View Full Version : found a TC Seneca today

03-21-2008, 09:03 PM
I found a .36 caliber Seneca at my local gunshop and the cost was about what I paid for my first one that now has a scope on it so now I will have a scoped and and open sighted seneca.
Can't wait until I can get it off layaway next month.

03-22-2008, 06:51 AM
That's good luck. The Seneca was one of the nicer little rifles one could see on the line. Too bad TC dropped it as it made a fine rifle for men women and children. All I see in my local gun stores are modern stuff, very rarely anything resembling a traditional rifle. I do not remember when they dropped it from their line but if you price the new ones you did not get a bad buy.


03-22-2008, 10:13 AM
Just curious,what did you pay for this rifle?

03-22-2008, 05:01 PM
Will be $350 out the door with sales tax
they had a cherokee that if it is still there will go on layaway.
they were the best small caliber blackpowder firearms ever.