View Full Version : New favorite patches for fouling management

06-15-2015, 03:52 PM
I think I've hit on the ideal patches for fouling management in my fast twist .45-90. I've used a bunch of different ones, and on my way through Big Timber recently I stopped in at Shiloh and picked up some of their 3" cotton patches. They are a quality patch and since using them I haven't had any fibers come off in the bore which happens with th cheaper stuff.

They hold enough water that my rifle was usually coming clean after only one damp patch. I generally go with two patches, but it's nice to see that I could probably get by with one in a pinch if time was tight.

I just thought I'd mention them in case someone was looking for an improvement.


country gent
06-15-2015, 08:22 PM
There you go, Gun laker start a run on patches at shiloh so our guns production take even longer wait. LOL

06-15-2015, 08:33 PM
Well I do have an order in there at the moment. Maybe if I help sell a lot of patches I can get a discount :-) :-)Chris.

country gent
06-15-2015, 09:09 PM
Chris, salesman of the year. LOL. Seiously though good tips on gear and equipment are always appreciated