View Full Version : Hornady bullet seating dies question

06-07-2015, 01:45 PM
I just received my yesterday. I've been working with .357. Two things irk me. First, Hornady says they have no bullet tube for 38/357 and they say 9mm doesn't work. If they have tubes for 45, 44, 40 and 9mm why for cry'n out loud don't they for .357? Anyone here have a work around? Second, they just don't seem to jam the bullet in hard enough and I can't figure out how to adjust it so that it does. As it is now, every once in awhile a bullet falls out before getting to the seater die. Not often but enough to give me grief. Again, anyone experienced this and if so, how did you fix it?

06-07-2015, 03:40 PM
Are you referring to loading with the LNL AP?

06-07-2015, 03:48 PM
Yes, I am

06-07-2015, 05:55 PM
I have user the 9mm tubs for 357 with no problem. before I got their tubs I got plastic tubs from hardware store that worker ok.
the only seating problem I had was with 45 acp ,until I had it adjusted just right before it would work. make sure you have the case belled enough so the bullet dosen't fall out.

06-07-2015, 07:44 PM
If the bullet falls out, that is NOT the seating die. That means that you are not flaring the case mouth enough.
If you are having a problem with the bullet feeder die not being .357, you can get another 9mm and polish it out a little and get it to work.
Hornady should have been most helpful, as they always are when I need help.
I know this could be hard, as the instructions may not be clear, but do follow the instructions for setting up the dies. Hornady has always been willing to assist me while I was at the press with issues.

06-07-2015, 07:55 PM
I got the dies Saturday so no chance to speak with Hornady. I will on Monday as I still get an occasional two bullet feed. Good to know about the 9 mill tubes. Hornady told me it was a no go over the phone but I just couldn't see out .003 could make that big of a deal

06-08-2015, 01:41 PM
I spoke with Hornady this morning. First, I'm getting bullets falling through or double feeding because I'm using plated bullets. Jacketed bullets don't have this problem. So says Hornady. Now, as to the 9mm bullet tubes. The tech guy said they wouldn't work but....I then spoke with the R&D guy and he said they absolutely would and that they designed it to work that way. He was surprised that their catalog and sales literature doesn't mention that. Hmm. I just bought a set so we'll have to see.

06-08-2015, 06:38 PM
I'm very interested about how this turns out as I am looking at doing the same. So far every dealing I have had with Hornady has been top notch and any issue has been resolved faster than I would ever have thought.
Please keep us posted.

06-08-2015, 09:55 PM
My comments,

My 38 special Bullet feeder die works fine with plated Ranier 125gr bullet from Midway. Flat points. If it's double feeding back the die out some, it doesn't take as much as you think. I had trouble til I did that.

I made an adapter on the lathe and use the LEE bullet tube deal, other calibers (40, 44, 45) I use the plastic aquarium tubing. I don't load 9mm. However, there is this out there, I don't own it (as I made my own), but seems reasonable:


you still need to buy the lee tube set though.