View Full Version : Senioritis Attack

05-19-2015, 12:43 PM
Latest project is a conglomeration of parts acquired more or less by accident and ilconsideration. Is that even a word? Anyway, it started with a Farmingdale Sharps barrel chambered in 40-70 Shiloh BN that I got frustrated trying to shoot silhouettes with. Along the way, a buttstock more or less a CPA FBW Model J Special single shot rifle profile with the curved butt flattened to accept a Niedner-style shotgun buttplate and a FBW Model J action also caught my fancy. A shooting buddy donated a blank for a forearm and a 40-65 reamer that I had borrowed a couple of times in the past was given to me. I really like 40-65 Winchester and have molds to make good cast bullets for it so it seemed like the last piece of the project puzzle was now in place. My gunsmith might have questioned my sanity when I told him what I wanted and showed him the box of parts but while he was putting off rebarreling a Ruger No. 1 for me he decided to build this project. It's getting pretty close to being completed and now the question of sights has come up. A set of Unertl scope blocks was going to be fitted anyway, so Dr. Demento came up with the idea to use the iron sights off a Kimber 82G that is a dedicated scope gun. CPA makes a perfectly good adapter to mount the rear sight and my gunsmith can make a riser for the front sight that fits the existing dovetail. This way, I can remove the irons if / when a scope is the only viable option. Located the front sight, wrenches and aperature inserts, all bagged up and in the safe with the donor rifle. Senioritis Attack!!! I remember handling the rear sight and one stock spacer that was removed from the donor when it was returned with the scope mounted by the friend who had had it borrowed. I have held that baggie in my hand in the last month or two. Cannot find it to save my soul. I'm beginning to think it eloped with my Skillsaw.

05-19-2015, 12:48 PM
I am not even that old and lost my circular saw for nearly a year , then found I had put it in the bottom drawer of a file cabinet in my shop , I had even gone so far as to call my brother ans ask if I left it at his house

05-19-2015, 02:34 PM
I think its natural. Everyone does it. Once looked for the remote for a minute and it was in my hand.I stick the keys in the house door and look for them some. I also talk to myself and answer too.I 'm the smartest person I know. Guy asked me once I f i was talking to my self I answered "Do you see someone else standing here" nice guy that guy.

05-19-2015, 09:50 PM
I suffer from the same affliction. I took the sights off a M70 (partially blocked the scope) and when I wanted them to re-install I couldn't find them (still haven't) and this week I was looking for my IWB holster for my 5" 1911 GM and I can't find it. The problem is I don't remember if I loaned it out or not. Hopefully they will show up (soon).

05-19-2015, 10:09 PM
Asked the wife for help finding my belt the other day ,we looked for 30 minutes never did find it till i went to take a shower .there that pesky thing was right there in my pants .Had an extra holster for my 1911 that I put up in a special place so I would know where it was .Took 2 years but I found it last week Getting old sucks but it beats the alternative

05-20-2015, 12:22 AM
I bought a new printer @ WalMart - 1/2 price, because they were discontinuing that maker. Took it to GF's tried it on my laptop, had a problem, boxed it back up, took it home - and now can't find it. A printer, in a box, is fairly large - but it has eluded me for over a month...

05-20-2015, 01:44 AM
Someone finds 2 1 pound bottles of propane they are mine... I know they are in the house as fuel for the coleman lantern I use for power outages...

05-20-2015, 01:48 AM
I was afflicted this morning. Went fishing, and when I got home, looked for my fillet knife, which I always keep in the same place. It ain't there, and I ain't found it yet.

05-20-2015, 03:25 AM
A friend of mine lost one of his rifles for 2 years, finally found it behind the seat of a pickup he keeps out in the woods at his logging site. lol

Southern Son
05-20-2015, 03:26 AM
I was going to say something, but I forgot what?????????

05-20-2015, 08:16 AM
I was playing golf with my son the other day, we got to a short par 3 and I was looking through my bag while he hit his shot. After a minute he asked what I was waiting on, and I told him that I couldn't find my 7 iron. He said "it's in you hand". I feel your pain.

05-20-2015, 08:28 AM
My favorite is when i noticed my cell phone is not on the seat of my truck and i go rustling through the cab trying to find it...just to realize i'm talking on it..

05-20-2015, 08:31 AM
Funny how you always find a lost item in the last place you look. GW

05-20-2015, 08:32 AM
To the OP. I think maybe a few of my tools and your tools are having fun on our dime. Its like that sock you never find. Quit looking and it will be right there in front of you. Its always the last place you look right?

05-20-2015, 01:15 PM
Well, it may not be a total loss. I had another spasm of looking for the Kimber sight and found an MVA and a Baldwin tang sight, a Shaver 17A front sight and a bag of Anschutz front sight aperatures. Also found a brand new Marbles tang sight for a Winchester 94 and a new claw hammer, a set of SAE and Metric ignition wrenches, a set of Craftsman allen wrenches and the replacement bolt knobs for one of my Schmidt-Rubin K-11s and about a dozen AKM magazines. All of which is nice to have back in inventory but does me absolutely no good at the moment. I also found that I have three sets of 38-55 dies, two of which I have never used, and two sets of 50-70 dies, two sets of 45-70 Cowboy dies and two neck sizing dies for 22 Hornet. This may have been going on longer than I suspected. Oh yeah, there were 8 unopened .22 caliber bore snakes too. I must really think I need to clean one of my 22s. Wonder which one?

scarry scarney
05-20-2015, 05:33 PM
I've gone out for a walk. If you find me, before I get back, please make sure I get home.....:kidding:

05-20-2015, 09:50 PM
Im not even that old and it happens to me constantly.....I think this starts at the same time when u have to think how old you are

05-21-2015, 11:42 AM
Margo & I went to Costco last week (in her car), and among other things, I bought 3 40-pounders (well, 1.75 literers) of Bombay Sapphire. Then day-before-yesterday, when I went looking for them, I couldn’t find them. Hmmm. Not where they should be. Not where they might be. Not in my car. Called her, and they weren’t in her car. Big Time Hmmmm!
I mean, I’m not in a panic for gin, the last bottle is probably good for another week or two, but - Hmmmm. So yesterday I called my cleaning lady, Nohemi, and asked her where she put them? Her English is not top-notch, but she finally understood, and told me where they were. Right. They were right where I had put them, in the living room, on the table between the GF clock & the love-seat, behind the lamp, when I unloaded them from her car.
Duh. It’s Hell to get old…

05-21-2015, 02:02 PM
Lost my glasses for the second time. I need my glasses to find my glasses.

05-22-2015, 03:56 PM
Happens to me too, usually appears in a place I have already checked 10 times.

05-22-2015, 04:18 PM
Mrs. smokeywolf is Japanese. Although she speaks English better than many native English speakers, there are a couple of things that she still stumbles with now and then; R for L, e.g., "prane" instead of "plane" and in for out, e.g., the milk is "on" the fridge door, instead of "in" the fridge door.

Couple of days ago she was looking for her cell phone. After 20 minutes of looking, she discovered it in the back pocket of the jeans she was wearing. She laughed and said, "Oh look at this, it was 'in' my butt all along." I got a big grin on my face and said, "OUCH!" Only took a couple of seconds for her to catch on and start laughing with me.


06-11-2015, 02:53 PM
Couldn't put off putting the new floor in the cattle trailer any longer, so wifey-dear bought me a new Skillsaw. Two days later, she found the old Skillsaw ... under a pile of wicker baskets she wasn't currently using. Win! I got a new saw, a new trailer floor and my old saw back. The next day a friend was staying over for a Sunday shooting match and offered to help me look for the missing iron sight. He suggested we look in the box with the scope for that rifle. Ridiculous idea, but I've already tried all the non-ridiculous places so we started checking empty scope boxes. That particular box was not even visible in the closet, but I managed to grope around and find it. Sure enough. There beside the sighted in scope is the sighted in rear sight and the missing stock spacer AND the wrench to put the scope back on the rifle! Too bad I'm not missing a couple of bands of $100 bills that they could help me find.

mold maker
06-11-2015, 03:17 PM
When I noticed the jar of mayo on my bench, I immediately knew to look, in the fridge for my hammer.
If the time I spend looking for the last thing i had in my hand, was spent working, I'd have no "to do list".

06-11-2015, 03:30 PM
My mother is German .. moved here in the 60's .. last year she got very mad at me for laughing at her on the phone ..
She called and asked me what kind of anti sperm software she needed .. in between the laughs I said Mom your past needing that
She got so mad .. Then I explained the error of her words .. Now we both laugh when I bring it up

06-12-2015, 12:51 AM
I put away a steel lyman 57 rear sight for safekeeping. Musta done such a good job that 5 years later I still can't find it. Frank

mold maker
06-12-2015, 01:06 PM
I got tired of folks losing my chuck keys when they borrowed. So I bought 2 of the 4 way keys and put them in a safe place.
Sure nuf, it's safe. That was over 2 years ago, and they're still hidden from me.

06-12-2015, 01:38 PM
20 years ago Dad used to lose a retractable tape measure (yoyo) every couple of months, so he'd buy them 2 and 3 at a time. About 12 years ago I cleaned out Mom and Dad's old homestead and found at least 7 yoyos. In the past 4 years I've had to buy at least 4 more.

06-12-2015, 02:01 PM
I could go on all morning telling similar stories, instead I will tell you of an unwritten law for seniors. One sure way to find a missing tool is to buy a new one. The old one will appear like magic.

6.5 mike
06-12-2015, 02:09 PM
Glad to know I'm in good company, this is the best laugh I've had in a month.

06-12-2015, 04:25 PM
Yep have the same affliction drives me crazy some times.

sgt.mike, I hear that is not much of a drive, more like a putt.


06-12-2015, 05:05 PM
I'm selling everything [well almost] so it won't get lost anymore.

06-12-2015, 05:11 PM
I'm selling everything [well almost] so it won't get lost anymore.

Onliest problem with that is forgetting that you sold it and then looking all over creation for it until you forgot what you were looking for.... And then you find something you weren't looking for, thought you were looking for it and then wonder what it was you were going to do with it.... Maybe your should just keep everything. It will keep you busy...