View Full Version : New guy question

06-09-2015, 04:23 PM
So I wish I had thought to take a picture of this, but I didn't. I finally got to go shoot my 9mm shield the other day and right up to the point one round was a hair too long and jammed just out of battery,everything was going great.

My question is this, I had a bunch of white,gray stuff lining the barrel in the groves. I am wondering if it was just the powder residue, or actual leading? I know I had a little on the lands, since I saw the actual small shavings of lead hanging off of them.

I understand without a pic it is hard to tell, but hopeful someone could ease my mind. It did come out easier then the stuff I know was lead. I ran out of time so the barrell is not perfectly clean, but the white residue is gone.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. It was a lyman 125 tc single lube grove over 3.5-3.6 g of titegroup. If that helps.

06-09-2015, 04:23 PM
I should have added I am not completely new to this, however it has been so freaking long since I have shot lead.

white eagle
06-09-2015, 04:31 PM
I would bet its ash of some sort
either lube or powder
nothing to worry about since it came out easily

06-09-2015, 04:31 PM
some smear or streaking is nomal along the lands.if you run a patch thru and it is not rough going thru all is good

06-09-2015, 04:57 PM
Cool. Then for my first run through it everything seems good for around 100 rounds. Then that dang jam, that refused to come out. I need to check oal on the remaining before shooting again and probably seat them just a hair shorter to be safe.

06-09-2015, 05:40 PM
Most automatics these days don't have much of a throat. Sometimes a gun can benefit from having the throat lengthened. I had it done to my SR 1911 (by Dougguy) and it is much easier to deal with. Now I can make them as long as I want as long as they fit my magazine.

06-09-2015, 10:56 PM
I have noticed the throat is a little tighter on my shield then my 9c, I assumed it was because the shorter barrel. That did not allow much of a throat.
The rounds I couldn't get to load in my shield went into my 9c perfectly.

06-09-2015, 11:00 PM
If you are shooting WW alloy it is likely a little bit antimony wash. This typically doesn't get worse as you go and if it does then the buildup would be noticeable and called leading.

06-09-2015, 11:19 PM
Yes, I agree.......probably Sb wash. Cut your Sb mix and add some Sn for fill-out.

Also consider powder coating for NO lead, NO smoke, and (normally) 2 patch clean-up!

Works for me and the many cals I shoot.


06-10-2015, 06:04 PM
I have thought about powder coating but funds are not there for that currently. I do use wheel weights for my lead mostly. Actually get very good fill out, while casting.

06-10-2015, 07:58 PM
Funds? You don't need no stinking funds!!!!!!

Old empty cool whip container
hand full of black Airsoft BB's
HF powder (<$7/#)
old toaster oven
hemostats to pick them up.

Not a whole lot of $$ involved there. Check it out. Give it a try. Find out what many thousands of have learned!

If you elect to move into ESPC gun application, then you are talking a few hundred dollars.

You can get very acceptable coatings if you follow our guidelines on here.



06-10-2015, 08:55 PM
These guys have got it all wrong . . . your Shield is "defective". I wouldn't fire it if I were you . . box it up and send it to me and I'll dispose of it for you. :-)

Sounds like you're having fun! A Shield is on my "to buy" list. They appear to be great guns and I'd like to have one to switch back and forth with my Smith Model 36.

I've been using the Lyman 358-242 RN - 121 gr. for my 9mm reloads out of my Ruger SR9. I'm not that familiar with the Shield as I haven't had a chance to shoot one yet - just know that I want one. Do they prefer one boolit over another as far as feeding? i.e. a TC versus a RN? Or do both styles work equally as well?

06-10-2015, 09:49 PM
I had a lot of tc left over that had been "curing" for a year when I loaded a week ago. I usually use a rf boolit, just due to the way it looks, I like it more.

We have 2 shields, the wifes and mine. Love them both, best gun for carry I have found by far. I have both with the safety, mainly due to my job, I carry it on side gigs occasionally when small lite and concealed is helpful.

06-11-2015, 01:08 AM
Naw man i worried about the same thing when i started shooting a lot of lead. It always came out pretty easy, but i still thought that i was loading wrong and getting leading because of it. It wasnt til i shot some real hot loads from a 460 magnum that i saw some real leading. Also got some in a 7.62x39 bolt action. Caked the damn rifling! Getting it out was a chore, it was very obvious at that point what was lead and what was powder.

You will know it when you get real leading, and what you have does not sound like it is. Very very minor leading shouldnt be worried about, it will come out with routine cleaning.

Look forward to the day when your barrels are so free of residue after a shooting session that you dont dare brush or patch them because youll lose all that sweet conditioning. Youll know when that day has arrived, especially after you have fought with real leading a few times