View Full Version : How much for this Savage?

06-09-2015, 09:30 PM
I saw a Savage in the pawn shop today, how much should I pay for it??
It is a model 10/110 .30-06, with the cheap beechwood looking stock.
The stock is all scratched up, ugly,
The bolt has some surface rust on it,
the barrel looks as if someone tried to remove surface rust with hard steel wool, ugly.

I saw it as a possible action for a 35XCB gun, considering that military mausers nowadays are $250 and up, and needs bubba-ized.

How much should I pay for this savage?

lefty o
06-09-2015, 09:31 PM
without actually seeing it, based off oyur description in the neighborhood of 250-300.

06-09-2015, 09:54 PM
Well you can get a brand new Savage Axis 30-06 for $329+tax
so I wouldn't offer more than that, and I'd start at $200.

06-09-2015, 10:03 PM
Well you can get a brand new Savage Axis 30-06 for $329+tax
so I wouldn't offer more than that, and I'd start at $200.
Well, that statement does bring up another similar question.
What is it with all the new Savages as of lately?
I have seen them in the gun store for $700+ and now you say the 'axis' is $329?
Does Savage now offer several different price points of quality?

06-09-2015, 10:08 PM
Heck, it's a pawn shop what do you think they would offer you? Offer them fifty bucks. GP

06-09-2015, 10:47 PM
Well, that statement does bring up another similar question.
What is it with all the new Savages as of lately?
I have seen them in the gun store for $700+ and now you say the 'axis' is $329?
Does Savage now offer several different price points of quality?

An Axis is the chain discount store low price model. No accutrigger, matte finish, tupperware stock, but from what I gather, it's the same bolt & receiver. So none of the other details matter so much if you're gonna pull it all off anyway.

06-10-2015, 01:20 AM
Well, that statement does bring up another similar question.
What is it with all the new Savages as of lately?
I have seen them in the gun store for $700+ and now you say the 'axis' is $329?

Does Savage now offer several different price points of quality?

Not only Savage but most large makers offer budget models.

Savage and Stevens are the same company but different levels of parts options and finish.

The Stevens line has less features and less time spent on external finish. The Savage Line is broken up into quite a few models ranging from just about like the Stevens to full blown almost custom rifles. Like this one

check out the entire line of savages.

From the OP description - he will be replacing the barrel, stock and only using the action.

The older Model 10/110's didn't have accutrigger's either - so may need to replace with an aftermarket trigger. So he can do the same thing with an Axis as his starting point.


So why pay more for a used action than what you can get the new one for?

Oh, and don't think the cheaper Axis guns won't shoot - the internals of all models are kept within pretty tight tolerances.

06-10-2015, 02:46 AM
I'm no Savage basher, just relaying my understanding of the Axis line as I understand it. When time and funds allow, I have a model 10 I plan to make a 'switch barrel' rifle out of myself. Mostly just to teach myself a thing or 3, and I'm curious to see if I can make it work.

Time will tell.

06-10-2015, 07:50 AM
the pawn shop is asking $200 for the ugly beat up savage.

06-10-2015, 08:03 AM
the pawn shop is asking $200 for the ugly beat up savage.

I`d counter offer $100 and argue from there, pointing out the deficencies with the rifle. Don`t mention your plans to gut the rifle for just the action. As far as $200 for it, no I wouldn`t go that high. I`d also include in the negotations what a brand new model runs as mentioned by Artful.Robert

06-10-2015, 10:22 AM
Right now you can get an Axis Heavy Barrel model for $296 including shipping from CenterfireGuns. Savage offers a $50 rebate right now until the end of the month. Sell the barrel for $100. Sell the stock for enough to recover your FFL fees. Now you have a new action for $150.

06-10-2015, 01:31 PM
I didn't think the Axis was the same action as the 110,10,111,11 series of rifles, it's a cheaper to produce one, though the barrels are the same I think.

I have owned several Savage 110 variants over the years and it is a good action and they are good rifles, I'd probably buy a used 110 over a new Axis though the reports I've heard about the Axis' accuracy have all been good.

06-10-2015, 02:16 PM
If I remember right the only difference between the Stevens 200 and Savage Axis is the recoil lug is just a groove in the Axis action with a stud in the stock vs Stevens is captive washer lug on the stevens with a groove in the stock.

06-10-2015, 02:18 PM
Right now you can get an Axis Heavy Barrel model for $296 including shipping from CenterfireGuns. Savage offers a $50 rebate right now until the end of the month. Sell the barrel for $100. Sell the stock for enough to recover your FFL fees. Now you have a new action for $150.
not a bad idea

06-10-2015, 04:25 PM
My SOP in dealing with pawnshop rifles is to find out what their asking price is and then counter with 1/2 to 60 %, a bit more than half just to keep from being insulting, if it's a place I don't know. check it over carefully examine the locking surfaces of the bolt lugs and have a plan--know ahead of time what it's worth to you.

06-11-2015, 08:46 AM
I bought an older, left hand model, almost new (95%) 110 in .270 with a scope and pretty, curly wood for ~$350 during deer season. It was from a pawn shop not known for its low prices during deer season when they don't wheel and deal as much for a good deer rifle. I was thinking of rebarreling to something fun, but it shoots so good I will at least wait until I am bored with it.

06-11-2015, 10:20 AM

Remember, pawn shops generally buy whatever for pennies on the dollar - which makes their cost for an item tagged @ $200 less than $100 (probably $50-$75).

I would go for the new Axis, parted out to recover most of the cost; BUT if your decide for the pawn shop gun, I would respectfully suggest two things:

1) Deal only with the pawn shop owner, not a clerk.

2) Don't make a verbal offer.

Instead of the verbal $$$ offer, just tell the owner "this is all I can spend" while you lay cash on the counter.

Then, shut up, leaving the ball in their court - he who speaks first, loses. (resist talking, even though one minute will seem like an hour)

If your cash offer isn't accepted, be prepared to thank them & head for the door - a few times, I've been called back from the shop door as I was walking out, with an acceptance.


06-11-2015, 02:56 PM
I have been in the pawn business for 20 years. There is no real formula to know what a shop has in an item. There are many variables. My best advice is to offer what the rifle is worth to you, who cares what one sold for on GB. If the shop wants GB prices, he should list it on GB. If you make an offer be sure you have the cash in your pocket, not a credit or debt card. Pawn shops hand out cash all day long and would like to get cash back from customers, especially if you are buying the item for less than asking price. Don't expect a discount if you want to do a lay a way either. Also keep in mind that pawn shops deal with tick turds all day long so they may not be the nicest guys all the time (me included) but you may be able to build a relationship over time with a shop that will be beneficial to both.

06-11-2015, 06:03 PM
A lot depends how old it is too...Remember, before the mid 1990's, saying Savage and accurate in the same sentence would have gotten you laughed out of any gun shop in the country.

06-12-2015, 09:17 AM
If I remember right the only difference between the Stevens 200 and Savage Axis is the recoil lug is just a groove in the Axis action with a stud in the stock vs Stevens is captive washer lug on the stevens with a groove in the stock.

The Axis recoil lug is glued into the stock, and it slips into a corresponding slot on the underside of the action. Goodsteel reworked an Axis for me where he fabricated a new recoil lug to fit behind the barrel nut, extending down into the stock like on most rifles. If the OP is planning a 35 XCB build, which would most likely involve Goodsteel at some point, using an Axis should work fine. And btw they now also come with the Accutrigger option.

06-12-2015, 02:23 PM
A lot depends how old it is too...Remember, before the mid 1990's, saying Savage and accurate in the same sentence would have gotten you laughed out of any gun shop in the country.

Not sure where you got that, the plain Jane 110 in .223 I bought used in the late 80's is very accurate with pretty much everything I ever handloaded for it. I think all the others I've ever owned were later than that, but those Savages are at least as good on average as Remington 700s and Winchester Model 70s I've had.

06-13-2015, 03:03 PM
Just today I shot an 1" group with my o6 axis at 200yards stock barrel and home made trigger job boyds stock ,what more can I ask for these new bargain guns are made on multi million dollar machines that are very accurate!

06-14-2015, 09:35 PM
Ok, first off, The Axis is completely different action, with 2 recoil lugs, made in the stock, ala Tikka! They use the same bolt heads and barrels as a std Savage 110 or10, but the action is completely different, solid top, some have accu trigger, some don't, all easily tuned. I have had 3 Axis, all shot well under MOA with factory ammo. Our local Dunhams have the blued rifle/scope combo for $299 right now! The action used you describe, will bring $250-300 online, just the action, cleaned up! That said, I have bought several rifles as you describe, for $200-225 locally, all the market here will bear. If you can get if for less than $250, you have a bargain!! I have 9 Savage bolt actions right now, some my own custom builds, some factory, all shoot under 1/2 MOA. I have built over 200 custom and semi custom rifles in 26+ years as a gunsmith, never had a 110 Savage that did not shoot well, and I have had some butt ugly ones.

06-14-2015, 11:47 PM
Just today I shot an 1" group with my o6 axis at 200yards stock barrel and home made trigger job boyds stock ,what more can I ask for these new bargain guns are made on multi million dollar machines that are very accurate!

Very Cool! Do you have a picture of the group? I would absolutely love to see it! This is about all I can get out of my Savage .243 @ 100 Yds. 10 shot group. .753".

06-15-2015, 01:34 AM
I've seen a few ads now for various model Savages in several calibers as Dads day specials or going to be on sale.

09-14-2015, 11:51 PM
Unless they have sold it recently, there has been a butt ugly old savage 110 30/06 in a pawn shop here priced at 125 with no takers. This metal on thei rifle is ugly but seems servicable, but the stock looks homeade, and not by a craftsman. lol It has been there at least 2 years, and they are known to deal way down on their prices.

09-22-2015, 12:17 PM
The older Savage 110s had a fully adjustable trigger that works well. My 30-06 is from the mid 1960s and still shoots 1/2" groups at 100 yards. Don't know when they changed out the triggers but you could ask if you can take the action out of the stock. Would not be a bad idea if the gun is in rough shape anyway.

Geezer in NH
09-26-2015, 08:22 PM
$150 show him the cash and then turn to walk.

Folks who cares what yours shoots the question is how MUCH