View Full Version : So I was shooting my security six today

03-14-2008, 11:01 PM
-and i gotta say, I love this gun. I shoot it a lot- it probably is third in my handgun rotation for round count; behind my MkII ruger and my 1911-

but every time I do I remember how much of a joy it is not to chase brass.

Man you revolver guys are really onto something with that. Especially in cold weather! Just kept a pile of cartridges in the right pocket and empties in the left. life was good- and all my brass came home with me. And I'll say that they are a lot easier to clean after as well. I don't know if all revolvers are this low maintenance, but man it is nice to be done in 2-3 minutes (if i clean it at all)

no real point here- just noting one of the simple pleasures of life.

03-15-2008, 12:01 AM
Ah yes. Cold weather shooting. I was back in Liverpool last weekend and it all came back to me. I like all my bottom feeders but spend almost all my time with good old 19th century technology. I started out on the job with a wheelgun and it's what I like best. We're going to be in the 60's this weekend.

03-15-2008, 12:08 AM
I got out to the range with my 625-8 this week. It was near 60 degrees and little wind. It was just short of WONDERFUL!! I only shot four targets (for a total of 40 shots). I did tolerably well and I sure had a SMILE on my face!!

Nothing more therapeutic than a day at the range. LOVE IT!!


03-15-2008, 12:43 AM
My four inch blued Sec. Six is my goto gun when I need a handgun just in case while I am doing ranch work and the bears are sleeping ....... (we have to watch for cougars around our cattle)

But let the bears wake up and I am right back to my serious back up ...... a 629 Mountain Gun.

That Ruger Sec. Six sure does sit on my hip and become anomonous in a hurry though ......

...... Somebody want all our bears??????

Three 44s

Frank V
03-15-2008, 02:07 AM
Three44s, no we have enough of our own. Thanks anyway.
I agree it's nice to not have to try to dig your brass out of the bushes! Good shooting. Frank

03-15-2008, 07:09 AM

I see you like the 45 ACP. If you think the Secrity Six is neat, wait till you try a S&W 45 ACP revolver!

Same loads as what you use in the 1911, (and the ones you can't use), and no chasing the stubbies all over the place. Just open the cylinder and dump em.

If you use the moon clips they even stay in a bunch.

A few don't like the moon clips but with a simple homemade tool they are easy to load and unload.

Keep shooting.

03-15-2008, 08:00 AM
My #1 reason for owning a whole mess of wheel guns. I HATE chasing and LOSING brass! From 22 to 45 I've got wheel guns. As long as they say Smith and are blue it's hard not to buy them.

03-15-2008, 11:09 AM
As long as they say Smith and are blue it's hard not to buy them.

Ain't that the truth!:drinks:

03-15-2008, 02:53 PM
My Desert Eagle is only shot when the ground is bare and there are no others around to grab my brass. .44 magnum brass is a bit pricey to lose!

James C. Snodgrass
03-15-2008, 04:37 PM
I can't believe how many people a person see's at the gun clubs that are chasein' brass like they were searchin for a four leaf clover or a gold nugget. Like Brett it's hard to bypass a S&W but the same goes for Rugers and Dan Wessons and FA's if I could hit the lottery. See ya James:Fire:

03-16-2008, 01:17 AM
Dang ...... James stole my thunder!!! ........... LOL!

My list would be Smiths, Rugers ...... and DW's .......... the FA's are outa my price range......

.... sure like to fondle them though .......... try as I may ...... can't find a loose one of those FA's!

Three 44s

03-16-2008, 01:16 PM
I may be too anal about this, but I don't recommend putting your ammo and/or empties in your pockets. The reason is lead exposure.

03-16-2008, 01:21 PM
nicholst55- thats a good point- I didn't really think about the lead from my clothing- I just wash my hands / face / exposed skin and call it a day. Maybe I'll use baggies from now on?

03-18-2008, 07:32 AM
I can't believe how many people a person see's at the gun clubs that are chasein' brass like they were searchin for a four leaf clover or a gold nugget. Like Brett it's hard to bypass a S&W but the same goes for Rugers and Dan Wessons and FA's if I could hit the lottery. See ya James:Fire:

HUH,lol and that is from a guy that beats me to the range trash barrel first some times.
Hey, I look at it like pre season training for hunting mushrooms.
I won't say I look real hard ALL the time, but when an 06 casing is actaully worth more than a penny?

03-21-2008, 07:46 PM
What works pretty good for putting empty brass in is a shot shell pouch that is used on a trap or skeet range.Just buckle it on and put the loaded rounds in one side and the empty in the other

03-21-2008, 09:56 PM
Probably twenty years ago, a shooting friend and I were at an "Outlet" store and noticed a bin full of Soft Nylon Dop Kits. They are zippered and have a carrying strap on one end. They were on close-out at $1.00 each. He and I split the bin full and each ended up with about a dozen neat bags. I got luggage tags and labeled each for a different caliber.

They will each hold up to three fifty round boxes plus plenty of room for a zip lock bag for empties. They allow me to organize my loaded rounds AND empties. They keep the empties clean (are you auto fellers listening[smilie=1:) and pretty much help to reduce the number of times I need to tumble my brass. I always tumble auto cases before I reload as they tend to pick up all kinds of debris that can scratch dies.

What is amazing, these have been used a LOT and the plastic zippers are still in good shape. I have NOT seen anything quite like these for any reasonable price and just KNOW that some day I will have to come up with another "plan".

Oh well, I'll enjoy them while I can[smilie=1:.
