View Full Version : Anyone ever make a shotgun mag extension?

03-10-2008, 10:16 PM
I'm wanting to make one of these for a Browning A-5. There are commercial units out there for Remingtons and other modern guns, but I've found none for the old Browning.

In case you are wondering, no it's not for hunting. My cowboy action shooting club hosts an annual Wild Bunch match where they allow any pre-WWI guns instead of pre-1898 guns. For a shotgun the past couple of years, I've shot my pre-war Belgian A-5. Despite being raised by my father to hate "hump backs", I've taken a liking to the gun and it handles very nicely. I can run through the shotgun targets in the match (swinging steel plates, so pretty easy) fairly quickly.

However, the gun only holds four shells in the mag tube. In some stages, you are required to shoot more than four shots, so I have to reload, or run it dry and then single load the remaining shots.

I want to make my own extension tube so I can make it though the high round count stages without reloading. I was thinking of starting with a spare mag cap and then modifying it to have the extension tube stick through it. I realize the tube will have to be sticking out unsupported and can't be clamped to the barrel.

Have any of you guys tried something like this before?


03-11-2008, 06:57 AM
Thougth about it. Get a spare front-end nut for the original magazine, open up to accomodate a pipe/tube of the rigth size, weld.

04-24-2008, 09:28 AM
I dunno if the threads on the Browning are the same or at least close enough to a Remington M11 or not but I have two M11 riot guns with extended magazines.

What I did was test a Remington 870 extension...it threaded on fine BUT, on that design (M11) the mag cap holds the foreend in place and the extension leaves a gap of 1/4" between it and the foreend- so the foreend is not held in place anymore. It slides back and forth. Solution? Went to a machine shop and had him make me a 1/4" brass spacer that fit over the mag tube that the extension would then snug down on just like factory! Works perfectly.

I have two M11's with synthetic cut down stocks, 18.5" barrels with Remington rifle sights on them and two shot extensions. They run like tops-as good as any Benelli and half the cost- even with mods!

04-24-2008, 09:28 AM
I dunno if the threads on the Browning are the same or at least close enough to a Remington M11 or not but I have two M11 riot guns with extended magazines.

What I did was test a Remington 870 extension...it threaded on fine BUT, on that design (M11) the mag cap holds the foreend in place and the extension leaves a gap of 1/4" between it and the foreend- so the foreend is not held in place anymore. It slides back and forth. Solution? Went to a machine shop and had him make me a 1/4" brass spacer ring that fit over the mag tube that the extension would then snug down on just like factory! Works perfectly.

I have two M11's with synthetic cut down stocks, 18.5" barrels with Remington rifle sights on them and two shot extensions. They run like tops-as good as any Benelli and half the cost- even with mods!