View Full Version : Dillon 1200 case trimmer on a Hornady L-N-L w/case feeder

04-20-2015, 11:52 PM
Well, I needed to trim 1200 30-06 cases and did not look foreword to using the RCBS hand cranker or the old Lyman power trimmer. One is slow and tedious the other cranky and does not like to accept cases in its not so universal chuck. So, I got out the Dillon trimmer and was about to mount in in the Rockchucker when a light came on. Why not mount it on the L-N-L? So I did. I lubed ll the cases with Dillon lube, mounted the trimmer in station 3 and then put a SB sizing die minus the decapping pin in station 5. That way the die clears (only station 1 is drilled through for decapping) and I smooth out the rough trimmed edges. I filled the hopper and turned it one. Cases dropped like advertised and I began pumping the handle. Wow, I bet I did 800 an hour easy. All trimmed and sized. Now to swage the primer pockets. I have an RCBS bench mounted swagger for that.