View Full Version : New to me Yugo M59 !

Gunnut 45/454
06-28-2015, 06:09 PM
Picked up a nice Yugo M59 Enjoy! Haven't shot it yet as it's 110 degrees here! :shock:

06-28-2015, 07:00 PM
Let us know how it shoots!


06-28-2015, 08:40 PM
I had one a while back and was very pleased with the accuracy compared to the Cheap Chinese that I still have.

06-28-2015, 08:43 PM
Was my first milsurp.make sure the gas leveris turned on...unless you want a single shot lol

06-28-2015, 09:41 PM
Love my Yugo!'

Mine seems to like big bullets (.312 185 grain gc) set long, so long they just slip into the mag.

Stripper clips are your friend. I have 10 and have considered buying more.
With a little practice you can reload faster than swapping out a mag.


06-28-2015, 10:22 PM
I liked my Yugo SKS so much, I got another one!

Gunnut 45/454
06-29-2015, 02:23 AM
Well I braved the heat- when it dropped down to 101 and got cloudy! Put ten rounds through it at 50 yards.
Sites were pretty much on with Tula 122gr FMJ. Next session I'll put some 155gr Lee cast trough it!

06-29-2015, 10:54 AM
Good luck with your new rifle, GN45/454! I had my eye out for one of those for several months, but had one sold out from under me. (If you snooze....) Wouldn't you know it, after buying a Type 56 (Chinese) in late April, a very clean Type 59 surfaced 2 weeks ago, but I didn't buy it. SKS's are accurate if you feed them CB's which fit the bore and monkey with the powder & load a bit.

Gunnut 45/454
06-30-2015, 01:06 AM
My 59/66A1 likes the Lee 155 gr very much. I'm hope this M59 like them to. Here is a 50 yard target with the lee 155gr out of the 59/66A1.

06-30-2015, 10:30 AM
Gunnut...., Years ago I couldn't find any commercial molds which fit the bore of my SKS. Vera Smith/LBT made one for me based on the then new C.E. Harris designed CB: it shot remarkably well. In short, I sold both, but acquired another unfired Type 56, but this one needs a .3155" CB for accuracy. The NOE 316-160GC-SP, also a Harris design, is what I now use and am getting excellent results with no lead in either the bore or on the face of the gas piston. So far, 12gr. of Blue Dot has proved to be the most accurate, but it won't operate the action. OTOH, 22gr. IMR 7383 will.

Gunnut 45/454
06-30-2015, 12:31 PM
Well my cast load shot good not great. Probably a sizing thing more then the load its self here is the target at 50 yards. Might also be my old eyes which don't like the SKS sites much.

06-30-2015, 02:26 PM
143268Gunnut, Here's one of my 50 yd. targets with the NOE CB I mentioned earlier. Powder charge was 9.3gr. Unique.

Btw, the rifle is entirely "as issued."

07-01-2015, 01:23 AM
Well done!
Even seasoned middle-aged milsurp guys often have only a vague conception that the M59 is Not a 59/66, if at all. They have no idea that Russians are much more common.

Could not believe my luck spotting one at the Germantown (TN) gun show less than two years ago, in the same condition as yours, with only the magazine non-matching.

And the seller had a second (also from S. Ohio Gun) in a small gun shop near Arlington TN! Traded my typical Chinese SKS plus cash for that second excellent example. Every part matches (no pencil-etching) except for a small internal component.

Gunnut 45/454
07-02-2015, 10:37 PM
That's exactly why I grabbed it! Not many made, fewer that made it to our shores and the way the arms trade is going probably less will come our way. I know compared to what was paid for these a few years ago I paid to much $475. It was wurth it as I said first good one I've seen here. Never seen a Russian here either just junky Chinese!

I'd try that Unique load but haven't seen any Unique around here for awhile. I guess I'll try some unsized bullet as they come out of my mold about .313" ish. Maybe that will tighten the groups some. :)

07-03-2015, 07:55 AM
Gunnut I've had good luck with the Lee .313 185 gr GC over 20-22 grains of IMR 4895. For plinking it is hard to beat whatever 100-150 grain bullet you have over 4-7 grains of Red Dot.

07-03-2015, 11:31 AM
Gunnut...., I've also tried 12.0gr. of Blue Dot (11.9gr. in fact, i.e., what rotor 10S for my Lyman pistol powder measure drops), which was more accurate than Unique. Btw, what makes you think the Type 56's are junk?

Gunnut 45/454
07-05-2015, 07:45 PM
Probably wrong wording lets say not a well made nor maintained. All the ones I've seen were beat to hell and back with bores to match. Heck even seen a few with smooth tubes at top dollar prices!