View Full Version : Gander Mountain Bucket of Bullets $79.00 Free shipping

05-20-2015, 11:41 AM
Just bought a bucket of Bullets from Gander Mountain for $79.00 Delivered
Well $86.38 with Tax

05-20-2015, 11:44 AM
Thanks for the heads up, but It is already out of stock now.

When will this 22 craze end?

05-20-2015, 11:53 AM
Boy I sure do Hope soon My Grand kids can do a Bucket up in a couple of hours (2 of them )

Black Powder Bill
05-20-2015, 01:25 PM
Nice grab!! I see CDNN is still asking $149.99 for Thunderduds.

05-20-2015, 01:28 PM
I've gone back on their Site randomly when they have these Sales and I think they turn the Sale off and on thru the Day
P/U brick deals a couple of times like that

05-20-2015, 01:43 PM
Valdosta Ga. Gander Mountain has all the 22 boolits you want. They're on the self. Saw them yesterday!

Teddy (punchie)
05-21-2015, 07:37 AM
Hey Dogg

Hows it going? Thanks for letting us know. Girls are 8 and getting time to take them out to make some noise.

We were at Yankee Lake last weekend, looked like a good show we got there too late, most deals were gone.


05-21-2015, 08:12 AM
As soon as Gunbroker and all other reseller sites ban the reselling of 22 ammunition and powder for anything above MSRP , the craze will stop. All gunshows need to ban the reselling of 22lr at anything above MSRP or just ban the sale of them at the shows by resellers.

Once the "gouge you" market is clamped down on, the shelfs will be full and everyone will be able to get it and only pay the real price for it.

It would take a great deal of restraint to fix this....good luck on it happening.

It starts with the banning of sales OVER MSRP. This is the only way. Some will howl....but it is the bitter pill that is necessary to fix this. IMO.

05-21-2015, 09:12 AM
Banning it would take an act of Congress, and Congress would rather take away our ability to buy ammo altogether, especially thru online sales. We don't want their "help"...

All we need to stop this is for people to wake up and quit paying these ridiculous prices for ammo/powder/etc. Then prices will come down and availability will go back up. This is what stopped the ammo/powder shortages before, it just seems to be taking longer this time for some reason.

As long as people are stupid enough to pay thru the nose for it, this will just keep going on.

05-21-2015, 10:52 AM
Cabelas in North Denver had plenty of 22's this weekend and the South store had some too. All of it around 8 cents a round

05-21-2015, 01:57 PM
The responsibility lies in the sites that allow 22lr and powder to be sold above MSRP. If they didnt allow the gouging to happen on their sites it would not be out there for "gouge you" prices, eliminating the avenues of abuse.

The robbers will not stop, unless stopped by those that allow them to sell it at those prices. Idiots will always buy it , no matter the price.


05-21-2015, 07:34 PM
How many in a bucket? 2000? I have a 550 bucket in the garage that has a $7.95 Walmart sticker on it.

Black Powder Bill
05-21-2015, 08:15 PM
No need to ban the gougers and resellers. The tax man will grab a few and fine then bejesus out of them. What riles me..I have to have a ffl just to get supplies at cost and the wholesales houses are selling to the public at wholesale prices.

Then their is the monthly filing of sales tax AND the annual IRS junk every April!

The antis push all the time for all kinds of licensing.. One of these gougers will screw up and help them push that new regulation on us dealers.

Black Powder Bill
05-21-2015, 08:26 PM
Cabelas in North Denver had plenty of 22's this weekend and the South store had some too. All of it around 8 cents a round

.08c per round is still to high.! 22s shouldn't be more than a buck a box at most!

05-21-2015, 10:55 PM
An on line auction site nearby has these listed every so often. The last 2 times there was one of these buckets it went for $145 and the next time $125. I believe the pail is 1400 rounds.Robert

Black Powder Bill
05-22-2015, 08:13 AM

05-22-2015, 08:48 AM
If you don't like the price, then don't buy it.

05-22-2015, 09:07 AM
BossHoss, will you please tell us more about this statement?


I happen to attend the SHOT Show, talk to a lot of people in the industry, and have a pretty good knowledge of why we have a shortage of .22 LR ammo, and why it's taking so long to get things "back to normal."
(1) There are more 22 cal firearms in this country than any other, because ammo was always cheap to buy, low to no recoil for people, and so small that shooting a few hundred was quick & easy.
(2) There are only 4 manufacturing plants in this country that produce 22 ammo. They are running at capacity. There is a 5th being built, but it takes a lot of time AND investment for a company to get one up & running.
(3) The Newtown shooting happened at a critical time for a lot of reasons. Near the holidays, emotions high, politicians calling for bans, registration, etc. Add in the FACT that all businesses were geared for their normal end of year business while not stockpiling any inventory to avoid end of year taxes on inventory. These companies allow supplies to dwindle, expecting the orders to come in after the first of the year, and at SHOT to the point that they were caught without any excess inventory.
(4) The anti-gun media hysteria cause panic buying by anybody who remotely wanted a firearm they didn't have. Add in the normal Christmas buying, and the inventory was wiped out. Orders for more ammo came in at a much larger volume than any of the manufacturers could fill. And it hasn't slowed down much.
(5) The cost of the components (raw materials,) has risen.
(6) Contract commitments by manufacturers to fill certain orders over normal wholesalers. That channels ammo away from the retail sale places.
(7) Panic buying started & it feeds itself. When anything suddenly becomes potentially banned, or unavailable, people will buy more than they need, will pay more than normal, and prices rise. As the panic buying continues, it gets worse because of itself.
(8) Free enterprise, which is allowed in this country, is grasped by many who are willing to invest their $$ & mark up the hard to find items, and make a profit. Albeit buying something for $10 and reselling it for $50 is a huge profit margin. Or, when the market is so controlled that buyers have no alternative. An example is jewelry. There is a huge mark-up on jewelry. Why? Because all the diamonds are controlled by one entity.

We as a people believe we are living "free." We are controlled by gas prices, taxes, & way too many government rules & regulations. We complain when gas prices skyrocket, yet, we still see people driving 70, 80, 90 mph on the highway when driving 55 or 65 will save gas. The very same people complain about prices, but fail to cut back on their usage, or slow down to save gas. It's the same thing with ammo. We as a people complain about the cost & shortages, yet do nothing (or very little,) to force the demand to drop. If EVERYBODY would "strike" and not use as much as they normally do, by say 10%, it would suddenly cause a surplus of gas. The same goes for ammo. If everybody would refuse to pay ANY of the overinflated prices, in any venue, the availability of ammo would increase.

But, I think we can all safely say we are seeing it SLOWLY change. Even in the posts above, we see some places have ammo, powder, primers etc. Areas where gun ownership is normal & common, less available ammo. While in some places, with fewer gun owners, I hear way too many stories of stock on shelves. Plus, as the stock is allowed to return, the places with stock do not purchase more, and supplies are shipped to other places. Primers were hard to find not too long ago, and gunshops were rationing sales. Now, it has gotten a lot calmer, and now you can find primers. The same with most powders, they are slowly returning to the shelves. Still SOME types in shortage, but it is getting better. Lastly, the 22 ammo is slowly coming back. But since it's the one ammo we can not reload, as well as the most popular caliber (overall,) it carries the highest demands.

In essence, we are our own worse enemy. When the scare happened, many people who were not gun owners, became gun owners. These people are new to the gun world. They did not know what 22 ammo cost 5 years ago. They just buy it when they find it, thinking the price they pay is more "normal" than us oldtimers. Given time, barring any more sudden media or politician scares, things will return to normal.

05-22-2015, 09:28 AM
How about adding Alcohol to the list, or Tobacco, or Chocolate, or Gasoline, or ect. Get the drift?

As soon as Gunbroker and all other reseller sites ban the reselling of 22 ammunition and powder for anything above MSRP , the craze will stop. All gunshows need to ban the reselling of 22lr at anything above MSRP or just ban the sale of them at the shows by resellers.

Once the "gouge you" market is clamped down on, the shelfs will be full and everyone will be able to get it and only pay the real price for it.

It would take a great deal of restraint to fix this....good luck on it happening.

It starts with the banning of sales OVER MSRP. This is the only way. Some will howl....but it is the bitter pill that is necessary to fix this. IMO.

05-22-2015, 10:38 AM
Well said Contender1! I agree with your assessment 100%.

I overheard a new gunowner in Wal-Mart (a .22lr handgun) saying that he didn't understand the big deal for 22s being $10.00 a box for a box of 50, when other pistol ammo is $30 for 50. That is all he knows because he is new to this game. He also said he can spend $30 and have fun for a couple of hours and going to the movie costs him more that that for the same amount of time. I hope this 10 - 20 cents per round does not continue, but I am betting it never gets much below 5 cents per round even when the shelves are fully stocked. There is simply a gazillion people shooting 22s now, and that will probably continue.

I was in a gun store in Hot Springs, AR about a year ago. The guy had plenty of 22s and they were something like $20 for a 525 bulk pack. I asked him if he had a limit on how many a customer could buy and he said "No, you can buy as many as you like as long a you buy a .22 gun with each bulk pack". My first though was WHAT!, and then he said he was tired of people coming in and buying their son or grandson their first rifle and not being able to get ammo for them. I had to take my hat off to this idea because I witnessed this firsthand last Christmas when a non-gun-owner friend of mine bought his son a .22 Ruger rifle for Christmas and had to give it to him without ammo! To be honest, that just broke my heart! A couple of us cobbled up some ammo and gave it to him so he could shoot his new gun. That dad would have paid 20 cents per round and been glad to do it. I did not go shooting with the kid, but I am guessing he didn't squeeze the trigger as fast as possible and blow through that ammo. He probably still has some.

It does look like it is changing for the better, but if anyone is holding their breath to see $10 bricks again, they are just going to pass out.

I too am curious regarding the statements made on the NRA.

05-22-2015, 11:07 AM
How about the gun clubs and firing ranges passing a 30 second per round limit?

Getting really tired of people showing up with their kids an AR15 or Ruger 1022 and doing the 30 rounds per minute routine.

Not to mention the 9mm semi autos/AR.

We are our own enemies.

No one knows how to shoot anymore, they just blast.

Sorry I am 67 yrs , old been doing this for over 57 yrs, just can not believe the amount of ammo people go thru now.


05-22-2015, 12:43 PM
Instead of banning things we need to reconized that we live in the US and are free to buy what we want and pay what we want and sell to whoever we want for whatever price we want.

Black Powder Bill
05-22-2015, 03:24 PM
If you don't like the price, then don't buy it.

WELL DUH! Ya think SO!!

Black Powder Bill
05-22-2015, 03:26 PM
We are our own enemies.

No one knows how to shoot anymore, they just blast.

Sorry I am 67 yrs , old been doing this for over 57 yrs, just can not believe the amount of ammo people go thru now.


Wife saind the neighbors we shooting for 3 - 4 hours a few weeks back. Wish they'd stop and see me I'll sell them all they want to shoot!!

05-22-2015, 04:02 PM
Sorry I am 67 yrs , old been doing this for over 57 yrs, just can not believe the amount of ammo people go thru now.

It's mine to waste. With four full-auto MAC variants (380, 9mm, 45) I can go through a lot in a hurry. But I paid the money for the MAC's, the transfer taxes, waited the waiting periods, bought the reloading components and invested the time to load up lots of rounds. So I will hold the trigger down if I choose to. Or, do quick three-round bursts. Yeah, I blast. Am really good at it, too. :D

05-23-2015, 08:09 AM
How about the gun clubs and firing ranges passing a 30 second per round limit?

Getting really tired of people showing up with their kids an AR15 or Ruger 1022 and doing the 30 rounds per minute routine.

Not to mention the 9mm semi autos/AR.

We are our own enemies.

No one knows how to shoot anymore, they just blast.

Sorry I am 67 yrs , old been doing this for over 57 yrs, just can not believe the amount of ammo people go thru now.


A round every 30 seconds? How about banning all 22's from the range, then no one will shoot their prized ammo, an no need to buy more to replace it. They can simply fondle it at home. Heck, like you said, 9mm as well. Heck, ban gun ranges all together. Yep, problem solved.

Wait, sorry I read that all wrong. Shooting for 57 years? Ban all shooters after they have been shooting for 15 years. Problem solved. You would no longer need to be annoyed.

I get annoyed at the shooters that tie up the range lane they are using, shooting a boolit every couple minutes, and stay there all day, while we wait for a lane to open up so we can shoot for an hour or two. Ban waiting.

05-23-2015, 10:19 AM
As soon as Gunbroker and all other reseller sites ban the reselling of 22 ammunition and powder for anything above MSRP , the craze will stop. All gunshows need to ban the reselling of 22lr at anything above MSRP or just ban the sale of them at the shows by resellers.

Once the "gouge you" market is clamped down on, the shelfs will be full and everyone will be able to get it and only pay the real price for it.

It would take a great deal of restraint to fix this....good luck on it happening.

It starts with the banning of sales OVER MSRP. This is the only way. Some will howl....but it is the bitter pill that is necessary to fix this. IMO.
Trouble is MSRP is just the manufacturers suggested retail price. Demand for virtually anything drives the price up or down, whether it is sold through a web site, corner store, or dealer lot.
Buyers who know they're being robbed are the real problem. Maybe everything should be marked with the MSRP plus another price tag, 50-100% higher, like a special sale price for idiots...

05-25-2015, 07:50 PM
Let's not be for BANNING anything! We may like to see change but it needs to come through natural progression, when artificial controls are placed on anything we do it mostly causes far more harm than good, once the banning starts where does it stop?

05-31-2015, 02:13 AM
$5.00 a box is ok with me as long as I.can get it. I
went through a spell of accumulating. Got it coming out my ears so I am going to shoot some of it up beecause I feel i can replace it. Life changes we have a new normal.

05-31-2015, 05:06 AM
That local on line auction that I look at each week has 2 of those bullet buckets going at $151 each so far, auction ends Mon. nite.Robert

05-31-2015, 01:06 PM
I like the blasters in the center fire cal. leaves cheap brass for me to pick up.

05-31-2015, 02:44 PM
That same auction has 2 Federal 525 count bulk boxes going for $133 right now.Robert

06-22-2015, 05:45 PM
How many in a bucket? 2000? I have a 550 bucket in the garage that has a $7.95 Walmart sticker on it.
Wow bear that ammo was purchased some time ago @$7.95. i remember those days all to well & do miss them.