View Full Version : lanolin

03-09-2008, 01:00 PM
I have heard of commercial brass sizing lube that contains lanolin ?

Where can lanolin be purchased , say by the bottle ?

03-09-2008, 01:41 PM
So called "health food" stores frequently have it.

03-09-2008, 02:01 PM
I have heard of commercial brass sizing lube that contains lanolin ?

Where can lanolin be purchased , say by the bottle ?

You can buy it on EBAY fairly reasonable.

03-09-2008, 04:44 PM
Google 'anhydrous lanolin.' You'll be amazed by the number of places selling it. Be advised that you do NOT need the medical grade. I buy mine from a place that sells supplies for making cosmetics and soaps.

03-10-2008, 01:03 AM
Keep in mind that lanolin is a thick wax or grease from sheep. The purest forms therefore come in tubs. If you are getting lanolin in a tube it probably has something added to it to thin it out.

03-10-2008, 11:52 AM
Well, I can't stand it. You didn't ask for advice, only a source. Now, advice!

Been there, done that. Lanolin is messy and hard to remove from hands and cases. Forget using lanolin as case lube and use Imperial Die Wax instead.

If you want a less expensive wax substitute that is almost identical and works just as well as Imperial, go to Walmart's shoe department and get a can of Kiwi "Mink Oil" boot treatment, actually a moderately soft wax. Either type, rub your finger tips over the wax and transfer a small amount to your cases, especially around the web and neck.

Wax works good, lasts a long time, is clean and easy to clean off your brass and out of your dies. Do yourself a favor and use it instead.

03-10-2008, 01:27 PM
Right on 1hole. I've been using boot waterproofing for many years. It works as well or even better than Imperial sizing die lube, and costs about 1/5 the price. The stuff I'm using is called "Smiling Mink", and the container in use now was $1.79 for 3 ounces. I use it for jacketed bullet swaging, case reforming, and even as a lube for the Lee push through sizing dies. I've never stuck a case, and I've reformed 30/06 brass to 22/250 brass.

03-10-2008, 04:44 PM
Walley World. New baby section. Marketed as nipple cream. --- You asked.

03-10-2008, 10:15 PM
Nipple cream?

Wouldn't that be for blackpowder guns?

03-11-2008, 12:47 AM
In some bullet lube testing I did a couple of years ago I tried nipple cream as an additive. I couldn't tell the difference in the lube with or without it. Its actually for nursing mothers sore nipples, I guess my boolits nipples weren't sore cause it didn't help but it was expensive.

Lloyd Smale
03-11-2008, 05:41 AM
ive use lanolin as a case lube for years and dont have a bit of problem with it. I just put a little on my fingers and rub the case. It doesnt take much and if its becomming a mess for you your just using to much. I can lube and size cases and 2 hours in the tumbler and its gone. No harder to clean then imperial, rcbs or lee case lube but it works better and its alot cheaper. Plus its around to use for felix lube.

03-11-2008, 10:14 AM
"...I've reformed 30/06 brass to 22/250 brass"

Hey, 454 PB, I thought I was the only one doing that! Kinda fun, ain't it! ;)

Larry Gibson
03-11-2008, 11:35 AM
Got turned on to lanolin as a superb case sizing lube years ago by George Nonte at the NRA convention in Portland, Oregon. I had been using Herter's case lube. He said it was nothing more than lanolin mixed with STP. I mixed my own for years but just use straight lanolin now. A tudge on the fingers lubes necks for sizing really well and wipes off the neck with a paper towel. A Q-tip with some on lubes the inside of the neck if needed. For FL sizing a bunch of cases I use Dillon's spray lube which is lanolin in an alcohol carrier. It works very well. I also find that lanolin is cleaned off the cases completely with 15-20 minutes of tumbling in pitch free sawdust. I get my lanolin at a health food store; brand name is "Now". It comes in both solid form and liquid form. It is 100% lanolin.

Larry Gibson

03-16-2008, 08:29 PM
I just lubed and sized all the brass I had lying around from the last few month's shooting. I only get to go once a week or twice if I'm lucky here in Central coast Kalifornistan so it was only about 1500 cases all in all. Alot of bottle necked cases sized full length.

Decided to give the lanolin a try. Just a touch on my fingers now and again of lanolin did it. I was using brake assembly fluid but the lanolin is so much easier. I just washed it off with dish soap. Trick is not to use that much.

I wonder if you just had a sheep and rubbed the cases in it's wool?

03-16-2008, 08:42 PM
I wonder if you just had a sheep and rubbed the cases in it's wool?

I think it would be a bit cheaper to buy some lanolin than to feed the sheep. [smilie=1:

03-16-2008, 10:27 PM
yeah but you can always eat the sheep!!!! Not me but for some people I guess....Wes

03-16-2008, 11:06 PM
For the last year or so I've been mixing my own spray-on case lube. Dissolve anhydrous lanolin in 90% isopropyl alcohol (from Walgreens) in a small plant sprayer (1 part lanolin to 10 parts alcohol), spray it, and let it dry. After forming, toss the cases into a tumbler loaded with corncob media. add a couple of cleaning patches soaked in Goo-Gone (or similar citrus-base cleaner), and they come out shiny and dry.

Ingredients are all items I keep hand, anyway: anhydrous lanolin for BP lube, 90% alcohol for mould and small-parts cleaning, and Goo-Gone for removing stick-on labels.


03-17-2008, 01:14 AM
dillon case lube in the spray bottle is that lanolin and alcohol stuff,
i still keep the imperial and graphite around and use them also

03-18-2008, 03:35 PM
You should be able to get lanolin from any health food store. I had to call around to find somewhere that had it. You are looking for Anhydrous Lanolin (liquid) it usually comes in a 4-8oz bottle and costs under $10. As has been said, mix it 1:10 with 90% isopropyl alcohol, put in spray bottle and go to town!