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View Full Version : YAY Neck Doc gave me freedom

06-16-2015, 10:16 PM
Saw the neck doc today, 8 weeks since surgery. he said everything was perfect and new bone had started to fill the spacers really well so I can do what I want. If it hurts stop and don't lift that heavy/shoot that much recoil.

06-16-2015, 10:28 PM
Great news Mary. Been a long eight weeks yes?

06-16-2015, 10:43 PM
Very long, I still have to be careful lifting for 6 months to let the bone settle in totally. But the way my body builds bone spurs by 6 months it should be healed.

06-16-2015, 11:01 PM
Good to hear, stay the course and heal up quick.


06-16-2015, 11:34 PM
It has certainly been a long road Mary.

06-17-2015, 03:38 AM
Happy for you, Good to hear this.

06-17-2015, 05:55 AM
I hope you continue the road to full recovery,just don't over do.

06-17-2015, 06:40 AM
Great news Mary! Let it heal fully, you waited this long.

Wayne Smith
06-17-2015, 07:40 AM
One time when rapid calcium deposition is a blessing, eh? I too am blessed with bone spurs.

Good to hear that you are coming along well. Take it easy and don't mess up at this point! Hold off on the heavy loads for a while, OK?

06-17-2015, 07:47 AM

06-17-2015, 07:55 AM
Good to hear Mary. Load 'em light for a while.

06-17-2015, 10:59 AM
Good news! Good advice given. Take the time to recover before you try to do too much, your body will warn you as long as you make no sudden moves.

06-17-2015, 03:48 PM
that's good news mary!!! hope u can come down to 80 mtrs. and visit one of these days. i know you like the high bands but low band thumping can be fun to. wishing you continued quick healing!!! like some one else said load'em light for a while.73's

06-18-2015, 12:44 AM
Right now storm static on 80m is s9++ here!

Going to take the AR out Friday maybe, I put a brake on it so recoil should be next to zero no matter the load! My Hipoint C9 that does double duty as a hammer, club, heavy object to throw at somoeone... also has little recoil due to the weight. At least I can get out and shoot a little. Will avoid shooting the PK380, load I keep in it is very snappy and about maximum pressure for the gun.

Was out picking mulberries today and the neck warned me a few times to not tilt my head back quite that far... have to drag a ladder over tomorrow if my idea to use a tube to pick the ripe ones doesn't work.

06-18-2015, 08:14 PM
Congratulations - may want to shoot off a rest at first.

06-18-2015, 08:21 PM
Good for you.Better news than I got. No treadmill and stay out of the deer stand.

06-19-2015, 12:17 AM
12 gauge... maybe by this fall... maybe

fast ronnie
06-19-2015, 01:23 AM
Right now storm static on 80m is s9++ here!

Going to take the AR out Friday maybe, I put a brake on it so recoil should be next to zero no matter the load! My Hipoint C9 that does double duty as a hammer, club, heavy object to throw at somoeone... also has little recoil due to the weight. At least I can get out and shoot a little. Will avoid shooting the PK380, load I keep in it is very snappy and about maximum pressure for the gun.

Was out picking mulberries today and the neck warned me a few times to not tilt my head back quite that far... have to drag a ladder over tomorrow if my idea to use a tube to pick the ripe ones doesn't work.

Be careful with the ladder. My wife fell off a ladder picking apricots Monday and broke her arm. We are waiting for the surgeon to put a plate in. Late 60's don't bounce as good anymore.!!!!!!

06-19-2015, 10:42 PM
Step ladder, only up 2 steps to get the lower branches. I know I don't bounce anymore and it hurts a LOT longer after! Tube works to pick berries hanging off the bottom. When ripe a touch makes them fall off. I filled an 8 foot tube in about 15 minutes today(1" diameter)

06-20-2015, 12:52 AM
elecraft k3 with full house 8 pole filters sure helps with the noise mary. plus dsp from heaven!!! and diversity receive. 73's take it easy and stay safe

06-21-2015, 04:06 AM
Just running and FT-897d... plans to upgrade when the lawsuit for the car accident settles. Thinking the FT-991, I need the 6 and 2m weak signal capability!

K3 is nice but not in my budget! Need to raise 2 towers too and am very tempted to make one a TM-433hd low profile crankup for easy access to the antennas for EME. Running mast mounted preamps with relays means regular repairs as relays give out.

06-21-2015, 08:40 AM
Great to hear MaryB. I hope your can get back to a normal life soon.

06-21-2015, 08:52 AM
Good to hear that things are headed in the right direction.

06-22-2015, 05:37 AM
you b careful doing tower work mary. i got a old freestanding rohn here. the doc gave me bad news on my kidneys last Wednesday. i won't do dialysis so I'm just here for the good times now. hold out for a k3 mary!!! the receivers are magical!! just buy a basic one to start with. add filters and such as you need!! no need to go in whole hog at initial purchase.do a 400hz and a 2.8 khz 8 pole filter to start with and add as u need to. same with auto tuner and sub receiver. plus customer support second to none.73's and go look and figure on a k3. you are a smart woman and you will see that a k3 is doable!!best wishes to all here on the forum.

06-23-2015, 01:11 AM
Sorry to hear on the kidneys, prayers for a miracle to crop up!

I have looked at the K3... by the time I add transverters for 2, and 432 I am looking at big bucks... yeah the crank down tower I am looking at nests at 12 feet. I will build a work deck at the 7-8 foot level to put things in easy reach.

06-23-2015, 12:56 PM
Excellent news, Mary. I've been through the same thing, and it is SOOOOO much better to be on the AFTER side than the before side. I thought I knew pain until my neck vertebrae gave out finally! Very humbling. My doc was an amazing surgeon, and I've NEVER had any bad effects of any kind after his surgery. One of his partners just did my 2nd back surgery, and it looks like I'm probably going to have another now. If anyone is within reach of Savannah, GA, I can VERY heartily recommend Dr. Roy Baker for neck surgery. I asked my dentist about him before my surgery, and he told me about Baker's saving his MIL's life. She had a deep brain anuerism that was, for but a very, very few, inoperable. Dr. Baker was on call, luckily, and just happened to be the ONLY surgeon qualified to do this particular proceedure south of NYC! He literally saved her life, and that was nearly 15 years ago now, and she's still going strong. Dr. Wirth is an older man who is a true master of his trade. He did some work as a younger man on my father in the late 70's or early 80's. His health is excellent, and his mind sharp, and he's a good and pointed questioner and listener. He takes most things his patients say very seriously, and knows how to separate the wheat from the chaff. They're with Savannah Neurological Institue, I believe it's called, and if anyone is within reachable distance from them, you might want to check them out before selecting a doc to do your work or that of a loved one. They are, very simply, "The Real Thing," and I recommend them VERY highly because after my first experience in 2000 with Baker, I've kept tabs on them for some 15 years now, and I have yet to come across anyone with complaints, unless it was someone I knew wasn't prone to follow instructions they were given. THAT is an enviable record, so if you need this kind of surgery, that CAN result in even MORE problems if it's not done right, you may want to check these good men out.

06-23-2015, 02:56 PM
Mary! zsounds like you got it covered,Get well1

06-23-2015, 07:56 PM
mary thank you for the kind thoughts. i do pray and i have told the good lord thanks for the progress you have made and i have asked him to keep you on a healing course!!! i used up all my miracles just getting to this age.i have not lived an angels life by any means. i have loved whiskey drugs women and fast motorcycles most of my life. the thing i most proud of is being straight and sober for over 30 years now. i'm just here for ride now!! i ain't looked real close but that k3-s covers 160 to 2mtrs!!! and the internal 2 mtr transverter for the k3 had darn good numbers that it exceeded!! sure hope you can finagle a k3. best wishes to all on the forum!! 73's mary!!!!

06-23-2015, 11:24 PM
going to be a tight budget, first priority is a garage if we get this insurance stuff settled before winter