View Full Version : lee lead furnce

03-18-2008, 07:53 AM
i been casting pistol bullets with a lee lead furnce and it conclly dips is this a comend thing with lee pots? i been looking at getting a rcbs

03-18-2008, 09:30 AM
Lee furnaces tend to be Drip-O-Matics. In some past life, I believe Lee made coffee makers--and I'm sure they worked wonderfully. I used them for 10-12 years, if you can tolerate their drip-drip-drip they are decent, affordable tools. I saw on Buckshot's Lee furnace a set if Vise-Grip pliers clamped vertically on the spout rod to add weight--he might have commentary on that add-on element for slowing or stopping the drip.

Several years back I came across a RCBS furnace for a very good price. It is without doubt the BEST casting tool I have ever purchased, bar none. They are NOT CHEAP, but worth every penny even at MSRP. Just know that if any crud gets in or around the spout or its rod, the RCBS will drip too. Cleaning the spout recess and the spout rod causes that to go away. Just BE SURE to wear some kind of breathing filter element when cleaning those toxic, nasty compounds out of your pot, and do it outdoors in a well-ventilated area. This clean-out regimen always slowed the dripping in my Lee pots, too.