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View Full Version : Getting my Lock N Load running again

04-18-2015, 12:50 PM
It's been 3 years or more since I used my L-N-L with case feeder. I decided last week to do a run of 1,000 30-06 just to get the brass and bullets off my shelves. Settled on 46.5 grains of IMR 4895 and a 150 grain FB bullet. Settled is the word because those were the bullets I had on hand.

First came the case shuttle. I finally fixed a ten year old problem. That shoulder bolt was always working loose and if I tightened it, the dang shuttle wouldn't go. So, I wrapped the shoulder of the bolt with copper wire and created a washer of sorts. Now it locks down tight and the shuttle moves freely.

On to the next challenge, the primer system. It was always hit or miss and very irritating. So, I retimed the shuttle rod and I chamfered the shuttle mouth. Bingo, it's fixed. Oh, I also changed over to Federal primers. Lots of folks say the Winchester primers jam and that has been my experience too. Federal works fine.

Then it was on to adjusting the case feed shuttle. I needed it to shove the case in a hair more. No biggie, a couple of turns on the adjusting nut and Bob's Your Uncle as the Brits say.

Now I was having some trouble getting those bullets to enter the case mouth evenly and without crushing the case. I switched over to an old Lyman PA seating die and that helped a lot. Then I decided to add an M Die to slightly open the case mouth. Hmm, couldn't find it but I did have a Lee universal case flaring die. I put that in station 2 and moved the powder dump to station 3.

Then I decided since all of this goes in a Garand (and the brass was sized by an unknown guy in the distant past using unknown dies) I would use a SB die so I set that up. Then I added a Lee factory crimp die to station 5. I cleaned and greased the zirks and the ram, plugged in the case feeder and got ready to rock and roll. A couple of shots of Dillon case lube (great stuff BTW and I filled the hopper. Bingo! we are back in business, loaded rounds come off just like an assembly line.

Occasionally there is a failure to feed on the primers....no big deal. I have a hand primer and out of the last 100 rounds, I had to hand prime just 3 rounds. I need to tweak the primer mech just a tad more I think.

R Talley