View Full Version : Dirty Cases part dux or what the heck was that $&!t?

06-03-2015, 07:40 PM
A month ago I posted about some really dirty old cases I got from an estate sale that I tried to tumble......unsuccessfully. They were coated with something akin to what they must shield reactors with. It was sticky, slippery and dark. I finally got it off the cases using Coleman fuel. I thought I had cleaned the bearing media but noooooooooooo! I ran some slightly dirty 40 S&W cases through it last night and they all came out black and smudgie. So, I cleaned the media using first purple degreaser from Simonize or some other auto cleaner maker. Mutiple hot water rinses showed a lot of improvement but it was not perfect. So, back to the Coleman gas and lots of agitation. then a rinse in hot water. They look good now, the bearings that is. Then I had to do the same to the tumbler. Hopefully I'm back in service again. Time will tell.

06-03-2015, 08:35 PM
I forgot to add my theory as to what contaminated the cases. It seems to me that it was some kind of oil based lube mixed with graphite. My hands are stained black and so are the wipes and rags I've been using. Why anyone would mix a lube like that is beyond me. I use 4oz of pure lanolin oil and 16 ounces of 99% isopropyl alcohol. Works like a charm and it cleans up with soap and water. It doesn't get any better.

06-03-2015, 10:07 PM
Sounds like moly grease.

06-03-2015, 11:14 PM
Maybe, I don't know. The cases were old, dark and sticky

06-04-2015, 12:58 PM
Bearing media? :-?

06-04-2015, 01:28 PM
Yes. Thats what those pins are; stainless needle bearings

country gent
06-04-2015, 01:55 PM
Some of the old sizing lubes were pretty tenacious mixtures. SOme took some pretty volatile chemicals to this remove from cases. I can remeber when typwriter cleaner ( carbon tetrachloride based was the recomended cleaner) Also may just be something that found it way into the brass from a spill or accident. STainless pins and wet souloutions may cut it and dilute it still leaving an small amount left on the cases. Plain pins may just smear it around. Fresh corn cobs may absorb it and hold it. I believe I would start with a wet solvent cleaning soak to remove the most of it followed by soap and water clean to remove most of the last little bit followed by corn cob edia and a polish. Some brass and contaminants can take alot to remove.