View Full Version : Meet The Owners - ETR7 Expansion Industries

John Boy
04-22-2015, 02:11 PM
http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd220/Meadowmucker/Misc/Lynchburg%20Powder_zpsfgxyqjgc.jpg (http://s222.photobucket.com/user/Meadowmucker/media/Misc/Lynchburg%20Powder_zpsfgxyqjgc.jpg.html)

I drove down to Expansion Industries in Lynchburg, VA while in Virginia and purchased my powder and some S&B primers. The fella in the red shirt, Bob, is the owner.
Their complete operation is in one room at a small strip mall office complex
* Note that each of the individuals has a laptop in front of them. Presume each works on the Internet orders
* Asked the fella at the rear of the picture, whose powder they were selling: "We buy it from an international laboratory." Is it Maxum? No reply
* I asked why the increase in price from $16 to $18 dollars. Was told because we were loosing money. When I gave the fella in the back my credit card, he put a Square card in his cell phone and swiped my card. Square charges 2.5% for each Credit card transaction. So their increase in price covered each Square fee plus shipping
* I asked the guys to use their bathroom cause I had a full bladder from the drive. Bob, the owner, quickly replied ... "The owners of the office only allow employees to use the restroom" Ya sure ... and no doubt the rest room area is their supply room with empty plastic containers and bulk powder where they repackage it into their powder jugs for sale
* On the wall they had targets for each of the ETR7 calibers list. The target groups were all shot at less than 25 feet
* Under the targets on shelves - they had an ample supply of their powders, primers and ammunition

Overall, the fellas were friendly with the conversation I had with them - said Good Bye and was one my way

On the window of their one room, Suite B office, was listed also... We Buy Gold plus Firearms Permits Issued

04-22-2015, 02:39 PM
Small businesses have to start someplace. Good luck to them, maybe in 20 years they will be the same size as Hodgdon.

04-22-2015, 10:06 PM
Interesting. I read about their powder on another forum. May try some when my Clays runs out. Keep us updated with load reaults.

04-23-2015, 08:24 AM
Hodgdon started in the surplus powder business. Look at them now.
Good luck to these gentlemen.


04-23-2015, 06:21 PM
Cant say ive heard anyone complain about the powder. At $18 its still a good deal. I hope they become the facebook of powder

11-12-2015, 12:14 AM
I have shot a lot of loads in 9mm thru 45LC and 223/30-30 plinking with this stuff. TiteGroup load data is very close. Cleanest I have ever used. No complaints. More power (and powder) to them as a small business, The company I own is a small engineering business. Guys like us are the backbone of this nation.

Just ordered more powder from them now that it is back in stock.

Pistol Grip
07-20-2016, 05:34 PM
Stay away from this company!!!!!

I bought 1000 rds of ammunition on 4/23/16 at the Dulles gun show. They were offering a good price however you could only pay in cash. Uncharacteristic of me, I fell for their con job and placed an order. It is now 3 mos later I have yet received my order. I have tried to contact the company over 100 times via phone and the website. No one answers, their phone goes to voice mail and the website contact goes to a black hole.

I filed a claim with the BBB but the company does not respond, incidentally, they have an F rating with the BBB. My only recourse at this time is to file in small claims and to warn others. Buyer beware!

07-20-2016, 05:52 PM
Thank you Pistol Grip for the info. Your not the first to have complaints on this site. Bad business spreads faster than lightning.

07-26-2016, 11:47 AM
I placed an order in December 2015, got nothing but a runaround on the order, but they processed my credit cardreally fast. Finally had to stop paymenton my credit card, they never replied to anything after that. Poorly run business, with extremely poorcustomer service. Nothing but excuses time and time again... I will never purchase from them again.

DerekP Houston
07-26-2016, 11:57 AM
I placed an order in December 2015, got nothing but a runaround on the order, but they processed my credit cardreally fast. Finally had to stop paymenton my credit card, they never replied to anything after that. Poorly run business, with extremely poorcustomer service. Nothing but excuses time and time again... I will never purchase from them again.

That mirrors my experience. Credit card charge back was the only method for me.

07-28-2016, 02:55 PM
Powder good, company not so much. Ive posted on them before. Float a great price and charge your card and a few weeks later call you to say they need to charge you shipping cause "they cant fix the website to show it is not included". My 4yr old granddaughter can update a website.

Use Powder Valley, 3rd Generation, Grafs etc. Too many good companies out there to waste time with this bait and switch operation.

07-29-2016, 12:27 PM
This is not a company to do business with. Bait and switch as described above, double billing, sent me LR primers instead of LP. They told me they never had LR primers to sell, baloney. Would not resolve it. These people are snake oil salesmen.

07-29-2016, 12:53 PM
Powder good, company not so much. Ive posted on them before. Float a great pricen chatge your card and a few weeks later call you to say they need ti charge you shipping cause "they cant fix the website to show it is not included". My 4yr old granddaughter can update a website.

Use Powder Valley, 3rd Generation, Grafs etc. Too many good companies out there to waste time with this bait and switch operation.

They pulled the same with me I cancelled the charge and then the threatened me with some sort of CC issues. Glad I didn't get fully taken like a lot of folks

07-29-2016, 01:35 PM
Wow I was planning to stop by the shop the next time I drove around that area to pick up some powder , I generally go out in the fall .

07-29-2016, 02:14 PM
In person you MIGHT get what you went for! Be sure and let us know..

DerekP Houston
07-29-2016, 02:16 PM
Wow I was planning to stop by the shop the next time I drove around that area to pick up some powder , I generally go out in the fall .

If you have the time to go by in person, it appears to be good powder at a great price. I just don't put up with poor customer service and excuses when I work in IT and know that it could be easily fixed. They've been using that "website charge issue" for a long time now....

07-29-2016, 02:31 PM
on my way out to see the leaves changing in the mountains , I'm planning a stop . Will inform when I do . And will discuss the ordering and customer service as well .

07-29-2016, 10:37 PM
My experience with them was horrible as well!! I refuse to do business with companies that have integrity problems, there are too many to do business with that do have integrity. It just boggles my mind when companies don't understand customer service is everything in acheiving long term success.

07-29-2016, 11:44 PM
I have had nothing but excellent service from them on 3 orders. Too bad they are going that way. Customer support and service are key today.

Excellent clean burning powder....the best I have ever used. I just hope they wise up and shape up - - - as they provide an excellent product.


07-30-2016, 12:24 AM
I would not spend a dime with those slime-balls.

07-30-2016, 09:03 AM
Yup! Word gets around nowadays!

07-30-2016, 09:12 AM
W/ powder being available again why would anyone even bother w/ them? They happened to acquire a large quantity at an opportune time. They then blew their chance to establish themselves as a reputable business.

Prospector Howard
07-30-2016, 11:46 AM
Besides the poor customer service, who is actually making the powder? Is it being made with the type of care and expertise that the large trusted companies that have been producing powder for decades are doing? What if there is a bad mix, and they just say, oh well and don't do a recall? Who compensates you for blowing up your gun or burning your house down? Personally, I don't think it's worth the risk, but one guy on here thinks it's the BEST POWDER EVER and says so EVERY time there is a discussion on it; which seems very odd to me.

07-30-2016, 12:12 PM
There is no need to worry about the quality of the powder. It's simply a relabel job on their part. They don't make it.

Prospector Howard
07-30-2016, 12:20 PM
Relabled from what powder and manufacturer?

07-30-2016, 01:06 PM
ETR7 is Maxam CSB-1. All this information is out there. A lot of it on this very forum. There are only a select few smokeless powder manufacturers.

Prospector Howard
07-30-2016, 01:29 PM
Thanks, dragon. As I recall Maxam is big in the shotgun shell arena. I never needed to go looking for new pistol powders as I stocked up on Bullseye and Unique before the madness and didn't need to research replacements.

DerekP Houston
07-30-2016, 02:57 PM
ETR7 is Maxam CSB-1. All this information is out there. A lot of it on this very forum. There are only a select few smokeless powder manufacturers.

This is what I have found as well, and from all I can tell it *is* a great powder. But again, we aren't in shortage situation anymore and poor customer service rarely gets repeat business. If they had their act together I'd be sitting on 16lbs right now instead of 0.

08-01-2016, 07:31 PM
If you have the time to go by in person, it appears to be good powder at a great price. I just don't put up with poor customer service and excuses when I work in IT and know that it could be easily fixed. They've been using that "website charge issue" for a long time now....

The powder is fine and use Titegroup data to start. It's a little slower than Titegroup but not much. I don't care for the business end and won't buy from them again. Others may have better luck with them than I did. It left a bad taste in my mouth and the powder, after the shipping charge, was not any cheaper than buying Titegroup itself.

10-04-2016, 04:10 PM
These guys are a joke. Have tried to do business with them several times and same results. What makes it really bad is the owner (Richie Smissen) claims to be a Christian and even was the speaker at a men's event I went to. He shared a good message, but then you find out how the guy really is... Completely blew his testimony with all kinds of people. Stay away from these guys. Bad news....

10-04-2016, 04:30 PM
I have mulled ordering from them, but factoring in the shipping and hazmat it only makes sense if I order in quantity, and that is a tough sell for an untested product from a company with somewhat a mixed customer service review. That and I think I have like 8# of genuine Titegroup and same in Unique so can't find any good reason to spend the money for pistol and I'm good on rifle powder similar to theirs.

Glad the shortage is over, and I bet during shortage there were at least some people that were really glad to get some of that Expansion Industries powder. Not factoring in CC fees was silly, as is not having the web site work to calculate full order.

10-04-2016, 04:39 PM
This is not a company to do business with. Bait and switch as described above, double billing, sent me LR primers instead of LP. They told me they never had LR primers to sell, baloney. Would not resolve it. These people are snake oil salesmen.

It's funny that you say that when you look at their website they only list Large Pistol And Small Pistol and no Rifle primers.

DerekP Houston
10-04-2016, 04:50 PM
I have mulled ordering from them, but factoring in the shipping and hazmat it only makes sense if I order in quantity, and that is a tough sell for an untested product from a company with somewhat a mixed customer service review. That and I think I have like 8# of genuine Titegroup and same in Unique so can't find any good reason to spend the money for pistol and I'm good on rifle powder similar to theirs.

Glad the shortage is over, and I bet during shortage there were at least some people that were really glad to get some of that Expansion Industries powder. Not factoring in CC fees was silly, as is not having the web site work to calculate full order.

Are they still blaming the website for that issue? It could've been fixed easily if they chose. I sat for 6 weeks waiting for an order before I issued a charge back, couldn't even get a refund from them. Won't be bothering to try again.

10-04-2016, 05:19 PM
I have shot a lot of loads in 9mm thru 45LC and 223/30-30 plinking with this stuff. TiteGroup load data is very close. Cleanest I have ever used. No complaints. More power (and powder) to them as a small business, The company I own is a small engineering business. Guys like us are the backbone of this nation.

Just ordered more powder from them now that it is back in stock.

Who are you trying to kid? Guys like you built this nation!
When the International Industrialist have finished raping this country...it will be guys like you who 'rebuild' it too!

10-05-2016, 09:35 AM
It's really too bad, as it is a very good powder. Hopefully when the need arises, i can get some of the CSB powder from another vendor and use it in its place. The customer service side of Expansion has unfortunately sealed its fate, I think. WAY too many people having to resort to charge backs to get refunded after non delivery and no response from the company.

10-05-2016, 07:28 PM
Are they still blaming the website for that issue? It could've been fixed easily if they chose. I sat for 6 weeks waiting for an order before I issued a charge back, couldn't even get a refund from them. Won't be bothering to try again.

I'm also interested in whether they have "fixed" their website yet or not. Since it has been the best part of a year if they have not then that confirms my impression of a bait and switch operation.

DerekP Houston
10-05-2016, 07:51 PM
I'm also interested in whether they have "fixed" their website yet or not. Since it has been the best part of a year if they have not then that confirms my impression of a bait and switch operation.

Looks like they are at least notifying customers now. Not sure why this hasn't been fixed on the shopping cart as every other powder seller I know has this built in.

per website " We will call and have to charge a separate 28.50 hazmat charge per DOT regulations"

10-06-2016, 07:44 AM
Well at least they are telling people although they are still lying about the dot regulations. There are no such things mandatinng any fees

10-09-2016, 12:05 AM
Well at least they are telling people although they are still lying about the dot regulations. There are no such things mandatinng any fees

Exactly! They are liars.

11-04-2016, 09:36 AM
Saw a mention of it on a Facebook reloading group, and for whatever reasons, the Expansion website has been turned off with only an under construction page at the front. Wondering if they are really reworking, or if their reputation finally caught up to them?

11-04-2016, 11:44 AM
I could have fixed that website in under 15mins a year ago. The separate charge is just weird, it also means you will pay more in CC or debit card fees.

DerekP Houston
11-04-2016, 12:01 PM
I could have fixed that website in under 15mins a year ago. The separate charge is just weird, it also means you will pay more in CC or debit card fees.

They have an F rating with the BBB.


BBB files indicate that this business has a pattern of complaints concerning delay in delivery of products ordered and non delivery of products ordered. Consumers report no response to emails or voice mails when attempting to contact the company. The company has failed to respond to the majority of complaints forwarded by the BBB. On July 7, 2016 and July 21, 2016 BBB sent letters requesting the firm address the pattern of complaints. To date, we have not received a response from Expansion Industries.

11-04-2016, 12:29 PM
Their Facebook page is even more entertaining. One gentleman looks to have been taken for ~~$2500.

07-31-2017, 08:18 PM
Hope no one here lost $$ with these folks. I bought very good powder from 'em FTF several times at a giood price , but they apparently folded up a few months back and stiffed a lot of folks. Wonder where all those progressive loaders went ?

09-18-2017, 02:34 PM
These guys packed up shop, stole a bunch of customer's money and then headed to Texas. Now they are trying to open up the same business down there... Changed the name and website just a little bit so that customer's don't see all their bad reviews and BBB F rating... Let's make sure everyone knows to stay away from these guys... They already scammed enough of us on here... These are their "new" website and facebook pages...



DerekP Houston
09-18-2017, 04:35 PM
These guys packed up shop, stole a bunch of customer's money and then headed to Texas. Now they are trying to open up the same business down there... Changed the name and website just a little bit so that customer's don't see all their bad reviews and BBB F rating... Let's make sure everyone knows to stay away from these guys... They already scammed enough of us on here... These are their "new" website and facebook pages...



Somehow I had a feeling that was the plan. Thanks for the update. Glad I used my credit card on that purchase and let chase sort out why they never shipped.

09-18-2017, 04:51 PM
Wow, that takes some big old you know what. The site sure didn't change much so they didn't do much to hide anything. It also proves that they are just thieves.

DerekP Houston
09-18-2017, 05:13 PM
I posted on their new Facebook and got the following response

Hey Derek thanks for the post on the page! ETR7 orders were either fulfilled or money was returned or guys/galls charged back on their credit cards and have received their money. I double checked to see that you had already got your money back and that we did not owe you anything. We arent selling powder currently and it doesnt look like we will be in the near future. We had a lot of issues with fulfilling orders and getting backed up on components and so we shut things down for a while and fixed all our in house issues. We got new machines and moved our location out to texas in Dallas and we are now only selling brand new brass ammunition. Cards are charged when shipped. So a lot of good things are happening. I apologize if you had a bad experience was not our intention. We are not selling as a new name rather our trade name as ATF has directed us to. Hope this answers some of your questions! Have a great week

09-18-2017, 05:19 PM
Time will tell. The move is the suspicious part. Why not buy new machines and set them up in the current location? Lots of money saved by doing that. I have a hard time taking them for their word at this point.

09-18-2017, 07:21 PM
Yikes. I was really close to buying a jug of this powder back in the bad old days. I'm glad I never got around to it, or I'd have had a little headache on my hands before I let the credit card company deal with it.

DerekP Houston
09-20-2017, 02:21 PM
Yikes. I was really close to buying a jug of this powder back in the bad old days. I'm glad I never got around to it, or I'd have had a little headache on my hands before I let the credit card company deal with it.

In the shortage I placed an order for 4 - 4lb jugs, besides charging me immediately nothing every came of my order. I tried calling and got the song and dance about adding hazmat though the holiday I purchased was advertised as "free shipping". When they wouldn't do a refund I told chase and they took care of me. Learned my lesson about always using a credit card for online purchases rather than debit/bank transfer. You get much better protection that way.

09-20-2017, 09:04 PM
I got the run around from them too (at least one thread here speaking negatively) same kind of thing and finally had to dispute the charge to get my money back. These guys are horrible business people who I wouldn't buy from under any circumstances.

09-20-2017, 11:35 PM
I agree. Horrible to do business with them. Never again!

But I still have 20lbs of ETR-7 left from a bulk purchase that took FOREVER to get. Dang if that stuff isnt great in 147gr 9MM and light 357 Mag & 44 Mag. Burns clean and cool for USPSA shooting. I will be sad when it runs out.

Will never purchase from them under any name.

09-21-2017, 12:49 AM
I agree. Horrible to do business with them. Never again!

But I still have 20lbs of ETR-7 left from a bulk purchase that took FOREVER to get. Dang if that stuff isnt great in 147gr 9MM and light 357 Mag & 44 Mag. Burns clean and cool for USPSA shooting. I will be sad when it runs out.

Will never purchase from them under any name.

That's what's so frustrating, everyone who has used it and posted, has nothing but good things to say about the powder.

09-21-2017, 08:14 AM
But I still have 20lbs of ETR-7 left from a bulk purchase that took FOREVER to get. Dang if that stuff isnt great in 147gr 9MM and light 357 Mag & 44 Mag. Burns clean and cool for USPSA shooting. I will be sad when it runs out.

All they did was repackage powder under their own name. I forget what the powder really is. But I'm pretty sure you can still buy it.

09-21-2017, 11:10 PM
All they did was repackage powder under their own name. I forget what the powder really is. But I'm pretty sure you can still buy it.

Found this page, seems it's Maxam CSB-1

09-22-2017, 12:59 AM
That's it. They were just purchasing it in drum quantities.

09-22-2017, 12:26 PM
dang I wish I'd have known it was Maxim powder.
of course then I woulda been the guy that was out 4500$ too.

I kind of figured it was repackaged 'generic' titegroup at the time.

John Boy
09-22-2017, 04:29 PM
... and when I drove down to the storefront for the purchase - no doubt in my mind [smilie=1:

That's it. They were just purchasing it in drum quantities.
* I asked the guys to use their bathroom cause I had a full bladder from the drive. Bob, the owner, quickly replied ... "The owners of the office only allow employees to use the restroom" Ya sure ... and no doubt the rest room area is their supply room with empty plastic containers and bulk powder where they repackage it into their powder jugs for sale

09-23-2017, 12:34 PM
CSB-1 is still available here:


10-01-2017, 11:55 AM
interestingly enough, my login credentials work on the new site without creating a new account...

10-01-2017, 03:42 PM
These guys packed up shop, stole a bunch of customer's money and then headed to Texas. Now they are trying to open up the same business down there... Changed the name and website just a little bit so that customer's don't see all their bad reviews and BBB F rating... Let's make sure everyone knows to stay away from these guys... They already scammed enough of us on here... These are their "new" website and facebook pages...



First post up on the page is "Red Shirt Richie". going on and on about giving back to the community.

Light Em up,,,,,

10-01-2017, 07:18 PM
[smilie=1: Sounds like the only thing that they are trying to"expand"is their bank accounts.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

10-02-2017, 07:14 AM
Post by Richie Smisson from a private fb group- "Hey folks! First I've seen this group, I'm sorry I didn't know about it sooner. First things first Im the National Marketing Director for Expansion Ammunition, I also ran our marketing and branding when we were Expansion Industries. Now I know alot of you are upset, rightly so If I paid for product and never received it I'd be mad too. I can't change what had happened, were were in our infancy as a company and long story short we sold way faster then our factory could produce when we were located in Virginia. Now, having learned our lesson, we shut down for the better part of a year specifically to deal with our production issues and quality issues. I've seen words like crooks, thieves, and other colorful language to describe us. I get it, and a year ago we admit we made mistakes, its why we shut down, and moved so that we could be a better company and learn from our mistakes. Now I wasn't in charge at all of refunds or sending out late product, I can't change how that process was handled then but I can do my best to make it better now. So, if you legitimately never got a refund, and you never got the product you paid for, nows your chance to have us take care of it now. From a clerical perspective alot of folks who claimed to not receive product already got refunds and free product in most cases. If a few of you still haven't been serviced and legitimately have an issue please please private message me and I will do what I can to fix it to the best of my abilities. If I can't fix your problem I will find someone who can. We really aren't bad folks, we are a family business and we def made a mistake Im not denying that. So please private message me! I'd rather this not become some slug fest in the comment section but I got to play the ball where it's at now. Thanks"

10-02-2017, 08:29 AM
Spin spin spin

10-02-2017, 04:26 PM
during my "wait" for product, which was about 4 months, I talked to the supposed owner several times and he never came across as sincere, rather more like it was my fault and they might take care of it when they got around to it. had multiple conversations with multiple staff there and everyone just played "pass the puck" so the BS about just a small family business that made some mistakes don't pass the smell test.

DerekP Houston
10-02-2017, 05:59 PM
I wont be holding my breath on trying again. Who knows what the next few weeks will bring but I can load my own until it calms down again.

Black Powder Bill
05-07-2018, 06:32 PM
Well well while looking for EI I found this link. I have plenty of ETR7 if anyone is close to Athens GA. I'll never use it all. Pm me if you're interested. Bill

03-20-2019, 04:29 PM
Got this email from them this afternoon... Wonder if they learned anything from last time. I'm not sure I am willing to risk it at this point.

Edited to add:
Price is very poor ($65/4lb, $18.50/1lb), and hazmat ($28.50) is not even close to competitive compared to most places right now...


"Hi, my name is Lucas and I am with Expansion Ammunition. You are receiving this email because you have bought powder from us in the past. OUR ETR7 IS BACK IN STOCK!!!! There have been quite a few changes since we had our website stocked with powder. We have secured supply lines and now will have a steady supply to sell on our website again. We have partnered with Rio Ammunition to repackage their powder. Our ETR7 is the same exact stuff we sold back in the day we are just now allowed to say who it is from. We have extensive load data being developed currently but we have all of our load data from the past as well. The ETR7 Pistol Powder can load anything from a 380 up to a 44mag. We are also going to be releasing our EMC77 rifle powder and a brand new ESG8 shotgun powder in the near future. We are just waiting for our testing to come back for our load data.

But ETR7 is in stock and all orders will ship out next business day of the date of your order. Price for a 4lb container is $65 dollars and then shipping and hazmat. Our hazmat is now working on our website so you will know exactly what the charge is to your door at the checkout. We have corrected a lot of our mistakes from the past with shipping delays and inventory management. If you had a problem with a past order feel free to message me and I can help you out any way I can. Due to this being an exciting day for us here at Expansion we are also adding a 5% off coupon code put in ETR75 into checkout when you are logged on and you will receive an extra 5% off your entire order.

We can take orders over the phone or you can go to our website at https://expansion-ammunition.com/powder.html and place your order.

Feel free to reach out with any questions and we look forward to servicing you in the future


Lucas Smissen
National Sales Director
Expansion Ammunition
O: 469-480-7177 ex. 21"

01-20-2022, 02:46 PM
Necroing an ancient thread, but is this the same Expansion Industries?


01-20-2022, 03:03 PM
Looking back at an old order of their ETR7 powder I received, their location was/is in Carrolton TX, so I feel this is the same company.

All the powder I ordered from them arrived in a week and is an excellent performing product.

I wish them well. We certainly need more primers at a reasonable cost today!

01-20-2022, 03:28 PM
They seem to be AT LEAST; under the same ownership.

Alternative Names
Expansion Industries LLC (trading name, 2017-05-03 - 2019-03-18)
Expansion Arms and Ammunition (trading name, 2017-05-03 - )
Expansion Ammunition Texas (trading name, 2017-05-03 - )
Expansion ammunition (trading name, 2017-06-01 - )
Expansion Industries LLC (trading name, 2019-03-15 - )

Above was extracted from: https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_tx/0802789128 And the site text is as follows:

Expansion Industries LLC BRANCH

Company Number
In Existence
Incorporation Date
2 May 2017 (over 4 years ago)
Company Type
Foreign Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Texas (US)
Registered Address
2410 Luna Rd Ste 130
Alternative Names
Expansion Industries LLC (trading name, 2017-05-03 - 2019-03-18)
Expansion Arms and Ammunition (trading name, 2017-05-03 - )
Expansion Ammunition Texas (trading name, 2017-05-03 - )
Expansion ammunition (trading name, 2017-06-01 - )
Expansion Industries LLC (trading name, 2019-03-15 - )
Agent Name
Peabody Law Firm, PLLC
Agent Address
1205 S. White Chapel Blvd. Suite 100, Southlake, TX, 76092, USA
Directors / Officers
Peabody Law Firm, PLLC, agent
Richard Smissen, manager
Registry Page
RSS feed icon
Recent filings for Expansion Industries LLC

6 Jul 2021
4 Jun 2021
31 Dec 2019
15 Mar 2019
25 Jan 2019
2 Oct 2018
1 Jun 2017
3 May 2017

Plate plinker
01-20-2022, 03:54 PM
To bad the company and people have a sketchy history. How hard is it to be honest and put the customers FIRST?