View Full Version : Question about Solder

05-03-2015, 10:04 AM
I just scored several partial rolls of solder to add to my stash. Most of it was lead free, 95-5. Being retired now and having the time, I gathered up all of my other solder and organized a shelf for it. In the mix of older stuff I found a roll of acid core. My question, is this worth trying to salvage or should I just chunk it? A pound of lead solder is not worth messing up my smelting pot and ladles over. What do you guys say? I have been casting for a long time and have a large stash of different alloys, so this is not a big deal. Thanks for your thoughts.

05-03-2015, 10:18 AM
I wouldn't put it in my casting pot.

when I do melt acid core solder I use a little lyman 4 pound pot.
I run an extension cord out back about 150 feet.
throw the acid core solder in the pot, walk away and let it melt.
once it gets all done sputtering and smoking i'll go out and stir it up a bit, cook a little wax off on top to clean the oxides up, then pour it into ingots.

05-03-2015, 11:06 AM
I smelted some acid core once, the pot I used was never the same.
Would I do it again ? YES.
I would find a steel or stainless steel (not alum) soup pot at the thrift store (spending no more than $1) and dedicate it for that one purpose. Then smelt it on a camp stove outside on a breezy day...and I'd stand up wind. USE lots of saw dust...Heat it slowly and put the saw dust on early, just as it starts melting, the saw dust will absorb the acid before it starts burning...scoop out the acid soaked sawdust and add more fresh saw dust.
That's what I'd do.

05-03-2015, 03:26 PM
Depends on what you value you put on your time and equipment. And how desperate you are for a pound or two of lead solder.

I never mess with acid core any more. Not worth the time to fiddle with it and the smell and potential danger.

Sounds like you have a good collection of alloys. Just leave the acid core stuff in a zip-lok bag (it will corrode and rust ferrous metals around it!) and save it for a day when you are running low on casting metal.

Tomorrow is another day! Mess with it then.

05-03-2015, 09:43 PM
Thanks for the replys everyone. I am about to decide that its not worth the effort. When I got home with my latest score and started organizing all of the odd spools and bars I ran across it. I don't even remember where it came from. Thanks again!

05-04-2015, 07:40 PM
I'm in the waste not want not camp. It is solder, therefore it is tin, that means RogerDat will use it. I typically have melted all the roll solder in big batch, using a thrift store pot. Don't care about core, just clean it, make little coins in muffin pan and use it as tin (lucky enough to get those batches gunned, typically 25-30% tin). Half the stuff I find you can't read the non-existent label anyway. Yes it smokes and stinks that is why the wife does not do it and I have to be outside. :-)

05-04-2015, 08:33 PM
I've done pounds and pounds of the Acid core solder..What I did was melt it and stirred it good with saw dust..I put a bunch of saw dust on top of the melt and it soaked up the acid/flux real good with no problems. Dispose of the saw dust in metal coffee cans and in the garbage. I had no problems, but i soaked up all of it with saw dust. It will clean up real nice and makes excellent Tin.