View Full Version : Rent a Dillon 550B

04-10-2015, 01:55 PM
Hey everyone,
mI have quite a few things going on currently, aside from
my brass sales. My father has stage 4 mesothelioma and I just found out my best friend has about 80-90% blockage of blood flow to his brain. I Thought of doing a donation page to help both of them with the costs, but being me I don't believe in taking something from someone for nothing. So here's what I came up with, let me know if this would be of interest to anyone. I have a Dillon 550B with all the bells and whistles, ie. Aluminum roller handle, trays, bullet tray, strong mount.... Anyway, I know there's quite a few people out there that may want this setup, but can't necessarily afford it. Being that I still need use of it from time to time, instead of selling it I was thinking of renting it out. I know a lot of people can't afford the setup that I have and I want to benefit the community while helping with some of the medical bills for both my father and my friend. I have tossed around this idea, and I like it, the question is would anybody be interested in this? I would have to find out how much it would be to ship it and all that other business, but I was thinking of doing it on a 2 week - 1 month basis with different prices for each. I have all common caliber dies and for an extra fee could include the ones needed with the press. Once I have info on how much it would be to ship it then I can get a final price, but I was thinking of renting it for about $200/month (you can do a ton of reloading on these machines in that time) with an extra $20 a month fee for the Dillon die sets. Of course there would be a rental contract that would go along with it to protect me from theft of the machine and give me recourse if it were stolen, but in general I don't think I would have that problem on this forum. I was also thinking of sending brass with the machine as well as an added incentive, maybe 100-250 pieces of brass depending on the length of rental? Let me know what you all think and if anyone would be interested in this. Also I could cover the shipping of the press one way as well. Thank you all! Post below or PM me if this interests you!

"The Daily Gunner Brass"

04-10-2015, 02:19 PM
it would be about 55.00
I just shipped a 450 and had to break it down to fit in the large flat rate box.
the lady there was gonna charge me that much, till I pointed out the flat rate box.
I didn't have a tool head [of course] and no way would a powder dump fit.

04-10-2015, 02:53 PM
Good to know! Thank you for the info. I'll have break mine down as well and see what I can finagle, maybe it won't go with the strong mount :/

04-10-2015, 03:10 PM
I personally wouldn't do that with my machine but I can be a cynical son of a gun at times. I don't loan out my tools or my guns. Id extend that to my reloading equipment as well. I'd seriously think twice about this. A novel idea and I applaude your efforts to help your friend but there is just too much that could go wrong between mailing and everything else.