View Full Version : What's a swaged half jacket .45 acp boolit sopposed to look like?

04-11-2015, 08:24 PM
OK, I made my core mold, have some half jackets for .45 acp, and a press. I played around with the equipment some this afternoon. I have a question or two. They are:
1. Is the length of the swaged boolit supposed to be about the same as a cast boolit?
2. Is there supposed to be exposed lead touching the riflings?
3. Is there an area that I should have looked at first before bothering you guys with these questions/

Thanks in advance for all help.


04-11-2015, 09:31 PM
1. yes
2. yes
3. ehh,, that's why the forum exists.

I have half jacketed bullets that look like a rnfp with a tall gas check.
I have some that look like a drive band sticking out of a jacket, and a swc type nose.
and others all over the map from there.
including just a gas check, plain lead, and hollow-pointed.
the point form in the die [or punch in some cases] determines the nose shape.
the core determines the weight/length and how much exposed lead you have sticking out of the case.

04-14-2015, 12:41 AM
I have a swage o matic and the 45 1/2 jackets look like a gas ck that goes half way up the length of the boolit the front half is just lead which does touch the rifling. I have never tried to make shorter ones (less lead showing)

07-01-2015, 09:13 AM



These Keith (named after the late Elmer Keith) or Truncated Conical Semi-Wadcutter style bullets are shown with the same weight, using different jackets. These are the so-called "Full", "3/4", and "1/2" jackets, then the gas check and Base Guard. Of these styles, the full jacket will usually be too heavy, and the 1/2-jacket and gas check may tend toward lead fouling. The Base Guard tends to scrape out the fouling for a cleaner bore, up to about 1200 to 1400 fps, in most guns, provided the diameter is a good fit to the bore.

07-01-2015, 12:33 PM
I swaged some base guard 45ACP bullets. There is a picture in the cannalure tool thread just below this thread in the swaging section. On these I knurled the bore riding area of the bullet to better hold 45-45-10 lube.


jason f
07-02-2015, 12:41 PM
here is a pick of my half jackets using ch4d 101 kits.

http://i1324.photobucket.com/albums/u616/jasonf14/IMG_20150513_222537_640_zpsnwoxuobw.jpg (http://s1324.photobucket.com/user/jasonf14/media/IMG_20150513_222537_640_zpsnwoxuobw.jpg.html)