View Full Version : CMP Clinic and Match

03-30-2015, 01:26 PM
I shot the CMP Clinic yesterday with my M1 Garand at our gun club in Ojai CA.

There was about 2 hours of instruction and since most of us had been before they went a little deeper into position shooting, sling use, and running the gun.

I learned a bunch !!!

First, I learned that the DCM,,, Director of Civilian Marksmanship, was created by Teddy Roosevelt simply because he saw how bad his rough riders sucked on San Juan Hill as marksmen. Also to improve the civilian population's marksmanship in case they were called on to defend the homeland. I knew some of this but not all.

I also wore a hole in my Right Elbow and learned why they all wear Shooting Coats. It turns out that the shooting mats wear the skin off your elbows pretty quickly, Gotta get a Shooting Coat pretty soon.

We shot an abbreviated version of the Nation Match Course at 200 yards with only 35 rounds. 5 sighters, 10 slow fire prone, 10 rapid fire prone and 10 Offhand.

I shot 80/100 slow fire 77/100 rapid, and 55/100 standing, and we shot the standing position last so that score was going to suck no matter what.

I learned how to single load a Garand without using a SLED, and doing so is much easier than using the SLED.

Learned a bunch about prone and sitting positions that I didn't know and have to practice to get right.

This was a good thing and I urge all of you that have any kind of service rifle from a Springfield to an AR to attend one of these clinics. They are very eager to have new people come to these events and are not picky at all about the guns you bring. They even told me I can shoot my Springfield M2 .22LR. Apparently they do shoot .22's at 200 yards as well.

You don't have to have a Garand and you don't even have to have a US made Service rifle. Any Service Rifle will do. And I plan on shooting my Enfield at an upcoming event as well as the M2 and a Springfield Sporter I am building as well as a Swedish Mauser I have been working on.

Virtually every real gun club out there that has enough facility, has this event . My gun club runs it everytime there is 5 Sundays in a month or about every 3 months. We also have people invited in from all over our state to shoot,,, and the "Gunny" (R. Lee Ermey) actually showed up once.

I missed that one,,, ******!

You also get one of these neato Certificates and it allows you to buy a Service Rifle from the CMP.

Anyway I think you all should go to one soon,,, It was a good time, and I came away a better Rifleman.

You will too!


country gent
03-30-2015, 01:44 PM
Used to help the state Assciation (ORPA) put it on at Camp Perry every spring we went one better for many years as rifles and ammo were supplied. GArands for adults and bigger juniors from erie ordanance and the national gaurd supplied some M16s for smaller weaker juniors. Ours was a 2 day event shot as 2 man team, Alot of father / son teams and even mother /daughter teams. Boy Scout troops would come as it qualified them for the marksmanship badge. Ours was a 4 hour class on saftey positions sling equipment scoring and ettiquete. on Saturday morning then a abbreviated match at 200 yds in th afternoon. Sunday was a 50 rd match coarse all from 200 yds. we would fill the range with preregistrations every year. Viale was 150 firing points and 4 relays. This match was open to unclassified shooters only and they got experience shooting the matches and working the pits both.

03-30-2015, 02:22 PM
CG: I would love to go to a Camp Perry event. When I am elected President, I will present the "Presidents Trophy," personally,,, which is the way it should be anyway.

The President should take pride in the Marksmen of this country, as they are the only real reason why we are a free country!


country gent
03-30-2015, 02:52 PM
Might be embarrassing for an unlike president ( like now) to have 100 medals refused from him. LOL. I have shot the presidents over the years and came close to the top hundred several times. Its a 30 round match 10 rounds offhand @ 200 yds 10 rds timed prone @300 yds and 10 rds slow prone @600 yds. I can remeber years when viale and rodregiuz ranges were full up 1400 + competitors in one day. To make the top 100 and get the metal was quite an accomplioshment. We did the cmp beginners match like a cmp/dcm match only with sighters allowed. Suppling rifles and ammo saved the block officers on the line alot of headaches from rifles and ammo that werent up to snuff. We had a Coach for every 5 firing positions, 5 new shooters could keep you pretty busy.

Brett Ross
03-30-2015, 05:34 PM
I have been considering shooting CMP but cannot shoot and unaltered rifle stock due lack of rotation in my right wrist. I have sent a email to the CMP rules peeps as they do give wavers for some devices for disabilities (will have to see if pistol grips fit in this category).

country gent
03-30-2015, 05:51 PM
A doctors descri[ption of the issue and diagnoses is ussually all thats needed to get a waiver. Another thing is under CMP Service rifle matches the Garand, M14/M1a, and AR 15 with unaltered exterior are all legal for service rifle leg matches. As to The vintage rifle, sniper rifle, and garand matches all have set rules that differ slightly.

03-31-2015, 09:54 AM
I wish we had more of these things in NJ but sadly we do not

Brett Ross
03-31-2015, 09:58 AM
I would hope to shoot one of three, my a303, K31 or M96. None of these rifles have been modified as shooting cast off a bench is no problem without holding with my right hand. I have permanently modified my 95/34 Styer as I hunt with it.

I am waiting to here back from CMP before looking to see if I can effectively strap a pistol grip on a rifle , if not I will pick one and alter it permanently.

03-31-2015, 01:12 PM
Tony just show up! I can almost guarantee they will let you shoot whatever you bring.


Brett Ross
03-31-2015, 01:32 PM
Randy, that's plan "B", doubt I will be a very competitive anyway but would like to jump though the correct hoops.

04-05-2015, 09:52 AM
CMP has had a 'road show' of matches for some while. Yes, they have the matches at Camp Perry, but they have eastern and western matches also:

04-05-2015, 02:06 PM
Tony: the CMP Clinics are all about getting you ready to compete. Nobody is competitive out of the gate and nobody expects it. It takes a while to learn the game.


04-05-2015, 08:13 PM
Go to a clinic/match and have a great time!

04-08-2015, 09:41 PM
I been on facebook too much, keep looking for the "like" button!

04-09-2015, 08:31 PM
Tony: the CMP Clinics are all about getting you ready to compete. Nobody is competitive out of the gate and nobody expects it. It takes a while to learn the game.Randy

Big +1 on that!
Most clinics are pretty loose about what you can shoot, the big idea is to get folks out Shooting! YMMV but most folks here get it.
Was it a service rifle somewhere at sometime, why not give it a go.
NBPRP was the national board to promote rifle practice, they used to work hand in hand with the DCM.
For actual EIC/board matches the rules will not be so lax though.