View Full Version : 32-40 and 321232 go to the range (beat my head...)

07-05-2015, 01:17 PM

Well, at least Belle got to come with us. You can see the white leg under the bench.

Here's the bad trip.

321232, sized to .322, 12 grains of 5744, shorter cases...

First shot at 5 o'clock in the black. Second shot 3 o'clock in the white. Third shot 10 o'clock upper left... A few of the boolits were tipping. OK, I culled the bad ones, the bases were very good. Old retrobate will be making up a punch for .323 as soon as he can get some 7/8-14 bolts. Then he will go black.

321232 OAL is .945", I had hoped the PB would bump up. The lub star was disappointing, it looked more like powder residue than lube, plus it was slight. Unburned 5744 in the bore, which doesn't faze me.


07-05-2015, 01:51 PM
What does your bore measure? Most everyone in my crowd shoots the bullets as cast, no sizing and pan lube. I wouldn't worry about the lube star, I don't get much of one unless I shoot quite a few shots. The choice of 5744 as the powder is a little suspect also. Most 32-40 shooters probably use 4227.

07-05-2015, 02:16 PM
What does your bore measure? Most everyone in my crowd shoots the bullets as cast, no sizing and pan lube. I wouldn't worry about the lube star, I don't get much of one unless I shoot quite a few shots. The choice of 5744 as the powder is a little suspect also. Most 32-40 shooters probably use 4227. Phil

The OR has 4227, maybe he thought 5744 was closer to black, since this is a PB boolit, why not?

Slugged the bore, groove about .322 and a skosh. I do have a .323 H&I as well.

When we can get some 7/8-14 bolts, the OR will make a punch and use BP.

07-05-2015, 06:20 PM
More importantly, where is Belle in the photo?

07-05-2015, 08:41 PM
More importantly, where is Belle in the photo?

If you look under the bench, you will see a white vertical segment to the right of the rear vertical bench support. She's sitting upright, with her head back to her left shoulder.

07-06-2015, 09:16 AM
32-40 shooters probably use 4227.Phil

I kid you not. While leaving to go run the amazing atomic powered Brittany, the old retrobate mentioned that of all the targets he looked at, 4227 provided the best group.

I also ordered some Starline 2.125 cases for him.

07-07-2015, 11:58 AM
5744 burns way too hot for a PB bullet. Provided your bullet is correctly sized to the bore, look to 4227, 300MP, H110 or 296. Check out the loads the folks over at the ASSRA forum are using. Lots of hotshot 32-40 shooters there.