View Full Version : A Good Reason NOT to Smelt Car Batteries

06-04-2015, 08:57 PM
I've been saving batteries from a golf car/t we got 12 years ago to spot deer at night. I converted it from 6-8 volt batteries to 4-12 volt deep cycle marine batteries. I replaced the marine batteries 3 times so I had a total of 16 batteries. Buy rate from the scrapyards over the years was $1-3/battery and was only 1 place that took them in the area and it wasn't my usual scrapyard cuz they don't sell. During a cleaning spree recently, I decided it was time to scrap them regardless of the buy price. They now pay $.21/lb. Total weight was 914lbs. Got paid $192, cash on the spot. Went to my usual scrapyard with my bounty and sorted 180lbs of clean CO/SOWW for a total price of $45. WO-HOO.

Recycle those batteries where they pay you for the plates, acid, and plastic case and buy those WW's instead. I got another 540lbs to buy with battery money.

06-04-2015, 09:39 PM
Now that's a good deal! Congrats!


06-05-2015, 11:06 PM
I had 4 train batteries (70 V. 250-300lbs) and a bunch of car batteries I took to the scrapyard. Weight 1250 I think, and got $750 just on them if I remember right. Helped me move down South. First thing wife asked was how much. She'd been nagging me for years about them. Told her twenty bucks! She about killed me! Then I showed her the check. You think she just might say something positive? Heck no! Still nagged!

06-05-2015, 11:36 PM
Wow good deal on the batteries, and a good deal on ww. I gotta pay 70 cents a pound for them

06-06-2015, 07:37 AM
I have a deal with an older friend. I give him all the brass I pick up when I'm out and about's and he get's me 5 gallon pail's of WW. I have 4 pail's to sort today, he has another 5 at his place.

06-14-2015, 07:08 PM
They might need to raise core charge on batteries higher than the $10 they get now. If scrap yards pay any more.

06-14-2015, 07:54 PM
I have not seen a price per pound on batteries around here yet. I'm pretty sure it's still better to take the core charge refund.
