View Full Version : Which Glock: G42 .380 or G43 9mm to buy?

06-14-2015, 09:38 AM
I'm looking to buy a small CCW pistol in the same Glock format as my G19 9mm. I shoot nothing but properly sized (.357 plus) boolits (MiHec mould) in the G19 and after thousands of rounds it loves cast boolits with no leading at all. I would like to buy it's baby brother (the G43 in 9mm) but I'm concerned about recoil in such a small pistol. I'm leaning towards the G42 in .380 since I will be shooting it a lot (practice and tin cans at 7 yards)....I haven't been able to shoot either pistol. Anyone know if the 9mm G43 has significantly more recoil than the .380 G43? It's obvious that the smaller cartridge will generate less recoil impulse but I'm wondering if the 9mm is significantly worse. Anyone have experience with either pistol? My only .380 experience is with my old Walther PPK/s and the recoil is no problem even in this blowback unlocked breech pistol. I expect that the .380 G42 would have less felt recoil due to it's locked breech..not sure about the 9mm G43. Thanks.

06-14-2015, 11:31 AM
you have a 9mm , you load for 9mm 9x19 why change that get the smaller 9mm the 1mm in length opens up many possibilities that are not there with the shorter cartridge 9x18

I shoot and carry a LC9 in the same category as the g43 even my son shot it fine at 10 years old the recoil is there but manageable

06-14-2015, 12:41 PM
Stick with the 9mm shooting. It is a defensive gun (G43) and should be practiced with but is most definitely not a typical range toy. Just keep that in mind and practice practice practice.

06-14-2015, 01:02 PM
I think you will find the finger rest base plate for the mags very useful in getting a better grip but does little to hurt concelaability

06-14-2015, 02:03 PM
My officers have been bringing both the 42 and 43 to me for their pre-carry inspections. Both are quite pleasant to shoot - I would call them both guns you could shoot all day. I consider the locked-breech 9mm 43 a bit less snappy than the older, blowback .380's like the PPK/S or Sig 230/232. Glock definitely has a winner with that one.

The 43 IS a little bigger than the 42. I would say the difference for OWB, IWB, ankle, or shoulder carry is pretty minimal, but if you're looking to roll in a pocket holster, or as a minimalist "tank top and running shorts" gun, the 42 will have the advantage for some folks.

06-14-2015, 02:15 PM
Looks like you get to buy both, then figure it out.

06-14-2015, 04:28 PM
Thanks for the replies; buying both is a GREAT idea that got me thinking...there is an indoor range nearby that rents pistols and probably has a G42 and or a G43. The recoil issue is important to me since I like to practice and plink with all of my pistols including the PPK/s .380 which is supposed to be snappy because it's straight blowback..I think that the recoil is mild so I'm sure that the G42 will be comfortable. I load a ton of 9mm and want to try the G43 if I can. I have to get off the fence and make a decision; I heard that the G43 will replace the G42 in Glock's lineup (read it in a gun magazine so who knows if it's true). I appreciate all comments.

06-14-2015, 04:58 PM
The G42/43 is the gun glock should had made 10 years ago.....

06-14-2015, 05:16 PM
The 43 is a little longer, little taller and a little wider than the 42. I shoot and reload .380 but the 9mm is much better for carry. If you are recoil sensitive there are 9mm loads that are not as harsh but still perform well. You can shoot both but if you are going to carry it I would suggest the 43.

06-14-2015, 08:27 PM
I shot a 42 a couple weeks ago, very comfortable with 100 gr cast and 3.2 Bullseye. That said you can always load the nine down but I don't think you'd need to. I see both of those guns as holster guns, so get the 43. The real pocket guns IMO are the Keltec and Ruger .380's at 8-9 oz. and very thin. The 42 is 8 oz. heavier loaded, than my KT .380 loaded and thicker. That's a big difference in a pocket.

PS. If the PPK doesn't bother you the 43 sure won't. I got rid of a PPK clone because I didn't care for it. The 42 I shot was night and day different from a PPK, way more comfortable!

Petrol & Powder
06-15-2015, 06:53 AM
With the advent of small 9mm pistols that are the size of .380 pistols, I can no longer see a reason to use the .380 auto for self defense.
While the 9x19 (9mm Lugar) and the 9x17 (9mm Browning short, .380auto, etc.) use the same bullet diameter the ballistics are significantly different.
Back when there were no small locked breach 9mm pistols on the market the .380 auto was about the best one could do in a compact pistol. There were some great .380 auto pistols like the Walther PPK and the SIG P230 that I would recommend to friends looking for a small pistol. HOWEVER, times have changed. We now have several excellent small pistols chambered in 9mm Lugar that are no larger than the older .380 pistols and some are even smaller.
The .380auto is an excellent cartridge in terms of accuracy but its claim to fame has always been the guns that used that cartridge more than the cartridge itself.
The ability to shoot a slightly heavier, slightly faster projectile out of the same sized gun did it for me. I wouldn't abandon a good pistol chambered in .380 auto but I doubt I'll ever buy another one.

06-15-2015, 10:32 AM
I had a chance to shoot a G43 today with some of the handloads that I put thru my G19 9mm (Mihec 125gr HP #2 alloy sized .357 over an assortment of powders: 4.0gr ww231, 4.0gr Red Dot, 4.5gr Unique). I thought that the G43 was very easy to shoot and it's 9mm recoil was less than my ancient PPK/s in .380. I'm heading to the local gun store (they have a sign that says that they have the G43) to buy a G43 in 9mm. This way I can shoot the same boolits/loads in 9mm that I use in the G19 and Sig X5 Classic..Thanks for all the comments and help!

06-15-2015, 01:07 PM
I am the odd duck here. In a pistol this size I always recommend .380 Auto. The very modest muzzle jump and recoil will allow you to place shots fast and with good accuracy. Since you reload you will be able to get in alot of cheap practice. Under stress your shooting abilities will go way down, also you may be forced to shoot with one hand. All of these factors favor the .380. My daily carry this summer is a Kahr CT380 with a Lee 356-95-RF at 940 fps. I can shoot it fast and with good accuracy. One handed I can do pretty well with it out to 8 feet or so. I have a Glock 42 on layaway also.

If you have the chance to shoot both guns before you buy then by all means do it. Just my advice, worth every penny you paid for it!

06-15-2015, 01:12 PM
Fecmech, I'm glad to hear of your experience with the 42 because that is one load my Kahr shoots well and I hope the 42 does also. Do you know what those boolits were sized to? Did they shoot to the sights?

06-15-2015, 05:09 PM
Do you know what those boolits were sized to? Did they shoot to the sights?
They were sized to .356 which is why I was shooting them in the friends gun. I was concerned they might lead so before I gave him some we tried it out. His barrel was copper fouled to start and did not look any worse after about 30 rds of cast so I gave him the rest. We were only shooting about 20 yds but I hit every clay pigeon I shot at and I just put the front sight in the center of the bird. I really liked the gun as a shooter, very pleasant. My Keltec is not fun to shoot because of the light weight but it is accurate, reliable and I don't even notice it in my pocket. That's why I bought it, I wanted something that I ALWAYS had with me.

Petrol & Powder
06-15-2015, 05:27 PM
I had a chance to shoot a G43 today with some of the handloads that I put thru my G19 9mm (Mihec 125gr HP #2 alloy sized .357 over an assortment of powders: 4.0gr ww231, 4.0gr Red Dot, 4.5gr Unique). I thought that the G43 was very easy to shoot and it's 9mm recoil was less than my ancient PPK/s in .380. I'm heading to the local gun store (they have a sign that says that they have the G43) to buy a G43 in 9mm. This way I can shoot the same boolits/loads in 9mm that I use in the G19 and Sig X5 Classic..Thanks for all the comments and help!

I think you'll be happy with that gun AND the simplified logistics of shooting your current round.

06-15-2015, 07:00 PM
The Glock 43 is an intriguing little critter. Not sure how long I'll be able to live without one. Or TWO--SWMBO will steal the first one that lands here, I'm sure of it.

06-16-2015, 10:11 PM
I am the odd duck here. In a pistol this size I always recommend .380 Auto. The very modest muzzle jump and recoil will allow you to place shots fast and with good accuracy.

The game has changed pretty significantly here in recent years - due no doubt in part to relaxing CCW laws driving the R&D. .380's have become more controllable due to tilting-barrel recoil-operated mechanisms replacing the straight blowback of the PPK era. The same technology has been applied to the little 9mm's with pretty good effect. At the point you start playing with .40's and .45's in micro guns, physics takes over and the recoil starts to suck, but unless you're extremely recoil-sensitive, the .380 vs. 9mm argument these days is more about size of the gun than kick. The Ruger LC9 didn't render the LCP pointless simply because it's bigger by necessity of containing the higher power round. The same applies with the Glock 42 and 43; they're both pussycats, but one's a two week old kitten and the other one is at two months - you may need a different sized box to transport them home from the pound.

06-20-2015, 10:35 PM
I have both the 42 and 43. To me the recoil between them is alot llike the difference between the 26 and 27. I have found that the 42 is a little picky about the way you hold it. It is the only gun that I have that I know how to induce a nearly 100% malfunction rate. Grip it too low and it will stove pipe. If you can handle shooting a 27 then the 43 is not an issue. The 42 is nice to shoot but the 43 is not harsh. There is no way around what Newton said so many years ago. Given the size and weight of the two, the 9mm will recoil more. Only you can decide if one is too much or tolerable.

Geezer in NH
06-22-2015, 09:04 PM
9mm is better than 380 every time especially in the same size/platform.

Petrol & Powder
06-22-2015, 11:34 PM
9mm is better than 380 every time especially in the same size/platform.

I came to that conclusion years ago. When the only difference was the pistol, the smaller pistol won out for concealment. Now that the 9mm pistols are the same size as the .380's, I can no longer go with the .380.
The difference in recoil between a 95 gr .380 and a 115gr 9mm is so small that I wouldn't even consider it to be a factor.
There are some great .380 pistols available and if I had one I was proficient with I'd certainly keep it but I wouldn't go out a buy a new one.

06-23-2015, 11:46 PM
I spent some quality time with my Kahr CT380 today. I load it with the Lee 356-95-RF or 356-102-1R at ~925 fps. I can shoot it well, the low muzzle jump helps me to stay on target. No way would I want 9mm in a pistol that size or even a bit larger, there just comes a point of diminishing returns. Even worse are the micro .40's and .357's. If you can shoot a small gun that kicks hard then my hat is off to you 'cause I sure can't.

Lefty Red
06-24-2015, 03:47 PM
The 43 is a great shooter. I just don't like the fact you can get extra mags yet. But if I can't wear my 26, I go with my Shield. It was cheaper and has a good track record. Plus I'm kind of POed at Glock for waiting so long to bring the 43 out.
But if no one was watching, I would carry the 43 with no worries.

Note about the 42 and jamming. I found out that loading it toward the higher end cured it. Nice pistol!


06-29-2015, 08:36 PM
Not a lot of experience, but I have put a couple of hundred rounds thru each gun.
I also recommend 9mm over 380 unless you need that last bit of size difference.
Better ballistics, ammo choices, ammo price (last 2 fixed by reloading).
The first time I shot the 43, I noticed some trigger bite, did not like the serrated trigger.
Second time I put more rounds thru it and never noticed it.

I tried to make the 43 malfunction, it took me several times, had to hold it with just a couple of fingers down as low as I could and let my wrist really flop around to get it to malfunction.
So no real issues with limp wristing this thing.
Not sure of the ammo, maybe winchester white box, nothing special.

06-29-2015, 09:52 PM
This was the debate I had as well over the last several months when the 43 came out. I still may get a 43 but the price is still to high for me to justify it. In the mean time I orders the Kahr cw380. It is by all accounts as good as the G42, but smaller.

07-02-2015, 11:37 AM
I have a CT-380 which is the CW-380 with a longer grip and barrel. Great gun but I'm still picking up a Glock 42 in a couple of weeks. Smaller isn't always better!

07-03-2015, 10:52 PM
I have a CT-380 which is the CW-380 with a longer grip and barrel. Great gun but I'm still picking up a Glock 42 in a couple of weeks. Smaller isn't always better!
I hear you but smaller, and cheaper won in my book. Took it out today and shot a box of blazers out of it. Flawless, ans shot great with some shots touching at 7 yards. More than I expected with such a sort barrel. Took a magazine or two to get a feel for how it shoots. The 380 dies came, and were not 380 dies so I sent them back. They sent me 357 magnum dies. Oh well, I guess a factory box of ammo in 10 years is not bad. I do like the reset better on the Glock 42, 43. There is a long reset with the Kahr.I will pick up the 43 once the price settles but this will do for the time being. I almost got the ct-380, but decided if I was going mouse gun I wanted to go small, but not NAA pug small.

07-04-2015, 08:56 AM
43 is big. Your wanting a pocket gun or what? I have 42/380/glock with 1000 rnds thru it. 115gr/122gr w/pbgc's. It shoot great and placement is dead on & what you are supposed to doo. James bonds ammo. I cartridge gage all ammo. I load my 380 on dillon 1050. Gas checks really helped me incredibly, l shoot with both eyes open like festus hagen.

Best city carry holster in the world IMO. Cheap and easy with mic holster (glocktech.com) and two used lanyards laying around the house. A figure-8 holster behind your back/ one arm thru each lanyard. Just tie the lanyards together. Nothing on my belt or big belly, x-mag in pocket if wanted.

http://i1113.photobucket.com/albums/k511/putt2012/3328ABD1-E8B3-45EE-B231-D81C0EB0099D_zpsnlzxx0nb.jpg (http://s1113.photobucket.com/user/putt2012/media/3328ABD1-E8B3-45EE-B231-D81C0EB0099D_zpsnlzxx0nb.jpg.html)

I have mics for all, sometimes l carry my g-21 the same way, Kahr-9, glock42,etc..