View Full Version : Continued Bad Luck. My Remaining Nephew Needs A Prayer If You Have A Minute

05-16-2015, 04:51 PM
Our bad luck continues. As my prior posts indicate this spring we lost my mother, nephew and Step-daughter as well as a truck. My remaining nephew now needs prayers.

My lone surviving nephew got in a very bad car accident. They did not expect him to live but he seemed to pull through and was at home. He was in a bad way but needed care which my now ex-brother-in-law was providing. My BIL quit his job and took a much lower paying one that allowed him to be home. My sister decided this was too much for her, told him she wanted a divorce and shacked up with a guy. She is now suing my brother-in-law for half of everything and leaving him to take care of my nephew alone on top of it all. My last conversation with her was, to paraphrase Thomas Hobbes, nasty brutish and short. My nephew took a turn for the worst and had to be brought back to the hospital and have holes drilled in his skull to relieve the pressure and is in a coma. The doctors told my BIL that he may regain close to full function if he pulls through but will never be able to work again and will require constant care which his girlfriend is providing now.

If you have a minute a prayer for my nephew to pull through would be appreciated. I hate to ask once again as I have asked several times this spring.

This spring has tested my faith like no other time in my life.

05-16-2015, 06:06 PM
Will add to My prayer list.

05-16-2015, 10:06 PM
It has always been my personal theology that it's not whether you're healed or not, it's what is your testimony in spite of your circumstances. You and yours have been through unimaginable tragedy and grief, yet you continue to seek the God of all creation on behalf of your family. I pray my faith be as strong as yours! And I will continue to pray brother.

05-16-2015, 10:19 PM
jonp: I hope the best for the young man and you. Do what you can to support your BIL There is a promise that one will not be given more than you can bear but it truly takes the patience of Job at times. prayer sent. GP

05-17-2015, 06:41 AM
Prayers sent for your nephew and you.

05-17-2015, 08:56 AM
Doctors can tell you one thing but that's not the final answer, GOD is the only true Physician there is. Your Nephew may come out of the coma and be perfectly fine according to GODS will and purpose. Read Romans chapter 8, We go through things for our good and for GODS glory. It may be hard for us to see the good as we are in the middle of a crisis but be sure GOD is always in control and is working "all" things out after the counsel of HIS will. Keep your head up, Seek GOD in every instance. I will be praying for GODS mercy on your nephew and family.

05-17-2015, 09:40 AM
Prayers sent to you and your family, including your sister who may see the light.

05-17-2015, 08:35 PM
Praying for yall Bro

05-18-2015, 10:38 PM
In August '85 I was on the way to pick up my girlfriend, take her to see "Fright Night", wait till she jumped into my lap, & propose. Instead I was deliberately run into a 3' wall on the highway exchange in El Paso. I woke up in the emergency room with them saying, "we have to sit you up, don't look at your knee." I looked at the joint under were the knee should have been. Asked after a minute or two "where's my knee?" Ambulance driver found it 30 feet away from the bike, was waving it saying, "Here it is!" For 3 days they let me lay there full of morphine, waiting for me to die! Broke neck, back, fractured skull they said would have killed an elephant, ' lost my left frontal lobe. I walked out of there in 2 1/2 weeks. I figure I should have been killed at least 13 times now. Never lose your faith and hope!

05-18-2015, 10:38 PM
And will be lifting up your family in my prayers.