View Full Version : Lube Build Up

04-17-2015, 08:01 AM
I am getting a lot of lube build up in the camber of my XD40 to the point where it wont fully chamber after 10-15 rounds. After it jambs, the last round comes out with a thick ring of lube. Clean and repeat. I am currently using Lars Red, but have used that NAST black graphite, white lube and tumble lube with Alox/Mineral spirits. I don't get any build up with the Alox, but leading becomes an issue. I am using a Lyman to resize and lube at the same time. Suggestions? I love shooting my cast, but having to clean after 10 rounds is getting to be a pain in my

Budzilla 19
04-17-2015, 08:40 AM
I stopped using Alox by itself when I found the thread about BLL, Ben's Liquid Lube, crazy simple to make, easy to apply, and no leading so far on .38's or .45 ACP. Lee push through sizer, BLL, and let them dry. Load and shoot ,should fix some of the problems. Just my .02 cents. Good luck.

04-17-2015, 10:54 AM
I always wipe the noses of the bullets clean after I'm done loading them. Never had a chambering problem this way.

04-17-2015, 01:37 PM
+1 on wiping the noses clean after loading. That works for me.

04-17-2015, 11:15 PM
+2 on wiping noses clean.
If I'm loading some for a friend, I'll chuck each round in a Lee case holder in my cordless drill, then buzz it on an old clean cotton rag.
It also shines them up great!

04-19-2015, 08:33 AM
I've tried wiping the nose clean, but still builds up excessive lube in the chamber. I just checked my cabinet, and I still have some Alox. I think I'll give BLL a try in the next couple weeks. Thanks Budzilla for the tip. If this works, I may just retire my Lubrisizer.

04-19-2015, 12:17 PM
wait just a second.
think about the situation you are describing, it's really the after affect of what is really happening.
you are blowing lube out and around the case and it's building up in the chamber, then it is getting scraped forward and it gets blown back again and builds up to the point of stoppage.
and it's happening very quickly.

something as simple as a more firm taper crimp could fix the problem.
a slower powder or firming up the lube could do it too.
or maybe a combination of two different things is the answer, I'm pretty sure throwing in the towel at the first sign of a problem with something new isn't.

04-19-2015, 12:30 PM
All I shoot is lead bullets in my xd & xdm. I use various lubes, including WL CR, just not having this issue, 40 or 45. Wiping he noses helps a lot. Perhaps your bullets re a bit hard for the pressure used?