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View Full Version : george came to colorado I think

05-28-2015, 11:36 PM
so here I sat in the lazyboy with a conundrum, had everything I needed to make a big batch of bens red lube except the beeswax (red n tacky was readily available). hunted all over town and chased down lead after lead only to come up empty. I was just about to make an order to randyrat when the Guinea's all started to raise cane, so I head outside to shot a coyote and trip over a beehive. yah a complete bee hive. that's when it dawned on me--the coffee---the blankity blank coffee. I meant to buy some but just spaced it and now it looks like I paid the price. I think george meant to leave me some beeswax but when he discovered that I had no refreshment he still left it but with "some assembly required". so after 2 days of scraping comb off of frames and melting it (ruined several pans that the wife hopefully won't miss) I now have beeswax. note to self---self get the dang coffee before you really get in trouble.

after I finished melting all the wax I got a call from a neighbor about a missing hive, it has to just be a cowinkydink don't you think.:wink:

05-29-2015, 10:54 AM
George is everywhere, recently in Missouri, Kansas, Texas and Now Colorado. With the heavy cargo that he carries in his truck, his gasoline bill has to be high. What a guy.