View Full Version : Oddest thing I ever saw while casting.

04-28-2015, 05:51 PM
I was heating up my new Pro-Melt (yes, Virginia, there was a leetle bit of smoke), then I charged the pot and turned it up to 650 (eleven! eleven!). While standing there, arms crossed and contemplating the infinite, a small bird, about wren sized, with a tan line under each eye, landed on my casting table.

Stood there, looking down, without moving. Then it moved.. thought it flew off.. it didn't. Felt a slight tugging at the right pocket of my apron. It was perching on the hem... Then I looked down and uncrossed my arms, it flew off about four feet, landed, then flew off.

Ed Barrett
04-28-2015, 05:57 PM
I have had black capped chickadees come and land and watch me work.

04-28-2015, 07:14 PM
Mother Nature is such a powerful, wondrous and mystical being sometimes. I love those small moments where the world seems to stand still for that one split second. Makes getting up worth it. Thank you for sharing your story.

04-28-2015, 07:26 PM
We are waiting on the hummingbirds to arrive. We have a good bunch of them every year. I think they are going to be late this year though, it's been unseasonably cold all month. Never had a bird land on my casting bench, must mean good luck for you. One year I left the overhead door open for a few days and had a bird build and nest on a shelf inside, eggs and all, so I left the door open until the eggs hatched and the babies flew away after a while.

04-28-2015, 08:43 PM
I have rabbits who will come up on the deck and watch me, or if I am sitting out there at sunset they just come up and sit about 10 feet away. I feed them and one will almost take food from my hand.

04-28-2015, 09:35 PM
We are waiting on the hummingbirds to arrive. We have a good bunch of them every year. I think they are going to be late this year though, it's been unseasonably cold all month. Never had a bird land on my casting bench, must mean good luck for you. One year I left the overhead door open for a few days and had a bird build and nest on a shelf inside, eggs and all, so I left the door open until the eggs hatched and the babies flew away after a while.

I had that happen one year in my garage. A bird made a nest in my son's ATV helmet (that I had made the mistake of leaving upside down) I left the doors open a little until it left. Still have the helmet, minus the nest.

04-28-2015, 10:12 PM
I had a humming bird drink from the stream from my garden hose last year as I was watering flowers. I put a window air conditioner, sans it's cover, on the table on my deck to work on it. I came back two days later to find a pair of wrens had built a nest and now have a clutch of eggs. Repairs can wait. I need to build some birdhouses.

04-28-2015, 11:17 PM
When I was camping one time I found a friend. A chipmunk that would eat sun flower seeds out of my hand while sitting on my leg. If you have ever been to England at Trafalger Square all you have to do is stop moving for 10 seconds and pigeons would start landing on you. All the tourist thought it was pretty funny until they flew off and then they realized that pigeons like to poop on anything and everything.

country gent
04-28-2015, 11:30 PM
One winter we had a pheasant that showed up to watch us cut fire wood. Fire up the chainsaw and he would appear and watch us work. Deer woodchicks rabbits arnt at all scared of the farm tractors working gorund and you can get very close to them same with geese and other animals. At the club I shoot deer turkeys and one year fox would come out between firing line and targets grazing feeding while shooting was going on yet. They get used to iot and it dosnt bother them.

04-29-2015, 12:03 AM
Since I live in S. Florida and it's usually hot, I do most of my casting at night. I've had everything from geckos to possums and even a burrowing owl drop by and watch me.

mold maker
04-29-2015, 09:11 AM
I hung a feeder outside one of those reflective coated windows. You can stand with your nose less than 18" from the feeding birds. The children are fascinated by the spectacle.

04-29-2015, 02:58 PM
Little wren got in under the porch door and was flying to and fro. Propped the door open and shushed her out. Took about three tries before everything worked. Same tan lines and silhouette from Tuesday....

04-29-2015, 08:51 PM

last fall trolling for stripers he stayed with us for about a half hour

We were wondering what would happen if a big rock hit that rod

04-30-2015, 11:32 AM
Sprit bird(s)!

dagger dog
04-30-2015, 11:49 AM
Lucky to have deer stand 30 feet from me while mowing paths on my rider, they stand transfixed with a mouth full of wild grape leaves as I drive buy, guess they're unable to figure out what the heck I am.

04-30-2015, 12:57 PM
I had a spider suicide into my melting pot the other day. He was belaying down his line from the ceiling, got above the pot and I guess the heat addled him. I stepped back and watched him fall right into the melt. Pop, and it was over. I quickly stirred his remains in for flux.