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View Full Version : RCBS 38-148-WC Set Screw SCREW-UP

Thomas Traddles
04-04-2015, 08:51 AM
I have a nice wadcutter mold from RCBS in which I broke the tip of a cheap screw driver off when tightening the set screw. Thankfully, the sprue plate is set at an appropriate tension to cut clean bullet bases. However, I can't stand the idea of being unable to dismantle the mold or adjust the sprue plate in the event that it needs it. How can I fix this?

04-04-2015, 09:17 AM
Drill out the broken screw. Then d&t to the next largest size. If you don't feel comfortable doing this maybe some of the machinist here on the forum could do the work for you. Or. A local machine shop.

04-04-2015, 09:54 AM
Another alternative is to go to Lowe's or HomeDepot and get a gadget called a "Grabit" broken screw extractor.

You use one end to drill the broken screw. You switch ends and use the reverse taper "screw" end to engage the screw and it turns it out. I've used mine on many, many broken screws on my aircraft.
We're not talking about a $100 set of moulds, we're talking about $$$$ aircraft parts. The tool set is ~$15 irrc. It includes three "Grabit" bits and are suitable to a range of sizes.
Another alternative yet is a standard set of "broken screw extractors". Similar to the "Grabits", but require a separate drill bit. You'll likely need to get a GOOD drill bit as most are too soft, cheap to work on a "buggered" screw head in a tight place.

04-04-2015, 09:54 AM
Got pics?

Thomas Traddles
04-04-2015, 10:06 AM
Thanks for the replies.

Ben, I have not the tools or the competence to drill and tap, although this might be the place to start.

Goose, I've got a Grabit. I build wooden sailboats as a hobby and often use that on screws that have stripped heads. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it does not -- probably because the counter thread bit has become a bit dull.

Bhn-- no pics, sorry.

04-07-2015, 08:03 AM
Is the screw broken or is the tip of the screwdriver stuck in the screw head?

Thomas Traddles
04-07-2015, 10:33 PM
tryNto, The tip of the screwdriver is stuck in the screw head.

04-08-2015, 01:37 AM
Can you pry it out with a small pick?
Maybe try a small hammer and small punch.