View Full Version : Need Measurements from a Lee 44 Mag Factory Crimp Die

04-21-2015, 07:53 PM
I'm wondering if a Lee 44 Mag FCD can be used to reduce the base of 308 brass for the purpose of making 35 Remington brass. I have a 35 cal FCD and it worked to reduce the base of a test piece of 5.56 brass.

So, would someone with a 44 Mag FCD please measure the dimensions in the open and closed position? If you have an old piece of 308 family brass and would try it on the base that would be great too.


04-22-2015, 04:20 AM
Sounds like you mean the collet-style FCD, but if you are referring the the carbide-type, the ring measures .456". I can shove a piece of .308 through it if you want to know how much it reduces the base.

04-22-2015, 06:18 AM
Thanks. Yes, I was referring to the collet style crimp die. I'm unfamiliar with the pistol dies.
.456" is the final dimension I'm shooting for. If you'll willing to test a piece of 308 that would be great, but please don't risk your die if you think it will hurt it in any way.


04-22-2015, 01:52 PM
Shouldn't hurt the die, these are the same dies used in the bulge buster kit, they just don't have the crimping guts in them. I'll try it tonight when I get home from work.

04-23-2015, 12:26 AM
Just tried it. I couldn't get the brass all the way through the die. Even coated it with Imperial die wax. As I tried to stand up to put my weight into the press, my admittedly low strength bench just flexed. I had to knock it out with a punch and mallet. For this method, you may be able to do it in stages. If you can accomplish it with one die going the collet method, I would advise going that route.

04-23-2015, 06:16 AM
Thanks for giving it a shot. I guess I'll just have to buy a collet die and try it.