View Full Version : UPS and USPS

05-01-2015, 10:45 AM
I got some dies from Midway getting them shipped the most inexpensive way. The suprise today was the Mailman delivering at 10:00am a UPS package from Midway. When did the USPS start delivering packages for UPS?

05-01-2015, 10:52 AM
Its been going on for years. UPS and FedEx charge you $7.00 to deliver a package, they pay USPS $2.00 to deliver it for them and everybody makes money.

05-01-2015, 11:01 AM
At least you got your order. I.m waiting for delivery of a package shipped a week ago via FedX, tracking claims its out for delivery. Within the last hour watched the Fed X truck deliver a package to my next door neighbor and drive right by me. I live in a small town and only 1 Fed X truck delivers here.

We shall see what will happen.

From past experience, if the package was shipped via USPS I would have received it on Wed. at the latest.

05-01-2015, 11:04 AM
As HarryT says its a money saving thing so they have less big brown trucks in the neighborhoods. UPS gets it within about ten miles then hands it off to the USPS and it takes them another four days to deliver to your door. Part of why I opt for Fed Ex. GP

05-01-2015, 11:07 AM
If anyone is shipping Fedex ground . You are paying them to drop with thePO. There are 2 types. FedEx ground which is the cheapest OR FedEx home delivery. . This One add money to the PO depending On the weight. FedEx will add up to $5.00 for weight and size.. If you access a Residential delivery . you get Home service. Just don't Click on that Button

05-01-2015, 11:10 AM
2nd trip up our street, got my package this time, via turtle time, FedX.

05-01-2015, 12:01 PM
USPS final delivery can suck it. It adds at least an additional day. In most cases two to three. This is dependent on your USPS branch. But just think about it. UPS could be dropping it off at your house but instead they take it to the PO where it will be delivered the following day.

If you don't mind waiting then have at it. Tracking information dies when they hand it off to the USPS as well. To many things can go wrong.

Don't get me started on FedEx. A delivery from Amazon was shown as delivered and left on my porch yesterday. I'm assuming they delivered to the wrong house again. A second package from Amazon that was delivered UPS was on my porch like they always are. I'm very concerned because FedEx is scheduled to deliver a large powder order from Widener's today.

I really like when retailers allow you to choose the delivery service. I will never select FedEx. Amazon got some not so nice questions from me yesterday asking why they shipped FedEx. First time they've ever used them to send a package to my house. And it ended up like all the other ones, not there.

05-01-2015, 12:16 PM
May hap Amazon drones will be better! LOL

05-01-2015, 12:18 PM
As i can see everyone Has there Own Problem with shipping and receiving
. . That's the way it Goes

05-01-2015, 12:22 PM
I like when they send it by post office when i am not in a hurry as the box is locked.

05-01-2015, 01:12 PM
My experience with That is that FedEx Get you the Package In Very good shape Or as I ship it. When it gets to Th PO. It's wrecked in 2 days. you know the PO motto "Don'T throw over 30 feet.
The Po have no Regard for yours Or anyone else's property. That's why there in Bad shape. and Now the Taxpayer is paying

05-01-2015, 01:27 PM
They are in bad shape because of the amount of monies they are forced to pay the government as ruled by congress which comes over and above their profits. Also because of the amount of junk mail they make no money on.

Folks need to see what other countries charge to mail packages & letters.

05-01-2015, 01:59 PM
It always amazes me when this happens. The UPS truck drives by my house on the way to the PO with my package which they then deliver to me in a day or two.

mold maker
05-01-2015, 02:05 PM
If the mail service in other countries is dependable, that may be why it cost more. Ours has progressed from amazing to not worth a darn,in just a few years. I have to re-deliver at least once a week. I'm sure my misdelivered mail, gets trashed.
FedEx drivers are blind or can't read. I had misdelivered packages, both ways, over 5 times during Christmas. I watched him deliver, my stuff to a neighbor, several times.
I can't complain personally about UPS. What they deliver is in much better shape than either of the other two, and their tracking works.

Bad Water Bill
05-01-2015, 02:28 PM
Last week I shipped 2 20VT once fired cartridges to Hornady for modification.

They were shipped in a bubble wrapped envelope weighing 1 OZ.

UPS charged me $11.44 to ship the package which also included a $2.20 fee for "DELIVERY AREA SURCHARGE"??????

Did the pony express charge that much to send a ONE OUNCE envelope 620 miles????

05-01-2015, 02:40 PM
Ours has progressed from amazing to not worth a darn,in just a few years. I have to re-deliver at least once a week. I'm sure my misdelivered mail, gets trashed.

Not to argue at all, but my service with the USPS is excellent to say the least. I use E-Bay usually on a weekly basis and get my packages normally within 3 days from anywhere in the U.S. & within 2 weeks from overseas.

For the number of pieces they handle on a daily basis I don't see how they do it as good as they do.

05-01-2015, 02:54 PM
For the number of pieces they handle on a daily basis I don't see how they do it as good as they do.

As much as it pains me I agree w/ this. The volume of mail they deliver is amazing. The fact that more pieces don't get lost/damaged is no small feat.

Where the USPS falls apart is parcel delivery. They do a fantastic job w/ letters. But they aren't set up to deliver heavy/bulky packages. They are the ones that set the max shipping weight for the flat rate boxes. But the mail carriers aren't equipped to properly handle these packages when at max weight.

It really depends on where you live as to what type of service you get. Apparently FedEx realized that I'm on "North" today and I received the package from Wideners. Amazon package still hasn't shown up.

I find FedEx's operation odd. Neither of the two packages were delivered from the hub by my house. The one from yesterday came from the hub about 45 miles away. And the one today was 25 miles away and is close to my place of employment. All packages from UPS come from the hub by my house. If drivers aren't familiar w/ the area it's going to cause more packages to go missing.

05-01-2015, 03:00 PM
Most times, the UPS truck gets to the post office after the letter carriers have left on their routes.
In my instance, the UPS truck would have to make an 11 mile round trip to deliver to my residence.

05-01-2015, 05:34 PM
We all like to complain about the USPS but the Postal Department has an entertaining history. In its hundreds of years of operation, there have been many stories of heroism. Remember the U S Steamship Mail Service, Rail Mail Service, US Army Air Service, civilian Air Mail Service...lots of brave deliverymen back then. How about the stories of people mailing their children across the US or the man that mailed several tons of bricks to Utah. In the old days, the Postal Service was robbed by all sorts of infamous bandits (now its being robbed by politicians). Unlike the UPS or FedEx the USPS delivers to everyone in the US regardless of the distance or difficulty. I think the US Postal Service has been robbed of good employees and now has to accept the bottom of the barrel so as to be politically correct. Plus new technology has really knocked the USPS for a loop. Before computers, everybody wrote letters (lots of first class and air mail revenue) now the Post Office delivers mostly junk mail and parcels for UPS.

mold maker
05-01-2015, 06:56 PM
Well if the USPS didn't handle the junk mail, or publishers clearing house (same thing), what would the carriers need a bag for? Even if they don't profit from it, it keeps them working. I get junk mail delivered on the date requested, but it takes 43 days to deliver a package??????
Companies no longer send out paper catalogues, and questionably mailing an order, has a lot to do with why it's happened.
As a dept of the US, they were never supposed to make a profit. Now even the gov has disowned them. Raising rates sent everyone to the "free" internet.
It costs little more than it did when common post cards were a penny delivered. The theory was the mail man had to be there anyway so it cost very little to add a post card to his delivery.
The same would be true today since every mailbox gets a hand full of junk, the post card could take an almost free ride.
If they cut local mail service to M W F they could cut the delivery cost by half, and we wouldn't have to check the box but half as often. I bet we would still get mail delivered with in one day of current time.. As for packages that has to be a money maker. Few take advantage of the weight limits like we do, and other than FRBs it cost a fortune to ship by USPS.

05-01-2015, 07:02 PM
Ordered a shell holder (less than a couple of ounces in weight) on the 29th; it was placed in the mail on the 29th and the tracker says it won't be delivered until the 6th. Nine days, NINE DAYS!!!
Thanks USPS, for nothing.

05-01-2015, 07:20 PM
I must be on some sort of "charmed" list. I have very few problems with USPS, UPS or FEDEX. To be honest there is an occasional problem but nothing serious. Yes, I live in a small town. Yes, I know my mail carrier well. I don't know my UPS driver but I ordered a milsurp on my C&R at ll:23 AM Monday. Shipped that evening from FL. Delivered to my home in Tennessee on Wednesday morning.

I admit that is unusually quick service from the seller but to a great extent I have come to expect that from delivery services.

05-01-2015, 07:34 PM
I don't have enough time to type out my conversation w/ FedEx this afternoon. They wanted me to describe my house and ask my neighbors if they received the package. I eventually cut her off and told her in the age of GPS they should know exactly where they delivered the package.

Bad Water Bill
05-01-2015, 08:24 PM
My current mailman must have an IQ of 1.

My box has a lid and a cover with a slot over the box.

Mr Stupid lifts the lid and forces every item thru the slit instead.of lifting the cover and dropping everything in the big box below.[smilie=b:[smilie=b:[smilie=b:

country gent
05-01-2015, 08:34 PM
Well Ill be diffrent here, my local mail carrier is a good person and does a great job for me. He normally wieghts for me to get to the door ( I have some mobility issues so this takes awhile at times.) but he knows how much harder it is to pick up parcels for me. If I have a lead shippment coming I set my wagon out for him to use so he dosnt have to carry 50-60 lb boxes up. Hes been great so far and I do appreciate him alot. I ussually leave him a gift card for a nice resteraunt at christmas time also.

05-01-2015, 09:33 PM
Let me see anyplace in the USA to anyplace in the USA for one flat rate. A rate that is significantly less than the competition. Handle more deliveries in a month than the next largest carrier UPS does in a year. Exceeds FedEx annual delivery in one week.

That translates to if USPS has a lost/delayed package rate 1/12 the rate of UPS there will be the same number of disappointed or annoyed customers. Since there seem to be about the same number that complain about each delivery company this indicates the USPS has a much lower percentage of lost/delayed packages. Takes a much smaller percentage of much larger number to equal same number of complaints.

Despite having the most inept and crooked board of directors possible (Congress) they still manage to produce a significant profit. A profit that Congress orders them to invest in T-Bills to cover future pension costs. Or maybe so the deficit does not look so bad since Congress gets to count that money as income.

USPS flat rate box weight limit is close to or the same as the FedEx or UPS weight limit. I recall a trailer shop telling me that an ordered trailer axle with brakes went over the 70 lb. weight limit so it would have to come either in pieces or common carrier. Waiting until they were doing a whole pallet shipment common carrier would save me a bunch on shipping.

05-02-2015, 12:53 AM
My experience with That is that FedEx Get you the Package In Very good shape Or as I ship it. When it gets to Th PO. It's wrecked in 2 days. you know the PO motto "Don'T throw over 30 feet.
The Po have no Regard for yours Or anyone else's property. That's why there in Bad shape. and Now the Taxpayer is paying

Please provide proof that the tax payers are paying for the Post Office. If you are receiving free tapes for the blind that is the only thing that is paid for by the gov. the last thing I heard.

05-02-2015, 01:36 AM
I get excellent service from UPS and FedEx at work, mediocre USPS service at home and pretty decent service to my PO box in the next town. My semi-feral tomcat has strict orders to maul the FedEx driver next time he gets a chance, I'll leave it at that.

05-02-2015, 07:02 AM
The best way to solve your problems with delivery company's is, Go get your products yourself, EZ cure.

05-02-2015, 08:18 AM
You have to realize that these business have to try to make money so anytime they can save a few cents they are going to grab it. Now days just be glad you receive your packages and that some low life hasn't taken them off your porch or figured out how to get into your locked mail box.

05-02-2015, 08:28 AM
I'll comment, just to comment, these threads pop up every couple of weeks, and are the same. All three are OK, all three are ****. It all depends on if you have been on the receiving end of a bad experience. I for one am amazed that the USPS does what it does. Dealing with legacy issues is difficult. And they are barred from closing money losing operations. If this was your company, 10% of the *** would be closed in a day. I've two offices I go to often and service is decent in one, and great in the other. Smiling employees and efficient. And actually helpful. I've watched them help CLUELESS folk come in and they deliver service to them smiling. This is about 20% of the folk that I see ahead of me. I'd go nuts....
And my delivery person has dropped of my lead with a smile

05-02-2015, 08:55 AM
I have had very good luck with usps but ups is another story entirely. They have mis-delivered nearly every package that ive ordered in the last 2 years. Probably amounts to a dozen items so far. It usually takes at least two weeks to get anything i order online as it usually has to be re-ordered cause they lose the first one. I live within 300ft of a major road in my area but apparently they cant find me. Im in the process of making a plywood sign painted white with black letters and numbers on it to point the way to my house. They seem to not even check the house number and just drop it off at any place they see fit and then declare it lost and order it again. Fine bussiness practice. Im suprised they can afford to stay in bussiness at this rate. Ok....rant over.

05-02-2015, 03:52 PM
I had an order from Brownels that sat in Kansas for two days and then in Carrolton,Tx for another two days and then was shipped to Houston,Tx and from there to Huntsville,Tx and then to my house for a total of nine days just because the estimated the delivery date to be the 4th of June this all USPS when they could have dropped in the regular mail and it would get here at the most 4 days.I am put out with Brownels for their shipping.I will not order from them again even if I have to pay more for an item if it can be found elsewhere.

05-02-2015, 06:58 PM
I almost forgot. This is not about a gun related shipping problem but last year we ordered a porch light fixture from a company in the northeast. After about 6 days, I checked the tracking info and saw that they had shipped it to Alamo, TX. I live in Alamo, TN. Tracking showed it had been delivered. The company I ordered from told me to contact UPS. I did so and got nowhere so I called the vendor again. I asked for customer service again and talked to a different agent. This time they told me they would follow up and ship me another light fixture. This package was delivered in 3 days.

The reason I posted here is that UPS claimed the package had been delivered correctly. Someone more informed than me can step in but I don't think there is a delivery address in Alamo, Texas. In the past, when a package was sent to Texas in error, it eventually came back to Tennessee. I guess the difference is that this package was addressed to Alamo, TX

Bad Water Bill
05-02-2015, 07:10 PM
Alamo, Texas

Partly Cloudy · 83°F
6:08 PM

Hope that helps.

05-02-2015, 07:25 PM
Alamo, TX


05-02-2015, 09:24 PM
Thanks to both of you for that info. I would have bet money that, if there was such a place, it would be nearer San Antonio.