View Full Version : Crew of missing USMC helicopter in Nepal

05-15-2015, 07:52 AM
Just heard on the news they found it. No survivors. Sad day for America and the world indeed. There are those who dislike the military, but no one can deny their humanitarian mission was a good thing, these were noble people. Prayers for their families.

05-15-2015, 08:30 AM
Fair winds and following seas

05-15-2015, 08:40 AM
And when they get to heaven to St. Peter they will say; another Marine reporting sir I've done my time in hell. Prayers for their friend and families. Carry on Marine!

05-16-2015, 12:14 AM
Prayers indeed.

05-16-2015, 12:31 AM
Sad, Prayers for the families and friends.

05-16-2015, 08:42 AM
Prayers for my brother Marines families.

05-16-2015, 10:16 AM
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ad/US_Navy_030427-M-4066S-013_An_M16-A2_service_rifle%2C_a_pair_of_boots_and_a_helmet_s tand_in_tribute_to_a_fallen_Marine_Corps_Sergeant. jpg/640px-US_Navy_030427-M-4066S-013_An_M16-A2_service_rifle%2C_a_pair_of_boots_and_a_helmet_s tand_in_tribute_to_a_fallen_Marine_Corps_Sergeant. jpg

05-17-2015, 01:48 PM

Six U.S. marines and two Nepalese soldiers who died in a helicopter crash while they were on a mission to deliver aid in earthquake-hit Nepal have been identified.

The eight were aboard the UH-1Y Huey helicopterwhen it went missing Tuesday, following a 7.3 magnitude earthquake. The wreckage was found on Friday following an intensive search.

The Joint Task Force 505 identified the dead marines as
Capt. Dustin R. Lukasiewicz of Nebraska;

Capt. Christopher L. Norgren of Kansas;

Sgt. Ward M. Johnson, IV of Florida,

Sgt. Eric M. Seaman, of California.

Cpl. Sara A. Medina, of Illinois,

Lance Cpl. Jacob A. Hug, of Arizona.

Nepal's army identified its soldiers as
Tapendra Rawal and
Basanta Titara,

and said all eight bodies have been flown to the capital of Kathmandu, the Associated Press reported.

The eight were on a humanitarian mission to deliver aid to victims of the magnitude-7.8 earthquake that devastated the region on April 25.

Jacob "Jake" Hug, 22, of Phoenix, Az., was based in Okinawa, Japan, and had been on temporary assignment in Nepal.


USA TODAYArizona Marine likely killed aboard helicopter in Nepal (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2015/05/15/phoenix-marine-missing-nepal/27363263/)

"Between the first stop and the second stop, the helicopter reported an issue with the fuel line, and then being in such a remote location, it just disappeared," his father, Jim Hug, told the Arizona Republic. "There's no signs of a crash, no signs of smoke, no signs of a fire. The emergency beacon didn't go on."

The pilot of the helicopter is believed to have been Chris Norgren of Wichita, Kan., the Marine Corps Times (http://www.usatoday.com/story/military/2015/05/15/parents-of-marine-pilot-hold-press-conference/27400967/)reported. (http://www.usatoday.com/story/military/2015/05/15/parents-of-marine-pilot-hold-press-conference/27400967/) Norgren's father, Ron, said officials first told him of the disappearance of his 31-year-old son's helicopter on Tuesday, and then contacted the family again when the wreckage was discovered Friday.

The cause of the crash has not been identified. U.S. military officials have said that an Indian helicopter heard radio chatter from the aircraft about a possible fuel problem, the Associated Press reported.
