View Full Version : CLOSE Your PayPal Account.

06-24-2015, 11:18 AM
As of July1 2015, Paypal will "sell" your personal information to any number of spammers, they will make you agree to accept robo dialed calls on the phone number you have registered with them, and you will receive emails from spammers and advertisers of their choosing. The only way to prevent this is to CLOSE your account BEFORE JULY 1ST.

When tens of thousands of loyal PP users figure out what PP has done, there will be mass closures forcing PP to recoil and fire a few execs and then plead with the ones who left to pleas return to PP because they have bit the hand that fed them and are now sorry that they peed on their own front steps..

06-24-2015, 11:42 AM
Pay Pal has had security issues for YEARS!

I cancelled my account LONG ago when I got thousands of $ in fraudulent charges.

Thanks to LifeLock it didn't cost me a penny.

06-24-2015, 11:52 AM
Most if not all of the info in question is already out there anyway.

06-24-2015, 12:28 PM
one more reason I won't subject myself to paypal.

06-24-2015, 12:52 PM
Please post your source.

Uncle Jimbo
06-24-2015, 01:00 PM
Most if not all of the info in question is already out there anyway.
Yes this is true, but most of these don't want to spam you to death or robo call you every night at dinner time to sell you something.

06-24-2015, 01:13 PM
Please post your source.


If you dig in the lawyerese far enough, you will find this:

http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb374/DougGuy/dumb%20stuff/PayPal7-1-2015_zpsrzzhtjsq.jpg (http://s1202.photobucket.com/user/DougGuy/media/dumb%20stuff/PayPal7-1-2015_zpsrzzhtjsq.jpg.html)

And there's also the notification that this user agreement is TEMPORARY, and only after July 1st 2015 will PayPal release the fully amended policy changes. Again, the only way out of these changes, is to close your account BEFORE July 1, 2015.

06-24-2015, 01:21 PM
You need to re- read section 7
Disclosure to Third Parties other than PayPal Customers

Changes were made to this section explaining PayPal’s data sharing practices with third parties, including law enforcement agencies, credit card associations and partner companies.* For ease of reference for our users, we also moved the full list of these third parties from the Privacy Policy to a separate document accessible via separate links that direct users to the full list (see paragraph 8 below for more details). This section was also modified to reflect the changing nature of the relationship between PayPal and eBay.* Both parties will be separate entities, but would like to continue to provide users with the experiences they have come to expect. The changes to this section reflect PayPal’s sharing of account information with eBay and other third parties for purposes of fraud prevention and risk management, customer service, shipping and legal compliance. **As has always been the case, third parties will not be able to use this information for their marketing purposes without a user’s express consent.

“PayPal will not sell or rent any of your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes without your explicit consent, and will only disclose this information in the limited circumstances and for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. This includes transfers of data to non-EEA member states.

Specifically, you consent to and direct PayPal to do any and all of the following with your information:

06-24-2015, 01:22 PM
You should see what your bank / mortgage company shares.

06-24-2015, 01:43 PM
It always amazes me the misinformation about Paypal that people circulate. I have used them for 3 different business which one has been around since 1997 and I enjoy having access to MY money the instant I take a payment whether by CC or PP. If I have a problem I can call and get an answer or fix within minutes and allows me to accept CC in multiple online stores as well as over the phone and in person.

I do believe PP shares more info than they let on with third parties or hide the acknowledgement somewhere inside the different agreements but also know that info only shred with my mortgage company seems to get me more phone calls and/or ads than anything else. And then there is the barrage of calls, emails and letters that come from a simple search to find a better price on insurance. :violin:

06-24-2015, 01:47 PM
If you guys didn't know, eBay has owned PayPal for a while. . They are going separate ways in July. . This gives eBay access to your information going forward. . You can restrict if you look farther, but this is par for a lot of. Business now a days.

06-24-2015, 02:23 PM
You know you can opt out of it, right? Why do people insist on spreading misinformation. If you're really worried about robocalls give them a fake phone number.

06-24-2015, 03:51 PM
I've had a PayPal acct. for 10 years or more. To the best of my knowledge I get NO robo calls because of PayPal. If I do the 2 or 3 I get a month I can live with.

To the best of my knowledge I get NO spam because of PayPal. If I do the zero amount I get I can live with.

Have a Good Day Folks.

06-24-2015, 04:27 PM
You cannot give them a fake phone # because they txt a code to it so you can verify your account. You don't get any "protection" unless your account is verified. Some ebayers will not sell or ship to you if your account is unverified.

You have not gotten robodialed or spammed in email because it is NOT YET JULY 1ST.

This is NOT mis-information. PayPal publicly states what they intend to do after July 1 2015. Those of you who think it is, go right ahead on without any change and let us know if you have any regrets a few months down the road.

You cannot opt out of their new policy. They tell you right up front if you don't like it and don't agree to it, CLOSE YOUR ACCOUNT.

I have a good phone number. It doesn't get any unwanted or unexpected calls and I intend for it to stay that way.

If the 2.9% they fleece us out of for every transaction is not enough, they can KISS MY GRITS.

06-24-2015, 04:28 PM
You know you can opt out of it, right? Why do people insist on spreading misinformation. If you're really worried about robocalls give them a fake phone number.

^^^They have my grandmothers party line phone number from when I was a kid about 10 states away.

06-24-2015, 04:29 PM
You cannot give them a fake phone # because they txt a code to it so you can verify your account.

You have not gotten robodialed or spammed in email because it is NOT YET JULY 1ST.

This is NOT mis-information. PayPal publicly states what they intend to do after July 1 2015. Those of you who think it is, go right ahead on without any change and let us know if you have any regrets a few months down the road.

You cannot opt out of their new policy. They tell you right up front if you don't like it and don't agree to it, CLOSE YOUR ACCOUNT.

I have a good phone number. It doesn't get any unwanted or unexpected calls and I intend for it to stay that way.

If the 2.9% they fleece us out of for every transaction is not enough, they can KISS MY GRITS.
Yes you can, DougGuy. Don't put in a mobile phone number and make up a home, landline number. Nothing says you have to have a mobile phone and if they get to that point, that you need a mobile phone to use them, cancel then.

BTW: DougGuy is not making this up. This was in the news several months ago when they were reported to be splitting with their parent company or something and you can go to their sight to read the agreement for yourself. Essentially, if you give them a mobile number you agree to be texted or (robo)called by them for any reason including surveys. They will not share your number with third parties but will provide your information to "affiliated companies". Watch this term. It can mean about anyone.

06-24-2015, 04:38 PM
^^^They have my grandmothers party line phone number from when I was a kid about 10 states away.

There's something that doesn't exist anymore, a party line. They were almost extinct when I was very young in the early eighties. Can't imagine anyone now a days agreeing to share a line to save money :laugh:

I was wrong about being able to opt out of this one. There will be some backlash and they will be forced to change it. Most people aren't going to read it and won't complain until the calls or text messages start. I just checked my account and they don't have a current phone number. Anyone who gives them a mobile number is foolish. It's worth the cost to have a landline for this type of situation. If it's like mine don't even plug a phone in so you never hear it ring :)

06-24-2015, 04:51 PM
There's something that doesn't exist anymore, a party line. They were almost extinct when I was very young in the early eighties. Can't imagine anyone now a days agreeing to share a line to save money :laugh:

I was wrong about being able to opt out of this one. There will be some backlash and they will be forced to change it. Most people aren't going to read it and won't complain until the calls or text messages start. I just checked my account and they don't have a current phone number. Anyone who gives them a mobile number is foolish. It's worth the cost to have a landline for this type of situation. If it's like mine don't even plug a phone in so you never hear it ring :)

I might,, just to have one.

06-24-2015, 05:10 PM
Ok, It's gonna happen, I'll wait till it does and see how bad it gets. LOL

Oh, My God, the sky is falling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quick, go hide under a rock.

06-24-2015, 05:14 PM
There's something that doesn't exist anymore, a party line. They were almost extinct when I was very young in the early eighties. Can't imagine anyone now a days agreeing to share a line to save money :laugh:

Actually if you lived in rural areas they didn't pull enough pairs to cover the number of homes all having private lines, so the only way to get a private line was to wait for new additional wires to be pulled or if a pair went into un-use and could be dedicated to you for a private line.

I lived out in the country and waited about 90 days to get a modem line which had to be private. That was in the late 80's.

The voice land line which was a party line started with 6 phones on it, then 4 then two and finally went private, about 25 years after we bought the house.

06-24-2015, 05:19 PM
They will not share your number with third parties but will provide your information to "affiliated companies". Watch this term. It can mean about anyone.

They also have not released the FINAL version of this "updated" user agreement, and they state that they will not do so until after July 1st. So now we have a double edged sword that basically gives them carte blanche to use or distribute your phone number and email address any way they see fit since after July 1st, you will ALREADY HAVE AGREED to their terms. Whatever those terms may be.

mold maker
06-24-2015, 05:24 PM
Does the fed do not call list no longer exist? I add spammers to my blocked list without opening. End of story.
There is no fool proof way to avoid the electronic world, except not participating in it.
That means no email account or phone. I enjoy both, and use PP for most payments, an will continue to do so. It's cheap, right now, and I don't have to leave my recliner.
The only problem I ever had was because of a wrong address, and they fixed that immediately.

06-24-2015, 09:14 PM
I like PayPal and will continue to use it.

06-24-2015, 09:55 PM
OK you can create a real verifiable phone number in under 3 minutes. That's has voicemail text etc..

Google voice.

And yes they will use a analytic company to mine the data transactions so they can make more money.

It's still one of the safest, cheapest ways to send money to someone else.

You can switch to Google wallet / or apples ipay.

06-24-2015, 10:01 PM
I closed my account and my wife's. Paypal sent me confirmations and said the accounts can't be reopened. Big deal! LOL.
I have an old flip phone that ALL texting, e-mail, and data are not functional as they are all blocked. Even Verizon can't text me. At first Verison would not agree to this until I told them I would close our account and find another carrier.
The "Do not call list" is still around and at times effect. I had a couple of companies calling me that I had not done business with. I told them to not call back, one did, I reported them. Guys boss called me and apologized and said he did not like having to pay the fines for his what his employees did. I also block their phone numbers thru Verizon .

One good thing about not having PayPal accounts is the several e-mails saying my PP account is limited or whatever are positively phishing scams.

06-25-2015, 02:33 AM
Just go in and change the phone number sheesh. I have a landline that goes to a an answering machine. Ringers on the phones are off and I never check it. They are my emergency phones if I would have a fall and there are 4 in the house so chances are I can get to one even with a broken hip.

Kent Fowler
06-25-2015, 11:12 AM
I bought a Panasonic phone a few months ago which allows you to easily block about 250 numbers and calls such as "private caller". Works quite well and has really cut down the spam calls. Wife answered a phone call yesterday wanting the "computer owner in the house". I blocked the number and about 2 minutes later they called back and were blocked. The receiver lit up but I have set it up where blocked calls don't ring. It's a shame I have to spend good money to keep the land line from ringing off the wall as my provider, AT and T who I am forced to use, does not give one rats patootie about their customers and will not provide a blocking option with out you spending mega bucks with them. Also I've noticed that the spammers are resorting to recorded messages and I, for one, don't have the patience to listen to the whole spiel and hang up. I need to stop doing that and wait until a live person gets on the line to tell them to cease and desist with the calls. I do kind of miss the " your computer has a virus and is infecting the server" calls. Those were good entertainment. I used to keep those guys on the line, while I was playing solitaire, for and hour or so by saying things like " I entered what you wanted, but I got this blue screen. What do I do, now?" Had one guy, after an hour, said " You have bad computer. You take computer and get it fix. I call back." That one was really fun.

06-25-2015, 11:40 AM
I don't do PP, started to read the agreement and backed out. I also don't have a landline and most calls to my cell phone go unanswered and most e-mails go unread, many get tagged as spam. The folks that need to get in touch with me know how, if it's not worth their time to leave a coherent message then it's not worth my time either.

06-25-2015, 04:38 PM
Paypal is amazingly convenient for the purchaser and the seller. I use it frequently and have no regrets. Incoming calls to my mobile phone that aren't identified by my contact list aren't answered by me. If it is something important they leave a message and I call them right back. I fail to see how this is a big deal for some people.

I also don't understand vendors that don't take electronic payment. This is no reflection on them or the products and services they sell, but a PMO is inconvenient, and a check isn't much better. I'll still do it, but Paypal makes it very easy and quick for both parties.

06-27-2015, 09:05 AM
I'm closing my PP account....enough is enough!
Although it was handy for a while.
I just called Ebay told them I was pulling my for sale stuff because of PP.

06-27-2015, 11:54 AM
I am on the Fed "do not call list"
The only robo calls I get are from corps I've done business with and non-profits I have donated to.

06-27-2015, 12:31 PM
I spoke with a PP customer service agent this am, and they have created an opt-out feature for their marketing. It is a new feature as of about 2 days ago and not visible on account settings (yet) and I was the first customer she had the opportunity to check the box for so they are still working on what will be the final user agreement, and they really don't have it together.

I asked why they are creating this kind of problems with customers and told her that all they are going to do is p*ss a lot of people off when they find out what's going on. It would seem like for a company that is splitting away from ebay and trying to become a standalone, that they would be doing everything they can do to attract new business and you do NOT do this by angering the customers you already have. You do things like reward them for being a loyal customer by giving up gift certificates or other attractive features to bring others to your site and services. I explained to her that a lot of people are nervous about what these new changes are going to be and that so far, PP is more peeing on their own front steps than anything else at this moment. I still closed my account. If they get it together and figure out how to treat their customers I may return but for now I am not going to be libeling myself to getting robocalls and txt messages to my phone and more spam in email.

06-27-2015, 02:31 PM
Dude, just go into your act settings, add a new fake number and delete the previous ones unless your making a point which i understand

06-27-2015, 04:37 PM
I like to talk to Rachel from card holder services.

06-27-2015, 04:47 PM
I talked to her twice this week!

06-28-2015, 12:10 AM
For my very small business it is cheaper to use paypal than a credit card processor! So I am stuck! I dumped over a number I never answer!

06-28-2015, 05:35 AM
We two never answer our land line phone. Land line rings (only twice) and than goes to Record. Listen to those messages once a day and can Delete each message as quickly as I want. Cells are our main communication device. On the No Call List for both cells & land line here. I did away with or dropped my Pay Pal account a year ago. Pay all my bills with on-line banking. Vender won't accept on-line payment/s. I'll send him a online check.Won't accept a that type of check from me? I won't buy from them plain & simple. Only get a hand full of advertizement calls a week now on the land line Recorder. Nothing on the cells. Its a shame fellers but Rachel quit calling a few months back. We now we eat our dinner's without disruption.~~Yep!! How nice that is!!~~

06-28-2015, 11:27 AM
I never realized there was this much of a problem with robo calls and spam, unbelievable. But I guess it is what it is. I'll keep my PayPal acct., it's really to handy and convenient, I'll also keep my land line phone and answer it when it rings, never know it might be something important. Our cell phones are 2 TracFones, we turn them on when leaving the house, $6 and change more than covers our usage for a month.

Now regarding unwanted calls during whenever, 2 to 4 a month we can easily handle with little to no problem.

06-28-2015, 08:43 PM
Just spent 30+ minutes on the phone waiting for PayPal Customer Service and I was able to OPT OUT for release of my email and phone numbers....very courteous help.....I'm staying.....just food for fault.....

06-28-2015, 11:23 PM
I dumped paypal the other day. I didn't use them much and I won't support a company who charges fees and still wants to choose to contact me any way they want for advertising. If they change their policy, I might consider making an account again.

Advertisers can go to hell!

06-29-2015, 09:29 AM
OK you can opt out of all the robo calling stuff....but do it now. I just did.

06-29-2015, 09:52 AM
advertisers can go to hell!


square butte
06-29-2015, 10:06 AM
Just opted out as well. What a pain in the B--t

06-29-2015, 10:13 AM
(888) 221-1161

Easy. Took about 3 minutes once I figured out to keep saying "Agent" to bypass the system.

06-29-2015, 01:15 PM
Thanks for that #
Took me about 7 minutes and done.

06-29-2015, 01:50 PM
Not going to opt out, who knows, I might miss something, and at my age something may well be everything.

07-15-2015, 12:51 PM
Just to bring up some info regarding this discussion. It is/was much todo about nothing, just got my notice from PyPal and all is fine.

Another case of people running wild before they know the facts.

07-15-2015, 01:03 PM
I also got a notice from Paypal, but interpret it as their having retreated from their previous stance due to the outcry from customers.

So, good job, guys!

07-15-2015, 01:15 PM
I opened a new acc't and made SURE that the opt out was configured, so far no unwanted calls/txt or emails.

They DID send my GF a survey and wanted to know why she closed her account and she said it was because of their updated user agreement saying she would get robodialed and texts.

Another case of people running wild before they know the facts.

More to it than that sir, they informed everyone of their intentions so they indeed made the first move and at that time DID fully intend to implement their plan as described.

Thanks to the THOUSANDS that closed their accounts, I think our voices were heard LOUD AND CLEAR!

07-15-2015, 01:57 PM
Believe as you wish all.

07-15-2015, 01:59 PM
Thanks to the THOUSANDS that closed their accounts, I think our voices were heard LOUD AND CLEAR!

And you know that as fact, just how?

THOUSANDS?? Sure about that?

mold maker
07-15-2015, 02:14 PM
PP has always been, and will continue to be, my favorite way to pay debts and send money. I'm on every mail and phone # list already. That's why there is caller ID and a delete button.

07-15-2015, 02:18 PM
Just to bring up some info regarding this discussion. It is/was much todo about nothing, just got my notice from PyPal and all is fine.

Another case of people running wild before they know the facts.

Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...sounds like the liberal media?!?!?!?!?

07-15-2015, 02:24 PM
Closing PayPal would detrimental to my Mihec MP Mold addiction.

07-15-2015, 02:31 PM
Just change your phone number(s) to a bogus number! And do NOT give them your cell phone number!

07-15-2015, 02:32 PM
https://ci3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/dj1wfIO1o5MPwEG31ahHlmTmGUmcjRQYyJuuwoqIXa6zlxiUy6 ISM00XY8OuOaOYsY5BZMsm5koiOcNKrB0GErTbo7h8NJWZJikB j6ym0GvOoowvgYsBiRM5BeuTGrg=s0-d-e1-ft#https://image.paypal-communication.com/paypal_na/common/img_logo_new2.gif

https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/pYu6qT4VYIGhMSqlzUukV08JXlSSrS4oYzc2S75ziBnmMoE_Uh xCfFAOwopY8dS2uUOiZmRjjj0uYduAVT1a_QDtFsMH1XmzGmd1 unmzuEcw-MK9Ncagn2NNUkliCXvIskRDfsZsr_MX0ym4XKJaoe0n5A=s0-d-e1-ft#https://image.paypal-communication.com/paypal_na/2014/20131210_Templates_22725/img_spacer.gif

Notice of policy update.

https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/pYu6qT4VYIGhMSqlzUukV08JXlSSrS4oYzc2S75ziBnmMoE_Uh xCfFAOwopY8dS2uUOiZmRjjj0uYduAVT1a_QDtFsMH1XmzGmd1 unmzuEcw-MK9Ncagn2NNUkliCXvIskRDfsZsr_MX0ym4XKJaoe0n5A=s0-d-e1-ft#https://image.paypal-communication.com/paypal_na/2014/20131210_Templates_22725/img_spacer.gif

https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/pYu6qT4VYIGhMSqlzUukV08JXlSSrS4oYzc2S75ziBnmMoE_Uh xCfFAOwopY8dS2uUOiZmRjjj0uYduAVT1a_QDtFsMH1XmzGmd1 unmzuEcw-MK9Ncagn2NNUkliCXvIskRDfsZsr_MX0ym4XKJaoe0n5A=s0-d-e1-ft#https://image.paypal-communication.com/paypal_na/2014/20131210_Templates_22725/img_spacer.gif

Dear Ric Carter,

We value our relationship with you and work hard to communicate clearly. Recently, however, we did not live up to our own standards.

Earlier this year, we sent you an email about updates that we planned to make to our User Agreement on July 1, 2015. The User Agreement is a document we share to help you understand your relationship with PayPal and the obligations we both have.

Unfortunately, some of the language in this update caused confusion and concern with some of our customers about how we may contact you.

To clear up any confusion, we have modified the terms of Section 1.10 of our User Agreement. The new language is intended to make it clear that PayPal primarily uses autodialed or prerecorded calls and texts to:

Help detect, investigate and protect our customers from fraud
Provide notices to our customers regarding their accounts or account activity
Collect a debt owed to us

In addition, the new Section 1.10(a) and 1.10(b) makes it clear that:

We will not use autodialed or prerecorded calls or texts to contact our customers for marketing purposes without prior express written consent.
Customers can continue to enjoy our products and services without needing to consent to receive autodialed or prerecorded calls or texts.
We respect our customers' communications preferences and recognize that their consent is required for certain autodialed and prerecorded calls and texts. Customers may revoke consent to receive these communications by contacting PayPal customer support and informing us of their preferences.

If you are interested, you can read this updated section of the User Agreement below and by clicking on the links at the bottom of this message.

We apologize for any confusion we may have caused. Should you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer service team.


Louise Pentland
Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Company Secretary

07-15-2015, 03:43 PM
See, this clearly send a message to the powers that be @ paypal. According to one of the staffers that I spoke with, they had a few real important meetings to develop strategy because they were well aware of the backlash that was blowing up right in their faces before the date even rolled around. They don't want to say how many accounts were closed and/or how many threatening calls or emails they got because of the new policy. They do NOT want US to learn this valuable lesson so they are keeping quiet about it but I think it is THEM that learned a valuable lesson this time around.

You can believe other online sources such as Facebook, Google, Amazon, and a whole host of online retailers are keeping their eye on paypal too because whatever they can get away with will send a message to other retailers and services that they too can sell out to mass advertising and get paid to spam their customers.

If YOU were part of the backlash, and YOU closed your account or even participated in a survey that let them know their plan wasn't going to work, then in the bigger scheme of things YOU probably sent a message to all the other retailers that were keeping an eye on this and will likely save the rest of us at least some aggravation in the future.

To the naysayers that did NOTHING, you were perfectly willing to sit back and let them have their way and once they succeeded, it would have only served to open the door for any other retailers to do the same. Thanks for NOTHING. *YOU* know who you are..

07-15-2015, 04:19 PM
I cancelled my Paypal account last month because of the information I read on this post. Plus the fact that the last two times I used Paypal to make purchases I had over 350 dollars of fraudulent charges. Had to cancel my debit card each time and took over 10 days to get my money back. They sent me an email to fill out a survey as to why I closed my account. I just deleted it .

07-15-2015, 04:26 PM
Point-Man I would run a malware scan and or virus scan on your 'puter because somebody has got your login to be able to do that. You could have a keystroke logger or another type trojan that fetches your passwords and passes them on to hackers. I have been on fleabay since '98 and paypal since 2001 and never had one single suspicious charge.

Rattlesnake Charlie
07-15-2015, 04:41 PM
Guess I've been lucky. No fraudulent charges. No robo calls. I don't use it much. Mostly for MiHec mold orders.

07-15-2015, 04:43 PM
Point-Man I would run a malware scan and or virus scan on your 'puter because somebody has got your login to be able to do that. You could have a keystroke logger or another type trojan that fetches your passwords and passes them on to hackers. I have been on fleabay since '98 and paypal since 2001 and never had one single suspicious charge.

I have to agree with DougGuy something is amiss with your computer or someone has your login info .. Been doing paypal and ebay since about 2000 never a suspicious charge ..

07-15-2015, 05:04 PM
Thanks for the information! I used the info Ric provided when I called the number Hamish provided and was good in less than 10 minutes. I could care less that their thoughts / ideals are different than mine. It works darn good and helps me do what I like to do.


https://ci3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/dj1wfIO1o5MPwEG31ahHlmTmGUmcjRQYyJuuwoqIXa6zlxiUy6 ISM00XY8OuOaOYsY5BZMsm5koiOcNKrB0GErTbo7h8NJWZJikB j6ym0GvOoowvgYsBiRM5BeuTGrg=s0-d-e1-ft#https://image.paypal-communication.com/paypal_na/common/img_logo_new2.gif

https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/pYu6qT4VYIGhMSqlzUukV08JXlSSrS4oYzc2S75ziBnmMoE_Uh xCfFAOwopY8dS2uUOiZmRjjj0uYduAVT1a_QDtFsMH1XmzGmd1 unmzuEcw-MK9Ncagn2NNUkliCXvIskRDfsZsr_MX0ym4XKJaoe0n5A=s0-d-e1-ft#https://image.paypal-communication.com/paypal_na/2014/20131210_Templates_22725/img_spacer.gif

Notice of policy update.

https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/pYu6qT4VYIGhMSqlzUukV08JXlSSrS4oYzc2S75ziBnmMoE_Uh xCfFAOwopY8dS2uUOiZmRjjj0uYduAVT1a_QDtFsMH1XmzGmd1 unmzuEcw-MK9Ncagn2NNUkliCXvIskRDfsZsr_MX0ym4XKJaoe0n5A=s0-d-e1-ft#https://image.paypal-communication.com/paypal_na/2014/20131210_Templates_22725/img_spacer.gif

https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/pYu6qT4VYIGhMSqlzUukV08JXlSSrS4oYzc2S75ziBnmMoE_Uh xCfFAOwopY8dS2uUOiZmRjjj0uYduAVT1a_QDtFsMH1XmzGmd1 unmzuEcw-MK9Ncagn2NNUkliCXvIskRDfsZsr_MX0ym4XKJaoe0n5A=s0-d-e1-ft#https://image.paypal-communication.com/paypal_na/2014/20131210_Templates_22725/img_spacer.gif

Dear Ric Carter,

We value our relationship with you and work hard to communicate clearly. Recently, however, we did not live up to our own standards.

Earlier this year, we sent you an email about updates that we planned to make to our User Agreement on July 1, 2015. The User Agreement is a document we share to help you understand your relationship with PayPal and the obligations we both have.

Unfortunately, some of the language in this update caused confusion and concern with some of our customers about how we may contact you.

To clear up any confusion, we have modified the terms of Section 1.10 of our User Agreement. The new language is intended to make it clear that PayPal primarily uses autodialed or prerecorded calls and texts to:

Help detect, investigate and protect our customers from fraud
Provide notices to our customers regarding their accounts or account activity
Collect a debt owed to us

In addition, the new Section 1.10(a) and 1.10(b) makes it clear that:

We will not use autodialed or prerecorded calls or texts to contact our customers for marketing purposes without prior express written consent.
Customers can continue to enjoy our products and services without needing to consent to receive autodialed or prerecorded calls or texts.
We respect our customers' communications preferences and recognize that their consent is required for certain autodialed and prerecorded calls and texts. Customers may revoke consent to receive these communications by contacting PayPal customer support and informing us of their preferences.

If you are interested, you can read this updated section of the User Agreement below and by clicking on the links at the bottom of this message.

We apologize for any confusion we may have caused. Should you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer service team.


Louise Pentland
Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Company Secretary

(888) 221-1161

Easy. Took about 3 minutes once I figured out to keep saying "Agent" to bypass the system.

07-15-2015, 09:40 PM
Thank you Smoke4320 and DougGuy. May just be coincidental that both purchases were with companies in Cal.The fraudulent charges was a company in China. I think the companies in Cal. were hacked.

I just ran Malwarebytes- anti-malware No problems.