View Full Version : La Insurrection Cubana, Madrid, 1897

06-02-2015, 02:19 PM
This seems to be a source document for tThe Rolling Block, a legendary weapon

http://books.googleusercontent.com/books/content?req=AKW5QacCZfICqITJbtB0_YBBYAa0QWCHRC9YbZ eEf5ce1l6PzIiG70tROMnZ2aSQYSRyxI4acf8jisMs-nlcm26ZGW8l4M7YBVG1gPVSAyeYMoqzilNS5bWt3BgnhPqZuI1 ZL1XM68gtTU9ET3rSoT8nvrjKFukSgrseICbzAaUPYMmOuO2H2 Rrj1Ax2VjWCwS_nZSIjfKE7Hiddp5a1vsjHzrVBOVmIWvN29OR 9AY-DieSfaLP3jL71rWbGQ1ZYjUtleHHI_TWo

06-03-2015, 09:21 PM
Thank you for the find. I'm not sure of their facts but it certainly was interesting.

06-03-2015, 09:42 PM
I'm not sure of their facts but it certainly was interesting.

Looking for snippets of information on the 43 spanish. I came upon a snippet that said the magazine "Iron Age" asserted that the Spanish military felt that the rolling block was so easy to learn, they were able to take new recruits and get them using the RB fast... When I tried searching Google for "iron Age" and "Rolling Block" there were very few hits...

06-04-2015, 09:28 PM
There really can't be many rifles simpler than the Rolling Block from a user's standpoint. I believe that it was one of the rifle's selling points.