View Full Version : Gun grabbers plan blockade of lawful gun retailer

Bad Water Bill
06-03-2015, 08:46 PM
Just to show some just what we and lawful gun dealers have to put up with here in Crook County IL.

Courtesy of The Illinois State Rifle Assn.

Once again, Fr. Pfleger and his band of gun grabbers plans to descend on Chuck's Gun Shop in an effort to get the shop to close down. Their latest effort involves a planned blockade of the shop on June 6th during which "demonstrators" will prevent you from entering Chuck's to exercise your 2nd Amendment rights. Needless to say, this is not the kind of activity that you, as a law-abiding firearm owner, should tolerate.
UPDATE: To show his appreciation for the support coming from the gun owner community, owner John Riggio is offering free range time as available on Saturday, plus food and soft drink, coffee, etc.

UPDATE: The Brady Campaign has applied for a permit for their protest with the Village of Riverdale in order to try to keep CCL holders from exercising their rights. The last two protests they held at Chuck's were without a permit, which had no impact on CCW. If granted their permit, which is expected, their protest becomes an event where CCW is prohibited. Expect to see orange plastic fencing demarking where their permitted activity is to take place. If you enter this area to engage the protestors, you are advised not to be carrying.


1. Everyone reading this alert should go to the following link and sign up. The link goes to a site operated by the gun grabbers. If you sign up on the form, it will send a clear message that we stand ready to protect our rights. The sign-up link (https://docs.google.com/a/bradymail.org/forms/d/1s5Jm_Jm51Nd3HM91asMBzBdRSkh84gRWGLN8u7MSS2g/viewform?&source=BCAM-BAGD-CHICAGO-PROTEST-2) is as follows:
Fill the form out completely.

2. Plan to be at Chucks Gun Shop, 14310 S Indiana Ave, Riverdale, IL no later than 9:30 AM on Saturday June 6th, to prepare to protect Chuck's from the gun grabbers.

3. Be sure to wear IGOLD or NRA t-shirts, hats, etc.

4. If you see members of the media on site, actively approach them, identify yourself as a law-abiding firearm owner, and tell them you reject the lies about Chuck's spread by Pfleger and the gun control movement.

5. Post this alert to any and all Internet blogs, chat rooms, or social media to which you belong.

6. Pass this alert along to your gun owning friends and family members. Tell them to sign up with the gun grabbers and to attend the event to protect Chuck's.

It's very important that everyone who reads this alert turns out to help defend Chuck's. We cannot allow the gun grabbers to hijack our Constitution!



06-03-2015, 09:15 PM
That's completely illegal. I know it won't happen. But the police should get the information of every protestor so the business can sue them individually.

06-03-2015, 09:39 PM
If I lived near their I would have to buy a gun at that shop on that day.

Bad Water Bill
06-03-2015, 09:48 PM
That's completely illegal. I know it won't happen. But the police should get the information of every protestor so the business can sue them individually.

OH yes it will happen.

Otis and I rode the bus to Springfield with the owner several times.

Fr Flakey is supposed to have the POOREST parish in the dioceses of Chicagoland

When he shows up he brings some of his school students with him so they can tell you how their brothers uncles and relatives have all been shot and killed by guns.

Yes it is one of the most violent crime ridden areas in Chiraq.

When the children show up boys and girls both have new jeans,shoes haircuts (and for the girls a fancy fingernail job) and brand new anti 2A t shirts.

The last figures I read the illegitimate birth rate was around 87%.

Bet your last dollar I will be there with a IGOLD shirt and handing out our site cards.

Fr FLAKEY and his sidekick Jakssssun have held many protests there in the past with and without a permit and not one LEO has ever bothered them that I can recall.

And with all of this read my signature line.:bigsmyl2:

Alvarez Kelly
06-03-2015, 09:51 PM
If I lived near their I would have to buy a gun at that shop on that day.

Yep. Me too.

06-03-2015, 11:21 PM
Hope every gunowner within the state shows ! I'd go for the hot dog and pick up a box of ammo , Good luck.

Lead Fred
06-03-2015, 11:27 PM
The popo chief says if your not police, and have a firearm, the popo are to shoot you.

the popo are part of the problem

06-03-2015, 11:43 PM
Wish I was closer, this type of **** needs to be exposed for what it is, ****!

06-08-2015, 06:23 PM
The popo chief says if your not police, and have a firearm, the popo are to shoot you.

the popo are part of the problem

just to clarify, the politically appointed chief may have said that, but he is NOT the police, just another politician.

Most real coppers in chicago seem to be happy to have good guys with guns.
Many (not all) were ok with it even before it became legal.

And would rather show up at a scene with one perp DOA and a good guy to interview than showing up to find another tax payer dead/beaten/raped.

Just the experience of a guy who worked and drank with a number of coppers years ago.

white eagle
06-08-2015, 07:06 PM
How is it they can stop a business or interrupt sales unchecked?
they are in the wrong and should be held accountable

06-08-2015, 07:57 PM
Just to show some just what we and lawful gun dealers have to put up with here in Crook County IL.

Courtesy of The Illinois State Rifle Assn.

Once again, Fr. Pfleger and his band of gun grabbers plans to descend on Chuck's Gun Shop in an effort to get the shop to close down. Their latest effort involves a planned blockade of the shop on June 6th during which "demonstrators" will prevent you from entering Chuck's to exercise your 2nd Amendment rights. Needless to say, this is not the kind of activity that you, as a law-abiding firearm owner, should tolerate.
UPDATE: To show his appreciation for the support coming from the gun owner community, owner John Riggio is offering free range time as available on Saturday, plus food and soft drink, coffee, etc.

UPDATE: The Brady Campaign has applied for a permit for their protest with the Village of Riverdale in order to try to keep CCL holders from exercising their rights. The last two protests they held at Chuck's were without a permit, which had no impact on CCW. If granted their permit, which is expected, their protest becomes an event where CCW is prohibited. Expect to see orange plastic fencing demarking where their permitted activity is to take place. If you enter this area to engage the protestors, you are advised not to be carrying.


1. Everyone reading this alert should go to the following link and sign up. The link goes to a site operated by the gun grabbers. If you sign up on the form, it will send a clear message that we stand ready to protect our rights. The sign-up link (https://docs.google.com/a/bradymail.org/forms/d/1s5Jm_Jm51Nd3HM91asMBzBdRSkh84gRWGLN8u7MSS2g/viewform?&source=BCAM-BAGD-CHICAGO-PROTEST-2) is as follows:
Fill the form out completely.

2. Plan to be at Chucks Gun Shop, 14310 S Indiana Ave, Riverdale, IL no later than 9:30 AM on Saturday June 6th, to prepare to protect Chuck's from the gun grabbers.

3. Be sure to wear IGOLD or NRA t-shirts, hats, etc.

4. If you see members of the media on site, actively approach them, identify yourself as a law-abiding firearm owner, and tell them you reject the lies about Chuck's spread by Pfleger and the gun control movement.

5. Post this alert to any and all Internet blogs, chat rooms, or social media to which you belong.

6. Pass this alert along to your gun owning friends and family members. Tell them to sign up with the gun grabbers and to attend the event to protect Chuck's.

It's very important that everyone who reads this alert turns out to help defend Chuck's. We cannot allow the gun grabbers to hijack our Constitution!



Well, how did it go?

06-08-2015, 08:14 PM


Standing on the sidewalk outside of Chuck’s Gun Shop in Riverdale Saturday morning, Yolan Corner held up a picture of her daughter, Nova Henry, and her granddaughter, Ava Curry, and joined the crowd of about 200 who chanted, “Stop the gun flow. Save our children,” and “Reform Chuck’s now.”
Nova and Ava were shot multiple times and killed in January 2009 in Chicago by Nova’s ex-boyfriend, Frederick Goings, who bought his weapon — a Bersa 380 — from Chuck’s Gun Shop, Corner said.
At the time of his gun purchase, Goings, now serving a life sentence, was a licensed attorney, with a history of criminal charges, but no convictions, she said.
According to the Brady Center to Prevent GunViolence, which chose this site to launch its new campaign — “Stop Bad Apple Gun Dealers” — 1,500 guns used in crimes in Chicago between 2009 and 2013 were traced
to Chuck’s Gun Shop.
“If you never speak about it, you never get results. I am here to speak for them,” Corner said, pointing to her picture.
One percent of gun dealers are responsible for 60 percent of crime guns, and one in five of Chicago crime guns came from four “bad apple” dealers – three in Cook County, including Chuck’s, and one in Gary, said Dan Gross, president of the Brady Center.
“We have no problem with those who legally sell guns. It is this 1 percent.” said the Rev. Michael Pfleger, of St. Sabina Church in Chicago.
Gross said they want to “put a face” on gun violence and mobilize communities to take action against irresponsible gun dealers.
Many in the crowd had lost loved ones to gun violence.
Delphine Cherry, of Hazel Crest, who lost two children to gun violence, goes to events like this whenever she can to draw attention to these issues and to let people know that families are “still hurting.”
Her daughter was killed in 1992 by a stray bullet in Chicago.

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Her son, Tyler Randolph, 20, was shot and killed in December 2012 in Hazel Crest.
“I have two more children. I need to save their lives,” said Pam Bosley, who held a large poster of her son, Terrence Bosley, shot and killed outside of his church at 116th and Halsted in 2006. “There is
more to do than (attending this rally) but this is a key piece.”
The Bad Apple campaign is focused on holding these gun dealers accountable, to change the ways they do business, or put them out of business, and calling on all gun dealers to adhere to Brady’s new code of conduct.
The Brady campaign will head to Philadelphia Monday as they target other cities and file more lawsuits against bad apple dealers.
Jonathan Lowy, director of the Brady Center’s legal action project, said no lawsuits are pending against Chuck’s Gun Shop.
“Bad apple dealers don’t care what happens with the guns. A few dollars is more important to them than our children,” he said.
While the Brady campaign rallied its parents and supporters, gun advocates stood in front of Chuck’s Gun Shop, with signs that read, “Armed men are citizens. Disarmed men are slaves,” and “Unwed mothers put violence on the street … not Chuck’s Gun Shop,” and “My guns protect my children.”
Frank Berry, a concealed carry instructor who has bought guns from Chuck’s Gun Shop, said, “Chuck is not a bad apple. He goes through the proper procedures.”

A man who answered the phone at Chuck’s Friday morning identified himself as the owner and said, “I have no comment. I love everybody.”


About a dozen police officers lined the sidewalk, keeping the two sides apart.
Gun shop supporters heckled the speakers who set up a loud speaker system in an empty lot next door to the shop.
Pfleger said the shop has the blood of Chicago children on its hands. He noted that numerous weapons seized in Chicago were purchased at Chuck’s.
Supporters of the shop, some with signs reading, “I love Chuck’s,” said the demonstrators should protest the people who bought the guns legally and then re-sold them illegally.
“See what I want is Chuck’s to be responsible,” Pfleger said. “Title guns like cars. You title a car, title a gun.”
https://cbschicago.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/chucks-2.jpg?w=420&h=315 (http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2015/06/06/pro-anti-gun-advocates-rally-outside-riverdale-gun-shop/chucks-2/)A chain link fence separated the protesters from the gun shop’s supporters. (Credit: Mike Krauser.)

Gun shop supporters said Chuck’s is frequently targeted by protestors because of its proximity to Chicago.
They said if the business were selling guns illegally, the owner would be prosecuted.

“If we were in a small town with two auto dealerships, it wouldn’t be hard to prove that each of them is responsible for 50 percent of the DUIs in selling the cars that have DUIs in the town,” said Chicago attorney Joe Obenberger. “It doesn’t mean that the auto dealer has done anything wrong.”


Tensions raise when Jesse Jackson, Brady group confront Chicago gun store owner6/06/15 (http://www.guns.com/2015/06/06/tensions-raise-when-jesse-jackson-brady-group-confront-chicago-gun-store-owner/) | by Daniel Terrill (http://www.guns.com/author/daniel/) 132 7339

http://www.guns.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Protest-2-1024x574.jpg (http://www.guns.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Protest-2.jpg)
Dan Gross, left, Rev. Jesse Jackson, and Father Michael Pfleger lead a group of protestors to the front door of Chuck’s Gun Shop in Riverdale, Illinois, on June 6, 2015. (Photo: Daniel Terrill)
Rev. Jesse Jackson and other prominent gun control advocates gathered today to protest and ultimately confront a gun store that’s gained infamy in the City of Chicago.
The reverend joined the Brady Campaign’s initiative “Stop Bad Apple Gun Dealers” this morning outside of Chuck’s Gun Store in Riverdale, Illinois. The store has been targeted by gun control advocates for its proximity — just 20 miles south of the Windy City nearby the Indiana border — and past studies have traced roughly 20 percent of crime guns found in Chicago back to the store. Chuck’s was the subject of a Bradyprotest in September (http://www.guns.com/2014/09/08/chucks-gun-shop-unfazed-by-bradys-accusations-of-bad-apple-behavior-video/)when the initiative launched.
Although Brady and Jackson have protested the shop numerous times before — Jackson was even arrested once with Chicago activist, who attended today’s event, Father Michael Pfleger — today they aimed to get the store’s owner, John Riggio, to sign Brady’s code of conduct for preventing straw purchases.
The demonstration kicked off at 10 a.m. Protestors gathered in a plot of empty land that sits outside the shop. A chainlink fence separates the plot from the building. In the alleyway supporters of Chuck’s gathered and they were also equipped with yellow shirts and yellow signs.
Twenty-four minutes after 10, Brady’s president, Dan Gross, asked the group of more than a hundred protestors start marching in the plot. He advised them to walk in groups of three and reminded them not to confront Chuck’s supporters. They chanted, “Our kids die, Chuck’s doesn’t care!” and “The guns are traced to Chuck’s.”
http://www.guns.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Protest-5-1024x768.jpg (http://www.guns.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Protest-5.jpg)
Protestors of Chuck’s Gun Shop pass supporters of the store during opening marches in Riverdale, Illinois, on June 6, 2015. (Photo: Daniel Terrill)
As they marched, Chuck’s supporters shouted back, some chanted, “March in the hood” and “Raise your kids.”
After 20 minutes, Gross asked they come back and he opened the mic for gun violence victims to tell their stories. Many had tragic tales of family members whose lives were cut short. A woman discussed her daughter and granddaughter killed by an ex-boyfriend. Another woman, whose child was killed with a gun traced back to Chuck’s, claimed at night the store owner opens the back door for unscrupulous gun deals. “A bag of cash for a bag of guns,” she said — a line later repeated by Gross.
http://www.guns.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Protest-4-1024x577.jpg (http://www.guns.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Protest-4.jpg)
The Rev. Jesse Jackson led the formal speeches during the protest outside Chuck’s Gun Shop in Riverdale, Illinois, on June 6, 2015.(Photo: Daniel Terrill)
During the testimonials, a young man appeared with Chuck’s supporters. He shouted incessantly about President Obama killing children in Yemen with drones, the botched sting operation by federal law enforcement, Fast and Furious, and begged protestors to debate him about the topics he introduced. For a short while he was given a megaphone.
By 11 o’clock, Chuck’s supporters seemed to dwindle as the Brady group huddled for speeches. Jackson arrived along with Pfleger.
Gross introduced Pfleger, who opened by blaming Chuck’s, the National Rifle Association, and gun manufacturers for the violence and death on the streets of Chicago.
“No, I’m not a gun grabber, I’m a life lover!” Pfleger said, reading a speech scribbled onto a folded sheet of paper. “And I love life more than the death that they’re perpetrating. I’m just tired — tired of the NRA — tired of them prostituting themselves and buying politicians in this country. I’m tired of gun manufacturers and John Riggio from Chuck’s making money off the blood running down our streets and our children laying in cemeteries.” He later suggested that firearms should have a title like a car.
After Pfleger, Jackson took to the lectern. He led the crowd in a chant. “Stop the violence. Save the children. Stop the guns. Save the families. Stop the guns. Make streets safe.”
Then his chants slowed to three or fewer words at a time, “Stop. Guns in. Drugs in. Jobs out. Stop. Guns in. Drugs in. Jobs out. Keep hope. Alive. We’ll march. We’ll fight back …” For a minute he spoke this way and then thanked everybody for being there. After 30 seconds he led the group in another chant.
“We know. Where guns. Are manufactured. In Barrington. In Barrington. We know. Where guns. Are sold. We go more often. We go more often. To funerals. Than graduations. It’s time. For a change.”
He spoke of women and mothers playing a powerful role in society, even in the times of Moses and later Jesus. After 50 seconds, he led another chant.
“When women. Stand up. And choose marching. Over mourning. When women. Choose graduations. Over funerals. When women. Are willing to go to jail. For a righteous cause. They change our minds. They touch our hearts. In a different way. When we come together. We cross lines of race. And gender. And religion. And find common ground.”
He claimed Illinois is number one in the manufacturing of guns and according to Chicago’s top cop, Garry McCarthy, “one gun a day — one kill a day — comes from the guns from this shop. They sell them ‘legally’ and ‘illegally’ in so called straw purchases,” Jackson said.
The protests gathered tightly around the speaker while in the surrounding area Chuck’s supporters quieted down and talked among themselves.
http://www.guns.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Protest-3-1024x577.jpg (http://www.guns.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Protest-3.jpg)
For the better part (http://www.brownells.com/rifle-parts/index.htm) of 20 minutes the Rev. Jesse Jackson waited to see the owner of Chuck’s Gun Shop in Riverdale, Illinois, on June 6, 2015. (Photo: Daniel Terrill)
About a quarter to 12, Brady prepared their march to the front door of Chuck’s. The store’s supporters closed the fence blocking the alley and lined up along the chainlink. Cameramen rushed to the front of the protest to film Jackson, Pfleger and Gross leading the protestors who shouted “stop selling guns that kill our kids!” They stopped at the front door that was blocked by two men who work at the shop. The gate covering the front windows were closed two-thirds of the way.
http://www.guns.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Protest-1-1024x768.jpg (http://www.guns.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Protest-1.jpg)
After the owner, John Riggio, of Chuck’s Gun Shop stepped out to talk to the group, store employees closed the gate completely on June 6, 2015. (Photo: Daniel Terrill)
Jackson stood square with the older man with a mustache. The two men informed the group that they need a Firearm Owner Identification Card to enter the store — something they would later regret. They also told them that the owner was not in.
Several protestors brandishing their FOID card made their way up front, but the men denied them entrance. Shortly thereafter a young woman asked if she could enter. She showed her FOID card and passed through. Pfleger asked to fill out an application for a FOID because he heard you could do that there.
When the men were asked why she was allowed to go in, they then said that they closed for lunch.
“The white lady can go in, but they can’t go in. Is that what you’re saying? So they just closed for lunch,” Pfleger yelled.
For 20 minutes they talked in circles under the hot sun, almost a dozen videocameras and countless cell phone cameras. The protestors filled the sidewalk. Every once in a while they’d spill off onto the street where a police officer asked that they get back on the sidewalk, which they agreed.
From outside the store looked dark, but people stood on the inside. A pair stood at the front window and a handful of others stood behind the counter. They all watched the protest outside.
Then Riggio, the shop’s owner, stepped out the door. From behind his two employees he told Jackson, Pfleger and Gross that they need a FOID card to enter and that you have to apply online for one. For the ones with a card, he said they’re having lunch and they’ll be done by 2 p.m.

Tensions eased and a Brady helper announced that the buses were getting ready to roll out. Jackson closed the protest with a prayer.



Saturday, June 06, 2015 05:54PM
RIVERDALE, Ill. (WLS) -- Protesters on both sides of the gun debate converged Saturday on Chuck's Gun Shop in suburban Riverdale, where critics say is where many of the guns used in Chicago crimes originate.

More than 100 people, many of them parents of people killed by gunfire, joined the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Father Michael Pfleger, of Saint Sabina Church on the South Side. The group gathered for two hours outside the gun dealer as a part of the national campaign, Stop Bad Apple Gun Dealers, launched by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

"These guns aren't appearing on the streets by magic," said Dan Gross of the Brady Campaign. "They are appearing on our streets because people like Chuck's are putting them there."

The group said 1,500 guns used in crimes in Chicago between 2009 and 2013 were traced to Chuck's Gun Shop.

The owners of Chuck's declined comment.

Chuck's remained open during the demonstration as two men guarded the front door denied entry to the protesters.

The gun shop also had their supporters out.

"The problem isn't Chuck's," said Jim McNally. "The problem is criminals. Criminals don't obey gun laws."

06-08-2015, 08:24 PM
So let me get this straight. Chuck's is a bad apple dealer because they sold firearms to people who passed the background check? Why do the antis ignore a simple fact like this? Don't answer because I know the answer. But ignoring facts to push an agenda is ridiculous.

Bad Water Bill
06-08-2015, 08:44 PM
Chuck's gun shop is located in Riverdale Il, population about 14,000.

Fr Flakey has been trying to close Chucks down for more years than I can remember.

What will be interesting this week is that a REAL Catholic Church has invited us 2A folks over for a meeting and wear our IGOLD gear.

This could get very interesting.

"I am a black man trapped in a white mans body" Fr Flakeys own words.

06-08-2015, 09:05 PM
I have heard that in some rural parishes in Illinois hunters bring their guns in to be blessed before deer season. Don't know any specifics just something I have heard.

06-09-2015, 01:13 AM
Another brain dead liberal blaming a tool instead of the person wielding the tool!

Bad Water Bill
06-09-2015, 01:37 AM
Rev. Michael Pfleger: NRA ‘Will Pay for the Murder’ of Chicago Children

35620 (http://api.addthis.com/oexchange/0.8/forward/facebook/offer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.breitbart.com%2Fbig-government%2F2015%2F06%2F06%2Frev-michael-pfleger-nra-will-pay-for-the-murder-of-chicago-children%2F&pubid=ra-536db77a775cf072)
13 (http://api.addthis.com/oexchange/0.8/forward/google_plusone_share/offer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.breitbart.com%2Fbig-government%2F2015%2F06%2F06%2Frev-michael-pfleger-nra-will-pay-for-the-murder-of-chicago-children%2F&pubid=ra-536db77a775cf072)
720 (http://api.addthis.com/oexchange/0.8/forward/twitter/offer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.breitbart.com%2Fbig-government%2F2015%2F06%2F06%2Frev-michael-pfleger-nra-will-pay-for-the-murder-of-chicago-children%2F&pubid=ra-536db77a775cf072&shortener=bitly)

http://media.breitbart.com/media/2015/06/Father-Phlager-and-Jesse-Jackson-M-Spencer-GreenAP-640x384.jpegAP Photo/M. Spencer Green

by AWR Hawkins (http://www.breitbart.com/author/awr-hawkins/)6 Jun 20154070 (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/06/06/rev-michael-pfleger-nra-will-pay-for-the-murder-of-chicago-children/#disqus_thread)
On June 6, Reverend Michael Pfleger listed recent shootings in heavily gun-controlled Chicago then said the NRA “will pay pay for the murder of our children.”

He was joined by Reverend Jesse Jackson and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence president Dan Gross.
Pleger, Jackson, and Gross rallied outside of Chuck’s Gun Shop, where Jackson recently rallied (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/05/10/jesse-jackson-rallies-against-guns-already-banned-in-chicago/) for the ban of guns already banned in Chicago.
Pleger began his speech (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZLAcaWHRaU&feature=youtu.be) at the rally by pointing out that ten persons were shot and three were killed on the night of June 5 alone. He then said, “I’m not a gun grabber, I’m a life lover,” after which he pointed to Chuck’s Gun Shop and said, “And I love life more than the death that they are perpetrating.”
He continued:
I’m just tired, tired of the NRA. Tired of them prostituting themselves and buying politicians in this country. I’m tired of gun manufacturers and John Riggio from Chuck’s making money off the blood running down our streets, and our children laying in cemeteries. While they live in gated communities where there are no gun shops like Chuck’s.
I’m tired of funerals of babies, while [the] NRA, manufacturers, and Chuck’s, run to the bank making profits from death.

Pleger said we need to “make gun ownership responsible,” that we need to “title guns like cars.”
He ended his speech by calling out the NRA specifically, saying:
At the end of the day you can argue with us [and] you can call us names, but you got to deal with God. And the blood of our children is on your hands. And you will pay for the murder of our children.

So tell us how is that gun control working for you in Chicago where there is not a single gun store or range?

06-09-2015, 02:18 AM
Even if Chucks was not there,the shootings would continue.It is a social problem and until these are sorted the situation is stalemate.There are many factors rangeing from Drugs to Alchohol to neighbour and Family disputes to high concentration of housing where people are in close proximity to each other on hot steamy nights when people are on the Streets when they should be sleeping.It is difficult to keep a Lid on small events that grow into major incidents.Therfore people protect themselves and so the problems come full circle.

Bad Water Bill
06-09-2015, 08:51 AM
Part of the problem is lack of respect and parenting over many years + a welfare system gone wild.

Many years ago if a girl got pregnant the whole family was shamed,but today they are REWARDED with a check for each illegitimate child they can produce.

Being a senior I find it easier to shop very early in the AM.

On a school night (2 AM) it is common to see 2-3 of these females each with 5-7 kids turned loose to terrorize the K Mart,Wal Mart as the oldest females gab and shop.

Sporting goods suddenly is an active gym and the entire store is now the local bike a thon.

If the females have no interest in seeing that their GIT have a good nights sleep before going to school the next mourning what can you expect from the next generation?

Yes some folks have been beating the system for at least FIFTY YEARS THAT i AM AWARE OF.

Yes my wife died when my daughter was 6 but she was in bed,homework finished,clean clothes for tomorrow laid out and showered by 9 PM so I DO know what being a single parent is.

06-09-2015, 09:43 AM
I do hope the new Cardinal finds a way to get rid of this ridiculous excuse for a priest.

white eagle
06-09-2015, 10:39 AM
stupid is as,well you know
should have made a demonstration load a gun and set it on a table and just watch it kill people :lol:

06-09-2015, 10:43 AM
Just put a Planned Parenthood Sign on the store and the liberals will fight to keep it open. They hate unborn babies and guns.

06-09-2015, 10:44 AM
Baltimore MD is trying hard to catch up with Chicago. 7 shootings this past Sunday with 2 killed. Same problem different City. TKS KEN

06-09-2015, 10:46 AM
Baltimore MD is trying hard to catch up with Chicago. 7 shootings this past Sunday with 2 killed. Same problem different City. TKS KEN

You mean like Killadelphia and Camden? Same problems and they just keep taking turns as the murder capital of the year.

Bad Water Bill
06-09-2015, 12:17 PM
Thanks Art for a great addition to the story.

There will be a ISRA grass roots meeting tonight at the Keystone Cafe 4028 w 147th st in Midlothian Il at 7 PM

Another meeting will be held June 11 at St Georges Church 6707 W 175th St Tinley Park Il 6:30 PM for best seats.

Wear your NRA ISRA etc gear.

Hope to see you there and NO Girty will have to stay at home.