View Full Version : NY compliant stock opinions....

06-08-2015, 08:57 PM
Need to decide on what NYnotsoSAFE compliant ar15 stock to put on my new 9mm parts kit. So far I think my only options are the monsterman grip, hammerhead stock adapter, thordsen bannana stock. Im leaning toward the monstergrip due to fact I already have an A2stock . Either way none look comfortable

06-12-2015, 03:52 PM
Sorry to hear about your dilemma, being in NY and all.

06-13-2015, 07:58 PM
Yea I know its a PITA. The worst part of all of it is NY wont come out and say whats legal and not legal. As far as the SAFE act goes....any AR is illegal (including preban) and has to be regestered (we all know where that road leads to). As far as mags go 10rds only so the 100s of dollars spent on prebans is a waste. I have been shooting a sks with stippers at our rifle shoots just to stayin the clear. I ordered a mosterman grip, a2 stock, thread protector that has to be pined, front gas block without bayo lug just to be ableto shoot my 9mm "assult rifle"

06-15-2015, 12:19 PM
I suppose you can never be too safe... what with all the recent mass bayonettings we've had.[smilie=b:

06-15-2015, 08:13 PM
Hey did know that if say you were out hunting squirrels and had to reload your .22...if you so happen to drop one in the mud and loose it it would be unlawful to not call the authorities and report it to the NYnotsoSAFE police....

06-15-2015, 09:00 PM
thorsden is not to bad, wife has one and loves it, and i can use it w/o too much hassle. it aint no pistol grip but its worth the coin and still gives a solid performance142218,BTW this is the custom AR we built together in .223 wylde

06-18-2015, 09:24 PM
I might go that way if the monstergrip is too uncomfortable.

06-19-2015, 02:11 AM

06-21-2015, 05:33 PM
Hey did know that if say you were out hunting squirrels and had to reload your .22...if you so happen to drop one in the mud and loose it it would be unlawful to not call the authorities and report it to the NYnotsoSAFE police....

And yet Il Duce's parole board puts murderers and rapists on our streets with annoying regularity.

I can't wait to get out of this state.

06-21-2015, 07:59 PM
I know I'm new here but I post regularly on NYfirearms with the same tag. There's a lot of good reading over there as to NY compliance.

I have handled and shot just about every NY compliant option. The hard part with this law there is no definition in the law and no case law to provide guidance. I'll cover the different options but like I said there's no legal support for any of it.

Featureless- this includes removing all of the banded features. That includes the "evil" pistol grip. That's what makes this style hard to accomplish. There are a few ways to achieve it though all with varying amounts of risk, because of the lack of case law.

1. Spur grip- early on this was the go to for many people. It's cheap and easy to install. There's also trigger guard with a hook on it to aid in the handling of the spur. Leagally this seems to be pretty sound. The biggest con of this is it's probably the hardest option to control and handle.

2. Monsterman grip- this is another easy to install option. The handling with this option is about as poor as the spur. In my opinion it's the hardest to control. Legally speaking this might have slightly more risk than the spur. The reason I say this because this is a grip that is below the action somewhat. I think it would be hard for a prosecutor to actually convict you.

3. Specialized stocks- the most common one is the thorsden (sp) there's another one but I'm drawing a blank at the moment. These seem to be the most common form of compliance. I see many gun shops selling some variation of these builds so legally speaking this is probably the safest. I've shot a few of these rifles and honestly I was very surprised how well they handled and functioned. They feel well in the hand and are very functional. Don't get me wrong they are no pistol grip and would never choose this unless I was forced to.

Fixed magazine- this is an interesting loophole in the law with NO legal precedence. No one knows what is legal here. This 100% uncharted territory. There are a few different ways to accomplish this sort of build.

1. Bullet button- originally designed to go around California's unconstitutional law. A standard bullet button seems to be a no go legally in NY. A gun shop in western NY was raided for selling rifles equipped with standard bullet button. The DA said to make them legal they had to epoxy the release button. Fixing the mag and not allowing the mag to be removed without drilling the epoxy out.

2. Bolt and wing nut- this is installed where the mag release mechanism originally went. This is by far the cheapest of all the options. Because there is nothing in the law about permanence in the law this seems to be a pretty solid option. There a few of these builds shown on NYFIREARMS and some people made them look pretty good for what they are.

3. AR Mag-lock /MR-2 - these seem to still be questionable as to if they are legal or not. These devices allow the mag to be released when the rifle is broken in half.

My pesonaly choice was MR-2. I like that it still allows me too keep all of the other banned features. As far as I'm concerned my AR's are no longer primary home defense weapons and now relay on my pistols and shotguns. My AR's are now range toys until I move or the law is found unconstitutional. The good thing with the #2&3 fix mag options is that it takes less than 5 minutes to switch back over to a normal mag relase. So if SHTF within 5 minutes I will a full feature AR with removable mags. There is no constructive intent with the law so it's perfectly legal to have a normal mag release under your roof.

I hope this helps. I'm no lawyer so take what I said with a grain of salt. I would reccomend reading the actual law for yourself. Then decide what level of risk you want to take on. DO NOT read the law and the "safe act" website there is so much miss information on it it's not even funny. The icing on the cake with the website is in fine print it says that information is not legally binding. You have to love when our government puts out intentional miss information to push an agenda.

06-21-2015, 08:44 PM
It does get a little confusing, I've got the Thordsen stock and almost love it. My wife has the spur and we both dislike it. A good friend of mine bought the monster man grip and hated it he gave it away to another friend who also hated it and dumped it on someone else.