View Full Version : Morphodite Loadings!

04-13-2015, 12:53 PM
For the life of me its hard to understand why some folks want to come on this site which is BLACK POWDER PAPER PATCHING and post krap reference trying to paper patch using smokeless powder with morphodite bullets and cartridges not designed for paper patching in the first place! Possibly, in these posters minds, maybe their thinking is that if enough effort is made that their 'rifles' will eventually evolve into Sharps or other rifles from the period in which paper patching came about!! I really am not interested in reading your clap-trap on this site so it would be appreciated if you'd take your info over to the proper site!!

04-13-2015, 12:58 PM
And you are the authority on what?

04-13-2015, 01:20 PM
Chill out. This is a learning site. If you don't like it, leave.

country gent
04-13-2015, 02:00 PM
There is alot of experience here as to paper patching and loading them for long range accuracy. Thats the reasons they post there questions here is they are coming to what they consider the most knowledgable ad experienced for info. Most arnt willing to buy a custom mould dedicated to paper patched bullets with out testing trying them out first. There questions here should be a sense of pride that we are thought of in such esteem from these individuals.

04-13-2015, 02:09 PM
And you are the authority on what?


How's that work for you??

04-13-2015, 02:11 PM
It's good to have an opinion.
I express mine all the time.

04-13-2015, 02:23 PM
Lets say some one on this thread is very close to violating the T.O.S. and may need to rethink the attitude he "seems" to have.

04-13-2015, 02:45 PM
I'm guessing that the guy on the other thread doesn't know that there is a smokeless paper patching sub-forum here.

Lead pot
04-13-2015, 05:04 PM
Lets say some one on this thread is very close to violating the T.O.S. and may need to rethink the attitude he "seems" to have.


You as a Mod should know what smokeless patching starts on this black powder Forum.
The forum heading is : Black Powder Paper Patching.
The Mod should relocate a post like this to the proper place so this does not start.

Do with me as you wish If you think that I'm out of line.


04-13-2015, 05:22 PM
Heaven forbid, anyone would ever go off-topic on Cast Boolits!

Don McDowell
04-13-2015, 05:39 PM
:D Pretty good example of what happens sometimes when someone brings a 6 year old thread back to life... So far on that one nobody has come back with a totally different response than when they posted on it the first time....
Take a chill RM it's an old thread that will probably disappear for another 5 years, unless Dave or Bill or somebody says hmmmmmm and posts up their results. :brokenima I might even check with ol Doc and see if he got that slick block for the 38-55, and we can see what Olde Eynsford will do for the 38-92 bn express..

04-13-2015, 08:41 PM

You, as well as I know and have seen hundreds and hundreds of postings asking how do I do this or how do I get to this point whereby countless experienced guys will take the time to give a concerted effort/reply to someone in great detail and after all that, the OP finely comes back and says "Well....I'm going to do it this way" instead of going by proven info from very reliable guys that have been around this game probably before some of the OP were even born!! And for THAT reason....many guys have just said "To hell with it" and don't post! Wherever you and I may be in the world of BPCR....we didn't arrive at whatever point by not listening and applying the advice given freely to us by those with more experience than we had! When I come to this site aka BLACK POWDER PAPER PATCHING I am expecting to find postings reference those individuals interested in just what the title suggest and not some item concerning the use of SP using a bullet not designed to be paper patched in the first place!! I do this game out of the love of tradition and of the rifles that were designed for shooting blackpowder and I assume that's the reason you and many of the guys that come here for also and IMO there are certain subjects that belong on another forum!

Hope you get some rain!:D

Don McDowell
04-13-2015, 09:16 PM
Yup, but as this thing is 6 years old it ain't worth getting worked up about, besides ol Doc is still grinning about those blackpowder loads we shot thru his Old Faithful, and I'll about bet when he gets that mould for his Ballard, Ol Faithful is gonna breath fire and confetti.:D And I'll be sure to let folks know how it turns out..
Yup we need rain bad, this is heading for a worse drought than we had in 12 and 13.

04-13-2015, 11:26 PM
I started shooting BPCR rifles about 40 years ago. I got out of it, when I started seeing arrogant attitude show up. Lots of other old timers did, too. Very poor representation of the shooting sports.

Don McDowell
04-14-2015, 12:21 AM
Rick that's a shame you let some of the special folks run you off. There's a bunch of us normal folk that just have a great time.

04-14-2015, 07:12 AM

You as a Mod should know what smokeless patching starts on this black powder Forum.
The forum heading is : Black Powder Paper Patching.
The Mod should relocate a post like this to the proper place so this does not start.

Do with me as you wish If you think that I'm out of line.


As said many times there is no way for moderators to read every post on this site. There are now over 2.5 million posts on cast boolits. If some one reads a post they feel is in the wrong place and needs to be moved let a moderator know we are not mind readers (although some may think we are) with out coming on the board with a attitude and a bunch of chest thumping and know it all stance.

04-14-2015, 08:31 AM
Good reading; http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?264568-Infraction-system
It only takes one bad apple to ruin the whole barrel.

Don McDowell
04-14-2015, 10:27 AM
I would also suggest that sometimes (make that quite often) how things look/sound on an internet discussion, may not necessarily be the way should the same discussion happen in the real world.
I will say right here and now, that having had the pleasure of meeting Sharpsman, having spotted for him during a match, and having spent many phone conversations with him, that the way he sometimes comes across on the internet is quite far removed from the good ol boy he really is..
He's an old fella well into his 70's that while in the Armed Forces as a young man was able to practice the craft of fine rifle shooting, and having won many a national title, and set records before many of us here were born, there is quite a bit that can be learned from him,, just have to forgive the grumpy ol curmudgeon that comes across once in awhile.:grin:

Kenny Wasserburger
04-14-2015, 10:48 AM
I guess, maybe I have mellowed a bit. One has to consider that this forum is the one that pops up on a Google search on PP the most? Hence it is felt by many to be the leading authority on the subject. So we get those questions that seem pretty silly to the old hands. I think it is our responsibility to steer these posts to the correct forum, by contacting the Mods or list owner. I know where Rick stands, and I often agree with him. Then again scaring or pushing newbe PP shooters off is doing our sport a huge disservice. I do chuckle at some of the more goofy ones, but how does one learn and where does one go to learn?


04-14-2015, 11:01 AM
That is a good point. Why not go to people with the most experience on a topic, regardless of which firearm is being used? No sense in re-inventing the wheel.
The only BPCR shoots I go to at all anymore are invitationals run by old timers, as they also didn't like some of the attitude of newer competitors. It is an absolute hoot to shoot with people like Ted Thompkins and Bobby Giles. You are usually laughing so much it's hard to get off a good shot!

04-14-2015, 11:58 AM
As said many times there is no way for moderators to read every post on this site. There are now over 2.5 million posts on cast boolits. If some one reads a post they feel is in the wrong place and needs to be moved let a moderator know ...
Considering how quickly I have had posts deleted, received infraction notices, and actually been banned after saying something 'questionable', I always figured you Mods are reading our stuff almost as fast as we post it.

Beyond that, in every case I can remember where there was any objection to a 'smokeless' subject in a 'black' section, the question was always settled by a Mod telling the 'black' people to back off (like now).
After an altercation over 'black' versus 'substitutes', one Mod even authored a new thread titled 'I love Pyrodex' just to needle the 'purists' ... then made it a sticky so it could be 'enjoyed' for a year or two.

You are saying we should 'let a moderator know'.
I have always refrained from that, thinking it was like telling you how to do your job ... and therefore kinda insulting to you.
But, if you want us to hit the Mod button, that's what we'll do.

(then we will see if any 'offending thread' actually goes home)


Don McDowell
04-14-2015, 12:10 PM
That is a good point. Why not go to people with the most experience on a topic, regardless of which firearm is being used? No sense in re-inventing the wheel.
The only BPCR shoots I go to at all anymore are invitationals run by old timers, as they also didn't like some of the attitude of newer competitors. It is an absolute hoot to shoot with people like Ted Thompkins and Bobby Giles. You are usually laughing so much it's hard to get off a good shot!

You want to shoot a lousy score cuz your sides hurt from holding in the giggles, you ought to be on the line with Jimbo and Kenny when they get wound up and to going...

04-14-2015, 01:19 PM
I would also suggest that sometimes (make that quite often) how things look/sound on an internet discussion, may not necessarily be the way should the same discussion happen in the real world.
I will say right here and now, that having had the pleasure of meeting Sharpsman, having spotted for him during a match, and having spent many phone conversations with him, that the way he sometimes comes across on the internet is quite far removed from the good ol boy he really is..
He's an old fella well into his 70's that while in the Armed Forces as a young man was able to practice the craft of fine rifle shooting, and having won many a national title, and set records before many of us here were born, there is quite a bit that can be learned from him,, just have to forgive the grumpy ol curmudgeon that comes across once in awhile.:grin:


"national title"

Never won a National title....but I won many a match!

I admit to being a High Master Curmudgeon!!

Don McDowell
04-14-2015, 01:26 PM
I could of sworn I saw your name on a list from several years back some sort of national title/record.. oh well just take me out and shoot me for providing bad info. :kidding:

Lead pot
04-14-2015, 01:42 PM
Good reading; http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?264568-Infraction-system
It only takes one bad apple to ruin the whole barrel.

Even bad apples have good in them.

Just squeeze a rotten apple laying on the ground and taste the Cider you squeeze out. :)

04-14-2015, 04:04 PM
I could of sworn I saw your name on a list from several years back some sort of national title/record.. oh well just take me out and shoot me for providing bad info. :kidding:

IMO a 'National Title' means winning over someone like David Tubb, Carl Bernosky, or Middleton Tompkins and I never could quite put that together! I didn't get to train like those guys because my *** was always glued to the seat of an Ag aircraft! Business first....play later was what Dad taught me! I did win five state HP championships though! Best one was the Texas State Highpowder Championship. The wind was my friend that day....because I walked off with every trophy they gave away!! Wish I could go back and do it all over again!! Let me inject something into this right now though aka there's one helluva big difference betwixt hitting the X ring with a .30 caliber bullet and being able to stick a heavy .45 caliber all-lead cast bullet starting out at maybe 1350 fps! Anyone wishing to learn how to 'remotely' read flags and mirage.....only need to take up LR BPCR shooting to get a dose of humble pie!!

Don McDowell
04-14-2015, 08:35 PM
Anyone wishing to learn how to 'remotely' read flags and mirage.....only need to take up LR BPCR shooting to get a dose of humble pie!!
No truer words ever spoken..

Ballistics in Scotland
04-15-2015, 05:56 AM
I started shooting BPCR rifles about 40 years ago. I got out of it, when I started seeing arrogant attitude show up. Lots of other old timers did, too. Very poor representation of the shooting sports.

Ah yes, such as obliviousness to a far-off continent firing black powder without external hammers...

I can't say any online claptrap has ever done me any harm, but if it did, it would probably be due to lacking the fine instinct to recognize claptrap when I saw it. It is true that we see a lot of inquiries by people who want to paper-patch rounds with an undesirably short neck or fast rifling twist for that purpose. Or who want to fill up an undesirable amount of bullet diameter with paper, when the smallest space we can get four layers of paper into is highly desirable. But asking does us no harm, and black powder is often where the greatest knowledge of this particular technology is to be found.

Yes, the conventions of board usage often require us to express our opinions in moderate ways. Like I did.

04-15-2015, 11:06 AM
Threads like this disgust me.
One man uses a contained pressure chamber to launch a bit of lead through a piece of paper that never threatened nor did him any harm, and looks down on another man who does the same thing with a different diameter, propellant, twist rate, meathod of dimpling a primer, or jacket material.
There is only one word that properly describes someone who spends exorbitant amounts of money and time to pursue what others are doing for a fraction of the cost, and refuses to interact with said individuals, nor allow them to keep company when they find themselves within the range of comunication with the former individual:

I have considered educating myself in the diciplines of BPCR shooting, but I have yet to fill a brass case with black powder because I fear I may find myself in the company of, or perhaps be counted among, members such as these, which would be a shame too great for me to bear.
Fortunately, I find I have a lot of company with those who share my observation and sentiments.

I have better things to do with my time than to spend even five minutes reading posts in a forum that honors such base attitudes.......but I'll make an exception this time.

04-15-2015, 11:50 AM
What Tim said

04-15-2015, 12:55 PM
Threads like this disgust me.
One man uses a contained pressure chamber to launch a bit of lead through a piece of paper that never threatened nor did him any harm, and looks down on another man who does the same thing with a different diameter, propellant, twist rate, meathod of dimpling a primer, or jacket material.
There is only one word that properly describes someone who spends exorbitant amounts of money and time to pursue what others are doing for a fraction of the cost, and refuses to interact with said individuals, nor allow them to keep company when they find themselves within the range of comunication with the former individual:

I have considered educating myself in the diciplines of BPCR shooting, but I have yet to fill a brass case with black powder because I fear I may find myself in the company of, or perhaps be counted among, members such as these, which would be a shame too great for me to bear.
Fortunately, I find I have a lot of company with those who share my observation and sentiments.

I have better things to do with my time than to spend even five minutes reading posts in a forum that honors such base attitudes.......but I'll make an exception this time.

It appears that you have no problem in telling members to move out of a section that isn't proper for their discussion ... and you certainly don't hesitate to tell them to move out when their subject firearm is one that displeases you.

May I humbly suggest the righteous defenders of the holy AR note what section of the forum you are posting in?
I personally do not care for the AR platform or the underhanded way Springfield armory was thrown under the buss to make way for a civilian designed rifle that was almost reliable enough to be used in jungle combat. Therefore, my rifle of choice is the M14/M1A.

This is a forum dedicated to the single shot rifle, and that's what the OP started this thread about. Why has it been derailed and dragged through the mud by his brothers in arms?

04-15-2015, 01:01 PM
Well looks like this is going no place other than down and down time to end this it's locked.