicals/oils-lubricants/lubricant-protectant-oils/fireclean-anti-fouling-conditioning-oil-prod55403.aspx). The FIREClean website will give you additional information about what it will and will not (copper removal) work on. It retails for $14.95 for a 2-ounce bottle. Like I said, not inexpensive. But the amount of labor that it saved me on cleaning the mag-na-ported pistol (now two times) made it worthwhile to me.

http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y274/JLx220/JerryLatta-1404_zps4d98792c.jpg (http://s7.photobucket.com/user/JLx220/media/JerryLatta-1404_zps4d98792c.jpg.html)

07-08-2015, 09:54 AM
Here is my review from a while back, and I too am impressed with Fire Clean:

"I like firearms potions, oils, lubricants, CLPs, whatever. Many are completely satisfied by motor oil/ATF or Ed's Red. I like the non-toxics. Don't need gloves, (I know gloves are for sissy's anyway) with the non-toxics, but they are often inferior to the toxic products but that is changing. Non toxic products like Frog Lube, Slip 2000, Gunzilla, and the original CLP Ballistol have come along and work real good. As an aside, all "gun" potions are very expensive when compared to a quart of Mobil One. I am willing to pay more for a non-toxic product that works. Starting with rust prevention, Eezox ruled the roost for a long time as the best rust preventative bar none, but it is toxic to say the least. Then along comes heat treated/applied Frog Lube and it is the best rust preventative when applied to hot metal. It has displaced Eezox as the best at preventing rust. I kept reading how great Frog Lube is, but I also kept reading about Frog Lube in the Cold gumming up and even causing mold and other issues (I believe the mold issue has been addressed). I have always used Ballistol, just like Hickok45 and that guy knows his stuff. Non-toxic and works on/helps metal, wood, leather, and plastic. Lot of black powder users swear by Ballistol. Has always worked for me. It is a good all around CLP.

A few months ago I decided to do some research on what is what in the world of non-toxics, intending to purchase either or both Gunzilla and Frog Lube. But before I spent my $$$ I saw some good reports about Fire Clean, apparently it is so safe you could drink it, and started digging deeper. I came across this thread on Sniper's Hide forum,http://forum.snipershide.com/snipers-hi ... glube.html, and saw this post, #74, in the thread entitled "Fireclean or Froglube?" :

"FYI KAC recommends FIREClean in all of our weapons. We have tested pretty much everything under the sun.
If you don't shoot much you may not notice the advantages
For those running Frog Lube. Don't get it dusty, or really hot in a gun. Or better yet don't use it...
Last edited by KevinB-KAC; 02-06-2014 at 08:27 AM."

I am not a Black-Gun Guy, but if KAC recommends that only Fire Clean be used on their guns, I confirmed this, then that is saying a whole lot.

So I got me some Fire Clean from Amazon - http://www.amazon.com/FIREClean-Anti-Fo ... X0W2C6KT4R
It is pricey, as are all the dedicated fancy gun potions, but as this review points out, you don't need much:

http://bltacfit.blogspot.com/2013/02/bl ... clean.html

I still have a gallon of Ballistol around, and I will continue to use it generally, but I am a dedicated Fire Clean user on all my firearms. I find no use in arguing about it, use what you like/want. Just saying.........."

Hawks Feather
07-08-2015, 09:58 AM

While I am glad to see that you agreed, I am sorry that I busted your older post. I had done a search and for some reason it didn't show up for me. Again, sorry about that.


07-08-2015, 10:11 AM
I posted it on another forum and PM'd it here to a forum member. I don't think it was ever posted here, and it is clear we think alike and your line, "So, since I am somewhat of a cleaning/lubricating junkie I decided to give it a try" is like my line, "I like firearms potions, oils, lubricants, CLPs, whatever." You are the proverbial brother from another mother.

07-08-2015, 01:11 PM
Darn I'm going to need a bigger chem. locker.