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View Full Version : Question / Suggestion on Lyman 4500 lubisizer

03-16-2008, 08:57 PM
I'm using my 4500 lubisizer for 44 mag and 45LC cast bullets. They smush in correctly and come out with a nice ring of lube in the band. So, what's the problem? The problem is on the up stroke, the push rod doesn't push the bullet all the way to the top of the sizing die and I either have to wiggle it around with my fingers to get it free or (what I end up doing) is to place a small socket between the bottom of the linkage (in the curved portion) and the push rod. What that does in effect is "extends" the push rod and causes it to push the bullet all the way to the top.

What I'm thinking of doing is threading the bottom portion of the push rod, then threading a small rod of aluminum to thread onto the push rod (hope I'm not confusing anyone). What this will do for me is to allow me to adjust the overall length of the push rod to compensate for the various bullets so they are pushed all the way to the top and easily removed. Remember guys - this is going to be my patent - I'll get filthy rich - yeah, filthy rich I tell you, rich!. Oops, sorry - got carried away.

I called Lyman and discussed it but the woman I spoke to seemed not to care - sounded like I was making her think too much! Anyway, if it works I'll post some pics. Whatta ya think - any of you have a similiar problem and what did you do to correct it?

03-16-2008, 10:11 PM
On one of my Lyman 450's, I replaced the push rod with a 1/4" bolt. The bolt head is just the right size to limit the upwards travel. You could either use all-thread, or cut the head off a bolt, then fit your spacer shim on the bottom.