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View Full Version : My oh my.....

07-03-2015, 05:41 PM
I'm not an "old" member to this board by any means. I joined in Jan. '09

If memory serves, there were only around 7-9k members at that time????

We are now over 38K! Soooo many new people. Not a bad thing, just different. It seems like I used to recognize every avatar on every post I read. Not so much now.

I really have no real point to this post I guess. I'm glad to see more folks into our hobby. I have taken away a lot of very useful information from this site.

I'd like to think I've helped a few guys along the way as well.

Not trying to disrespect anyone in any way, shape, or form, but I kinda miss the "good O'l days" When this place seemed like a secret spot only a few knew about.

Maybe I'm out of line.....If so, I'm sorry.

This is still a wonderful place, full of vast knowledge for everyone to learn.

Maybe some of you guys feel the same way?......


07-03-2015, 08:45 PM
Yes, I sometimes feel as you do, waco. Indeed, while some of our esteemed members have passed away, e.g., Felix, Bruce B, others have chosen not to post or at least not to post frequently.

07-03-2015, 08:48 PM
Bruce B passed away? How did I miss that. I enjoyed his stories when he decided to tell one.

07-03-2015, 08:49 PM
I can relate. When Im in a long line at the gun store, I remind myself that it's a good problem to have.

07-03-2015, 08:50 PM
I didn't know Felix had passed. Never could figure out that lube.

God Bless.

07-03-2015, 09:22 PM
hey Waco your member number is 7791. [we added something like 2500 members the year you joined]
it took forever to get to 5,000 members then a while to get to 10-k but man then things took off.
we had a pretty good pool of stuff ready to give to the 5,000th member [but he declined all offers]

07-03-2015, 10:22 PM
I will let you make me the 5000th, just tring to be helpful:mrgreen:

07-03-2015, 10:26 PM
We lost a few good people here, I too miss the old days[smilie=2::drinks:

07-03-2015, 10:45 PM
Obviously, not every registered member posts at all. You can go through the members list and get an idea of who's actually participating, and who's not. The boards seem to average about a thousand or more posts per day, as a rough average. Somedays more, somedays less.

07-03-2015, 11:01 PM
I lived in Ft Worth for a time, was a big city to this small-town boy but most parts of it felt like a small town. This board is pretty much the same way. Lots of folks, small town attitude...for the most part.

07-03-2015, 11:26 PM
I've been here since 1/1/2006...Member #1170

I only frequent two boards on a daily basis. I don't always log in, but just do a quick look around.

Of all the other sites I have visited/joined, Castboolits has to be the best. I've gone on other sites, introduced myself and posted. It seems it would take days (if then) to get a reply or answer. Yet, here at Castboolits a newbie can sign up and may feel overwhelmed at the responses (in short order sometimes) he recieves. It always makes me smile when I see that and the poster replies with surprise at how he feels about all the new friends and help so quickly.

Yep, we've grown and that's not a bad thing. We have great Mods and that goes a long ways also.


07-03-2015, 11:41 PM
How do y'all know your member numbers? I've looked through the user area and find no email from when I signed up.

07-04-2015, 12:05 AM
your # 2363.
all you do is hover your mouse icon thingy over your name and look down at the bottom left of your screen.
I could give you the super secret B.S. answer, and say I keep records, never log out, and never sleep.

07-04-2015, 12:09 AM
Thanks, r5r. Doesn't work with an iMac running Safari, but, since you told me my number, we can skip the super secret B.S. answer, too!

07-04-2015, 10:44 AM
I got lots of B.S. but that ain't a secret.
helpful answers I don't have so many of.

07-04-2015, 10:56 AM
I'm really new to all of this. I've learned a lot here and have a lot to learn. Here's hoping I can stick around and live long enough to to be of help to some newbie some day. My thanks to all who have given me advice, both personally and through your writings. G.

07-04-2015, 11:33 AM
When a forum frequently shows up in internet searches and consistently gives good advice in a respectful manner while accepting alternative points of view (in a respectful manner), membership will grow. Good moderators are a plus too.

I've been into "firearms" and reloading for a while (over 30 years) and I thoroughly enjoy this forum that allows me to continue to learn.

07-04-2015, 11:37 AM
Morning all and safe happy healthy 4th !
I'm not a good member here. I get on every day, check the sale/ wtb sections. It's only on the weekends IF time permits that I read some of the other forums. I really don't post much. There are times when I PM a member to help or relay info. Why I don't post in the thread ? I'm not sure really. I guess to duplicate or ditto another's reply I feel is not adding much.

I love this forum, it's where I learned to cast and relearn reloading where the info from lots of great members helped me out. The knowledge on here is tremendous.
I do my best to help out guys I meet that might have interest in reloading/ casting. I've given equipment away to them as well as any help I can.
I ALWAYS recommend for them to join here and our local state/ town forum.( which I'm really not a good member of )
I do try to help out members in need and send funds to keep the forum going when I can.

Waco, I agree the feeling of a close nit group is good, and I had that once and left that forum when the place got out of control. BUT it's really good that this forum IS growing AND not out of control with the members and all the great Mods that volunteer their time to keep us in check.

God bless us all and God help our country !


07-04-2015, 11:38 AM
God I feel old = Member # 57

07-04-2015, 11:55 AM
Yep. Some good thoughts here. FWIW, my church has gone through a big expansion and growth spurt after it was burned by a local druggie kid and then rebuilt. Expansion is always regarded as "good" by most. We're just trained to think that way. But with expansion comes new problems or challenges, too, though that's not always a bad thing by any means. It's just a little different. With my church, it hasn't been an issue like I knew it COULD have been simply because of the quality of the people who came in. Here, as in most other instances, it usually means that a few trouble makers come along with the numbers, but really, we've been pretty darn lucky here as well in that.

About the only thing I miss about the older, smaller group is the atmosphere of quieter, more cerebral and light hearted attitude that seemed to prevail. But that's just an impression, so it may not really apply quite as well as my memory indicates? Sure did hate to see Felix and Bruce pass on. Very good men, and I learned a lot from them. Lots of good folks here now, too, to take up the gauntlet and move it forward. The engineers and chemists and so many other folks with specialized and in depth knowledge really contribute heavily at times, and who among us couldn't appreciate that? So yeah, I kinda' miss the "old board," but I really think we may be a better place now due to the expansion. This is the absolute BEST board on the 'net, IMO, because we really do seem, for the most part, to really provide good and effective help to many newbies and us old timers learn an awful lot here, too, including from the newbs. Some of them have insights that we lack, and expanding our knowledge, and maybe more importantly, our real understanding of a technical pursuit like casting and reloading, will always be a great and highly appreciated thing, and there's no source I know of, or can even imagine, better than this board on that subject and many others as well.

You guys who started it, and keep it maintained have my thanks, too, and BIG TIME. Your generosity and dedication to making it work REALLY show, so please accept my heartfelt thanks. What you do matters, and in a day when our gun and shooting rights are so heavily under fire, it matters a LOT. Thanks.

07-04-2015, 12:00 PM
I can't believe I've been a member since '07. I think I joined because I had some questions on an old Spar-T press. While I've never been an active poster, I do enjoy the wealth of information this forum provides.

07-04-2015, 12:41 PM
Don't forget Junior Doughty....I miss his posts too...

I have to be honest...there are a one or two here I don't much care for although you would be hard pressed to guess who. The vast majority I like very much.

07-04-2015, 12:52 PM
I was offline here for almost a year, the computer crashed, then a move. When I came back there was this new thing called powder coat....That's what drew me back online. There's also a coinage conspiracy with copper, so I had to learn how to load for a rifle. A semi at that. Tried a new powder for the pistol, so with all that load development going on and ongoing, I've been back here a lot more often. Now, I'm pretty much caught up, all the brass is full, and the weapons are ready. Just practice now.

ETA, I'm always screwing with something though. It never ends, hence the username.

07-04-2015, 01:09 PM
your # 2363.
all you do is hover your mouse icon thingy over your name and look down at the bottom left of your screen.
I could give you the super secret B.S. answer, and say I keep records, never log out, and never sleep.

Guess I am going to have to wait to log onto the site with something other than my
Ipad. No mouse icon thingy :bigsmyl2:

07-04-2015, 01:28 PM
Gtek #12531 1/10. I would like to thank all who have freely given their knowledge, thoughts, experiences and suggestions here. It has helped me in many ways to refine my journey in this thing we call Boolits. I am not much of a fan of change, but it being a constant of both good and bad. Now if I could just find that app that informs me when the mold I want comes up on Swapping and Selling before someone else buys it in four seconds, that would be good change!

07-04-2015, 03:51 PM
wait till those 6 things you been looking for come up all at once it's 12:30 am and no one else is looking at em.
and you don't get paid for another 12 day's..
that's when you learn heartbreak.

Mr.Wolf your number is too long :lol: okay it's #29,631
I remember having Ken at my place a couple of years back, we were discussing having a political section or not.
and we both thought much over 10-k members was a pipe dream.

I remember the drop down box format of the old shooters website.
I could never find an old thread when I went back to the site
it took me forever to buy another computer after moving to Idaho and didn't know this place existed for a while, I was looking for the closed down defunct shooters place.

07-04-2015, 10:02 PM
Thanks. #29,631 - took that long for the kids to grow up and for me to finally start doing what I enjoy.

07-04-2015, 10:29 PM
Wow, just checked my number, 214. I thought it took me a long time to find this site after shooters closed, guess it didn't.
Like I've said before, I started casting in the late 60's and had to learn pretty much by trial and error. All those years of experience amounted to a small fraction of the knowledge I obtained in the relatively few years I've been on this site.

Beau Cassidy
07-04-2015, 10:35 PM
Looks like I joined on 3-20-05. It sure doesn't seem like 10 years.

07-04-2015, 11:55 PM
I just looked up my member #. Was surprised. It is 165. I came over from the old board when I was just starting out in casting. I'm not an experimenter, consequently many(most?) of my posts are questions. Luckily for me many of the members here, even many of the newer members are experimenters with a lot of experience and are able to give good advice.

It is funny how things work out. I retired a little over a year after signing up here, thinking that I would have a lot of free time to cast, load and shoot. Hasn't worked out that way. I'm lucky if I can get a dozen trips a year to the range. Hope springs eternal though!

07-05-2015, 12:02 AM
I'm #7. I remember we were all amazed when we topped 1500 members, and figured that was probably about it.