View Full Version : Cant figure out what these pieces are RCBS maybe swaging?

04-10-2015, 10:03 PM
Picked up a box of odds and ends with a few things that I wanted in it and with that stuff came these pieces
The three long cylinders are marked R.C.B.S.Co and the short fat one has no markings
The two RCBS pieces with punches in them measure .270 and .229 and the O.D of the holder is .864 then necked down to .809 and 4" long.
I dont see how these would go into a normal press and I cant for the life of me figure out what these are.
The thrid RCBS piece has no punch but 3 captured ball bearings and a few holes on the other end.
The short fat one might be a commercial punch set of some short but I dont know the punch measures .305
Any clue as to what I have here?


http://i1355.photobucket.com/albums/q701/negster82/IMAG0510_zpsjbsqoall.jpg (http://s1355.photobucket.com/user/negster82/media/IMAG0510_zpsjbsqoall.jpg.html)
http://i1355.photobucket.com/albums/q701/negster82/IMAG0512_zpslgtzgmn4.jpg (http://s1355.photobucket.com/user/negster82/media/IMAG0512_zpslgtzgmn4.jpg.html)
http://i1355.photobucket.com/albums/q701/negster82/IMAG0513_zpsbn9nkyzp.jpg (http://s1355.photobucket.com/user/negster82/media/IMAG0513_zpsbn9nkyzp.jpg.html)
http://i1355.photobucket.com/albums/q701/negster82/IMAG0514_zpslsq4obia.jpg (http://s1355.photobucket.com/user/negster82/media/IMAG0514_zpslsq4obia.jpg.html)
http://i1355.photobucket.com/albums/q701/negster82/IMAG0514_zpslsq4obia.jpg (http://s1355.photobucket.com/user/negster82/media/IMAG0514_zpslsq4obia.jpg.html)
http://i1355.photobucket.com/albums/q701/negster82/IMAG0517_zpsmfmlax9t.jpg (http://s1355.photobucket.com/user/negster82/media/IMAG0517_zpsmfmlax9t.jpg.html)

Bent Ramrod
04-10-2015, 10:47 PM
I believe the RCBS ram with the ball bearings is the replacement ram section for the A2 press which was used when bullet swaging. It was not cut out for the priming arm and the shell holder, so it was better suited for the pressures involved than the shellholder ram. You punched out the cross pin and replaced the rams as the operation required. The punches for swaging and pressing the completed bullet out of the dies were held in the ram by the ball bearings, but could be quickly changed out.

The other long pieces might be dies to draw down jackets to other sizes, but that is more or less a guess. I don't have my RCBS instruction sheet at the moment, so I can't be sure, though. Hopefully, Pressman will comment as he has the reference materials.

The short pieces with the punches on them might be for some other company's swaging set. On the other hand, RCBS would set up their dies for any usable press on the market, and bullet swagers in the old days were generally pretty creative machinists, so there is a lot of hard-to-identify stuff out there any more.

04-18-2015, 11:25 AM
Mr. ramrod is right. RCBS had a lot of variations of dies. Pictures show what I have in the collection. They fit only the A series and pre A presses.
